Junk Dreams

The KAKM Membership Drive continues tonight with a television premiere of "Junk Dreams," a documentary that follows a pair of brothers in their 80s...

The War: Tonight at 7PM

Tonight on KAKM,  watch parts 1 and two of the Ken Burns’ THE WAR: PRIDE OF OUR NATION series. From D-Day in Europe to the...

Running 2011: School Board, Seat D

Treg Taylor, Gretchen Guess, David Nees and Roman Romanovski discuss the amending the school district budget and preparing for cuts, parent involvement,...

Running 2011: School Board, Seat C

Incumbent Pat Higgins and Bob Griffin discuss past and upcoming school district budget approvals, classroom size, graduation rates, career and technical training,  teacher...

2011 Ballot Propositions

Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage On the ballot this year are three bonds proposed by the Anchorage School District. Also be sure to listen...

Join KSKA for a Special Fundraiser Lunch at Aladdin's

Aladdin's and Bridge Builders of Anchorage invite you to join us to raise funds for KSKA. Aladdin's will open for lunch 11am-2pm...

An Open Invitation to Join the Conversation

It's easy to become a Town Square 49 contributor. Whether you're a Nonprofit, a Civic Organization, or a business in service of Alaskans - this is your invitation to participate as a digital storyteller.

Citizen Voices Power Town Square 49 – Find Out How

You can change the way your community, and our state, shares its stories by taking part in Town Square 49. Skeptical? Allow me to explain.

Stevens Crash Information, Sealaska Bills and the Coastal Zone Management Program

This week on Alaska Edition, host Michael Carey is joined in the studio by Paul Jenkins, from the Anchorage Daily Planet, Steve MacDonald, of KTUU Channel 2 News, and Libby Casey, APRN’s Washington DC correspondent.

360 North Carrying Soboleff Memorial Service

Memorial services for the Reverend Doctor Walter Soboleff will be carried live on statewide television Saturday. Beginning at 2 p.m., Doctor Soboleff will be remembered at a Grand Camp Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood service followed by a community memorial.

Governor Parnell Wants Changes to Oil-Taxes; Wildfires Sweep Through the Interior; and Joe Miller’s Sea Voyage

This week, they will take a closer look at Governor Parnell's call for changes to Alaska's oil-taxes; wildfires striking Interior Alaska, Joe Miller's upcoming sea voyage; an update on the Coastal Zone Management Program; Sarah Palin visits historical sites on her way to New Hampshire; parking enforcement changes in Anchorage; reapportionment in the Legislature; Pete Kott may need to return for a new trial; and what surprises may be revealed with the release of Sarah Palin's emails.

“Not A Cappuccino” Filming in Eagle River

This month on Alaska Radio Reader Rambler, Anchorage-based, independent film makers, Annia Wyndham, Janna Shaw and Eric Hayden stop-by to talk about Not A Cappuccino, a romantic comedy currently being shot at Jitters coffeeshop in downtown Eagle River.

Drugs These Days

Whether it’s something like “Spice” you can get over the counter, prescription pills swiped from the bathroom cabinet, today’s marijuana or something else – let’s face it – the Drugs These Days are different than when adults were growing up. Ever heard of “bath salts”? They’re not what you think…

Free-Range vs. Over Parenting

What’s your parenting style – laid-back or helicopter? Do you let the kids run free or do you hover? Where do you draw the lines between cautious and fearful; encouraging and pressuring; and healthy exposure and over-protection? Research shows that kids these days are safer and healthier than in other time in history – so why all the worry?

Night Music: May 21, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G.  All tracks...

Night Music: May 28, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G.  All ...

Night Music: June 4, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G.  All tracks...

Soul to Soul: May 21, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks ...

Something Different: June 5, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Something Different with Betsy. ...

Traveling Music: May 29, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. ...