AK: The Mail Boat

Living in a small town can be tough, but living in a small town without even a small grocery store is a special type of challenge.

Arctic Entries’ Upcoming Season Announced

Season Three of Arctic Entries is a mere month away. We are as excited as can be! With so many big changes at the end of last year, we wanted to transition you all slowly into the next season. Deep breaths and trust falls. See the themes, new hosts and more after the jump.

The U.S. Debt Downgrade

Monday, August 8 @ 9:00 - 11:00 am Listen as President Obama speaks about the economic situation, and as financial experts talk to NPR about the debt, the nation's credit rating and long-term outlook.

Refugee Families in Alaska

Tuesday, August 9 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Imagine having to leave your home, your friends, your job and your country – taking everything you can carry and moving from camp to camp until starting over in a foreign country. Now imagine doing this and having to start school, meet a whole new set of peers and do homework in a new language, too. That’s the reality for the some children in refugee families who resettle in Alaska and our two guests are helping to smooth the transition for these newest residents.

Arctic Imperative: Marie Greene – CEO, NANA

This presentation, given by NANA President and CEO Marie Greene, was recorded at the Arctic Imperative Summit in June at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska. For more details of the event, including video of each of the speakers, check out www.arcticimperative.com

Photo Gallery: 2011 Mat-Su Farm Tour

Photos from the recent 2011 Mat-Su Valley Farm Tour, via the Alaska Grown facebook..

A Native Lad: Turning Words Into Pictures

When I heard that the Alaska Humanities Forum was giving out $1 million in grants for creative projects associated with the 50th anniversary of statehood, I decided to apply for one to write a play. I was awarded the grant in 2008. Read more.

Ms. Camai Taking On Rural Suicide

Suicide is a strong word. It can put a room to silence, or make the world roar. I’m one of who does both. I’m silent when it happens, but I’ll roar when I want to stop it. And right now, I’m roaring! As Ms. Camai, my goal is to stop the rising rate of suicide among Alaska Natives with a touch of inspiration. And this is my first step into a path of conquering the negativities that affect my people. Let’s stop it together. Read More.

Photo Gallery: Rural Alaska Honors Institute Tour

Students from the Rural Alaska Honors Institute toured the museum on Friday, July 15. Operation manager Kevin May, genomic resources specialist Aren Gunderson and many of the museum's technicians showed off the labs and parts of the collection that most people don't get to see. See the photo gallery.

Alaska Children’s Trust endowment moves to ACF

The Alaska Children's Trust's nearly $11 million endowment, formerly managed by the Alaska Department of Revenue, was granted to The Alaska Community Foundation for the benefit of the Alaska Children's Trust as of July 1. Read more.

Ben Stevens; Role ‘Clarification;’ and the PFD

Friday, August 12 @ 2:00pm on KSKA and 7:30pm on KAKM Some of the top stories of the week have are: former State Senator Ben Stevens will not face federal corruption charges; Governor Sean Parnell “clarifies” Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell’s role; Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar tours Alaska; former Murkowski aide arraigned in Anchorage courtroom; “Palin gets state legal aid to fight lawsuit”; PFD faces extreme volatility due to world market turmoil; federal government investigating BOEMRE scientist.

Masterpiece Mystery!: Inspector Lewis, Series III

Kevin Whately returns as Inspector Lewis in a third season of the popular detective series.

Masterpiece Mystery!: Inspector Lewis, Series III

Kevin Whately returns as Inspector Lewis in a third season of the popular detective series.

Cyrano’s Upcoming Season

Friday, August 12 @ 2:45 pm This week on Stage Talk, Sandy Harper, artistic directors at Cyrano's, stops in to talk about what is coming up in the next season at Cyrano's. Listeners are encouraged to send in their favorite memories at Cyrano's.

AK: Music Lessons

But this isn’t your typical after school trip to your piano teacher’s house. In small town Alaska, finding the right music teacher can take a little ingenuity. And for one family in Petersburg, it meant thinking inside the box… you know that little high tech box that you probably spend way too much time on?

Back to School…Routines

Tuesday, August 6 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Summer vacation is coming to an end and with kids K-12 returning to the classroom it means the whole family will be readjusting daily routines. We're talking about establishing good schedules for: sleeping, eating, homework, after-school activities, weekend chores, family time, sports or music practice, church and of course, getting to school on time. Whew!

Arctic Warming Unlocking A Fabled Waterway

For centuries, the ice-choked Northwest Passage has been prized as a potential trade route. Now, rising Arctic temperatures mean the waterway is expected to open up for longer periods — a boon for shipping companies seeking a shortened trade route and for nations vying for untapped natural resources.

My 60th First Day of School

In honor of the first day of school Arnie Cohen, Headmaster of Pacific Northern Academy, sent us this reflection on his years in education. What are your memories of the first day of school? Click to share your story.

Video: Brotherly Love

Housing is a challenge for people who experience intellectual or developmental disabilities. Jack was discovered living in unsuitable conditions in the lower 48. His brothers worked with The Arc of Anchorage to correct the situation.

Alaska Native Playwrights Project: Calling All Alaska Native Artists!

The Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) will host its second annual Alaska Native Playwrights Project (ANPP), designed to identify, train and nurture Alaska Native writers who wish to tell their stories and the stories of their people in theatrical form. More details on how to apply.