The future of the Alaska VA Healthcare system

Disability claims for veterans can take up to five years to process. Why? The VA has been plagued with problems for decades. Funding shortages, poor coordination, and a range of complex health issues faced by service members have all created barriers for vets seeking care. Amid increased attention on the problems, are improvements on the horizon? Listen Here

How safe is your mobile device? Your home computer? Your small-business network?

How do you keep your home computer and router and your mobile device safe from hackers? How do you scale that up for a small business. We asked the FBI, and they are sending experts in cyber security to share best practices and take your questions. LISTEN HERE

Union Workers Testify Against Ordinance

Hundreds of union workers turned out to testify before the Anchorage Assembly Wednesday night, against an ordinance that could limit unions.

Alaska News Nightly: May 26, 2014

Crews Battle Funny Fire, Anchorage Air Affected by Fires, Tyonek Fire Almost Contained, China Lifts Ban on AK Shellfish, Feds Updating Chukchi Scenarios; New Fisheries Possible for Unalaska, StoryCorps: Paratrooper

Tales of the Movie Business in Alaska

It’s getting so you can’t turn on a television set without seeing or hearing something about Alaska. And a lot of Alaska is getting into the movie theaters as well. Is any of it true? APRN: Tuesday, 12/24 at 10:00am Download Audio

Talk of Alaska: Fentanyl and Overdose Deaths

High rates of substance abuse and addiction have long plagued Alaska, but in recent years, fentanyl has greatly increased the number of overdose deaths.

AK: John Muir

Muir is one of the most renowned naturalists of the last two centuries. President Theodore Roosevelt turned to Muir when planning America’s first National Parks. In the late 1800s, Muir decided to journey to the far north. And the first stop on his great Alaskan expedition was Wrangell Island in the Inside Passage. KSTK’s Shady Grove Oliver traces the history of Muir in Wrangell from his first steps on the island to his continued influence today. Download Audio

Night Music: August 26, 2018

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known...

Staffing Study Says Current Police Staffing Will Allow More Community Involvment

Increase Community Policing and cut down on the time officer's spend handling "calls for service." Those were just two of the recommendations released...

Yippee for You, KSKA Listeners

Thank you KSKA community for another outstanding membership drive. Every spring and fall you pull together to make our pledge drives successful and so much fun. We love hearing from you and meeting you at the station. Thanks for taking the time to support your public radio station in every possible way. We couldn't do what we do without you.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, May 23, 2017

3 things for Alaskans to know about Trump's budget; Violent streak in Fairbanks draws concern from officials; House passes bill intended to curb opioid overdose deaths; Cape Greig walrus are back, ADF&G plans changed fishery boundary again; Navy to scan Kodiak waters for WWII explosives; Anchorage aims to ease fee on 'cottage food' industry; For the sake of the herring egg harvest, Sitka Tribe calls for smaller fishery; Grant looks to educate western and northern village children on environmental issues; Ask a Climatologist: The early arrival of ‘peak summer’ in Alaska Listen now

Membership Matters

Some of us inherited our love for public radio from our parents. Others caught the bug later in life. Whether you've been listening since before you could understand the words or your radio just recently got stuck on the FM 91.1 dial, we need your support during this Spring Membership Drive. Call us or pledge online before Friday at 6:00 pm to help us reach our goal. Thanks for listening and supporting KSKA - Anchorage!

Klawock hopes for an economic boost as it welcomes cruise ships for the first time

The ceremony was the result of 18 months of planning by tribal leaders, who are hoping to revive the town’s flagging economy with tourism.

Alaska News Nightly: November 16, 2012

BP To Pay $4.5 Billion In Deepwater Horizon Settlement; House District 34 Race All Tied Up; Fire Crews Respond To Engine Explosion On Shell Drill Rig; US Mint Issues Denali Quarter; Man Convicted In Hoonah Murder Wants New Trial; Fuglvog Fishing Associate To Pay $100,000 For Illegal Fishing; Bethel Search And Rescue Leader Resigns; Wildlife Agency Prepares For Alaska Employee Loss; AK: Parrots; 300 Villages: Craig

Traveling Music: March 20, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the March 20, 2010 edition of Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following...

Independent Lens: The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975

Combining startlingly fresh and candid 16mm footage that had lain undiscovered in the cellar of Swedish Television for the past 30 years, with contemporary audio interviews from leading African-American artists, activists, musicians and scholars, ”Mixtape” looks at the people, society, culture and style that fuelled an era of convulsive change, 1967-1975. Utilizing an innovative format that riffs on the popular 1970s mixtape format, this is a cinematic and musical journey into the black communities of America. KAKM: Thursday, 2/9 @9:00pm
A woman in a neon green tank top runs through the finish line with a cheering crowd behind her.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Fishermen in Whittier are concerned after a fire burned the fuel dock. Plus, Anchorage will not clear a homeless camp after a lawsuit challenged the city's ability to do so.

Traditional Healing on Tudor

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage Tucked along the south side of Southcentral Foundation’s complex of modern medical facilities is the traditional healing garden. Even with...

Lung Cancer

KSKA: Monday, November 14, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Not all people diagnosed with lung cancer smoke. Lung cancer is a disease that can affect anyone. In fact, most people who get lung cancer today have either stopped smoking years earlier or never smoked. We'll discuss lung cancer on Line One Your Health Connection. LISTEN NOW

Something Different: July 19, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the July 19, 2009 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following...