Alaska News Nightly: March 13, 2008

Senator Stevens and Senator Murkowski sponsor an ANWR drilling bill in the US senate. Also, Governor Palin tries to strike a deal with...

Alaska News Nightly: March 12, 2008

Defending Champion Lance Mackey beat out Jeff King in the final hours of Iditarod 2008. And the race for 4th place came down to...

Alaska News Nightly: March 11, 2008

Vic Kohring fights to stay out of prison, while Congressional critics try to shoot down earmarking. Meanwhile, the Clean Elections ballot initiative clears its...

Talk of Alaska: Oceans in Need

Of all the coastal states, Alaska does the best job of taking care of its fisheries -- by far. The rockfish population off the...

Alaska News Nightly: March 10, 2008

Environmental groups sue the federal government to protect polar bears while the State plans a new aerial wolf kill program. Meanwhile, the governor and...

Line One: Dr. Jack Hickel

Dr. Jack Hickel has spent many years in Swaziland as a medical missionary. Today he is a local family physician working at Southcentral Foundation....

Algo Nuevo: March 9, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the March 9, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Traveling Music: March 9, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the March 9, 2008 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the...

AK: Not For Profit

In the state of Alaska, we have one nonprofit organization for every 77 people. No joke. So this week we take a look at...

Alaska News Nightly: March 7, 2008

State Lawmakers are talking gasline in the nation's capital. Meanwhile, the Palin Administration is beginning a final review of the TransAlaska proposal.  Also a...

Stage Talk: Sylvia

Director, Teresa Pond visits from New York to talk about Sylvia. Pond talks about growing up in Anchorage and the theatre scene...

Night Music: March 6, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the March 6, 2008 edition of Night Music with Kirk Walhaus. All tracks played are listed below...

Alaska News Nightly: March 6, 2008

The North Pacific Right Whale get unique status under the endangered species act. Plus, the shorter legislative session ratchets up pressure on legislators and...

Alaska News Nightly: March 5, 2008

The State Senate passed a bill today the saves billions of dollars in two reserve funds. Plus, the latest Iditarod update from the trail...

Alaska News Nightly: March 4, 2008

The former chief of staff to Governor Frank Murkowski pleads guilty to fraud while in office. Plus, Homeland Defense Secretary Michael Chertoff says...

Talk of Alaska: Corporate Citizenship

ExxonMobil told the Supreme Court last week that the enormous cost of its 1989 oil spill in Alaska is enough of a deterrent to...

Alaska News Nightly: March 3, 2008

The State Senate passes education funding improvements. Plus, a National Science Foundation grant will help preserve 11 Alaska Native languages. Also, Iditarod...

Line One: Health Literacy

Dr. Barry Weiss from the University of Arizona College of Medicine joins host Dr. Woodard for a discussion about health literacy. Health literacy includes...

Algo Nuevo: March 2, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the March 2, 2008 edition of Algo Nuevo -- Something New.If you have questions, comments or music requests for...

Something Different: March 2, 2008

Here's the music playlist from the March 2, 2008 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song...