Backyard Chicken Blogging

Today we’re talking chickens. Mara Bacsujlaky is a bit of a chicken expert. In addition to raising her own chickens, she hosts workshops, handles them for her job at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. And, she writes a blog dedicated to them. She is a fan.

Rural Energy Conference Aims To Cut Bush Power Costs

Rural Alaska power costs are skyrocketing.. that fact is not in dispute This week, energy providers are gathering in Anchorage to find ways to help bring down costs (while investigating new projects that could work in the state.) The goal of the Alaska Rural Energy Conference is to create a forum to share ideas aimed at finding solutions for energy - challenged Alaskans.

Borough Group Seeks Valley Sexual Assault Response Program

Matanuska Susitna Borough residents turned out at Tuesday night's Borough Assembly special meeting to speak up about what they want included in this year's budget. And one line item that many Valley health care and law enforcement professionals are backing is funding for a Sexual Assault Response Team.

AK: Bacon

This week on AK, bacon. From its sound to its smell, it’s safe to say most meat eaters love everything about bacon. But few love it as much as Erik Johnson. He makes his homemade. Over the years he’s experimented with different bacon recipes, once even using an entire bottle of whiskey as a marinade.

Squash Mac & Cheese

Heidi Drygas Squash Mac 1 I love this dish. But I seriously fretted about what to call it. Because it's a lighter mac & cheese, but calling it "light mac & cheese" is such a culinary turnoff. Might as well tell folks to chew on some saw dust, eh? See the recipe.

Mountaineering on the Cheap

Today we learn how to take an epic Alaskan journey on the cheap. Luc Mehl has lived in Alaska most of his life, and he does not waste an opportunity to be outdoors. Luc has done it all - from skiing down volcanoes to pack rafting through craters. Most recently he traversed and climbed the three largest peaks in North America. That’s more than 800 miles of hiking, biking, skiing and rafting.

Celebrate National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day

Thread Child Care Provider Day The second Sunday in May has long been recognized as the day to honor mothers and their commitment to children. But, did you know the Friday before Mother’s Day, May 10, 2013, is Provider Appreciation Day? Learn more.

The Illusive Portage Glacier

In the early 1950s, many people thought Alaska was remote, practically inaccessible. I was seven years old the summer of 1951 when my father quit his job as a Northwest Airlines pilot and moved our family from Seattle to Anchorage to begin flying for Pacific Northern Airlines. Read more.

The Civil War as Surreal

Our country is celebrating the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the Civil War (1861-1865). On a recent trip East, husband Dave and I tried to remove the surreal when imagining neighbors killing neighbors or our non-white relatives as slaves. Read more.

AK: Going Bald

When you’re a teenager, looks matter. But one girl in Sitka decided that those concerns were trivial, and shaved her head for a cause much bigger than herself. By choosing to go bald, she was supporting childhood cancer research across the U.S. Download Audio

Traveling Music: May 12, 2013

  Rough and Rocky Cathie Ryan The Farthest Wave Shanachie 78062   Waiting on the Evening Rise Ben Demerath Fishing Music ll   Rain Night Cindy Kallet Dreaming Down A Quiet Line STM-1   Fishin’ in the Wind Mike Dowling Fishing...

USS Anchorage Is Commissioned; and Unions Go To Court Over Labor Law Referendum

The USS Anchorage is commissioned in it's namesake city. Unions go to court over the Anchorage labor-law referendum. Parnell announces that he will not seek a senate seat in 2014. New developments in the Fairbanks Four case. Last, Wally Hickel, the movie...or at least the story on film. Download Audio

Blazing New Bike Trails at Kincaid Park

Anchorage’s Singletrack Advocates are planning to build more mountain bike trails this summer – a six mile extension of the popular trails they have already built at Kincaid Park. This ambitious goal is the way this can-do group rolls. Read more.

Birding Gear 101

Zac Clark Birding 101 Enjoying the world of birds doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be a fun hobby for the entire family without spending a dollar. However, if you would like to invest in birding tools, here are a few that will help putting those puzzles together. Learn more.

Protect Early Starts with Recycled Milk Jugs

Jamie Woodside Hot Caps 2 I started Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower seedlings the second week of April. To get them started outside early, I decided to use all those milk jugs I've been saving and make some hot caps. Learn more.

Congratulations Graduates!

Join us in congratulating the Anchorage high school graduating class of 2013, as well as the many people who helped them along the way. More.

The Growing Up Anchorage Website

Today we’re growing up in Anchorage. Many people who move to Alaska end up never leaving, but what about the people who grow up here and then move away? Jana Nelson came to Anchorage in 1948, when she was just six years old. Now, Nelson has created a website dedicated to the Anchorage she remembered. Read more.

A Tribute to Three Moms

Anchorage Parks Foundation Lia Standing next to them in the grocery line, you might not suspect their powers. You see them at the school play, at the hardware store, and at the park. They are your friends, your co-workers, your sisters. They are our world’s ultimate superheroes. They are moms. Read more.

AK: Exploding History

It's been more than 70 years since Unalaska came under attack during World War II, but you don't have to look hard to find the remnants. The community is littered with old gunnery installations, battered Quonset huts and bunkers – some of which are being preserved for posterity. But there's history, and then there's hazard, and the shells and bombs that keep washing up on Unalaska's shores fall somewhere in between. Download Audio

Comparing Cost Of Medical Procedures; And Obama Administration Controversy

The White House releases comparative cost information for medical procedures conducted by hospitals all over the country. Between Benghazi, the IRS misbehavior, and finally the Justice Department digging into the Associated Press phone records, the Obama Administration is awash in controversy. KSKA: Friday, 5/17 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 5/18 at 6:00pm TV: Friday, 5/17 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 5/18 at 5:00pm Download Audio