Alaska News Nightly: July 1, 2011

Nixon’s Moon Rock Creates Legal Battle, Supreme Court Upholds Smoking Ban in Juneau, EPA Grants New Coastal Drilling Permits to Shell Oil, UAF Program Connects Fisheries to Cafeterias, and more...

Rise of the Backyard Chicken

Wednesday, July 6 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Cooperative Extension Service noticed the uptick four years ago, chickens being sold on craigslist at $100 for “a guaranteed layer.” The service launched “Chicken University” to spread good information on raising chickens. Cooperative Extension’s Stephen Brown, the “chicken guy” in Alaska, joins host Kathleen McCoy on Hometown, Alaska.

The Sleeping Beauty

July 1 at 2:45 pm Join us on Stage Talk this week as we speak with director Joe King and actress Joan Hamilton about the Alaska Fine Arts Academy's production of The Sleeping Beauty.

Alaska News Nightly: June 30, 2011

Parnell Plans Aggressive Push for ANWR and APR-A Development, Seven Fishermen Killed So Far in 2011, Judge Upholds Threatened Status of Polar Bears, Parnell Accused of Targeting Budget Cuts at Lower Kuskokwim District, and more...

The Supreme Court and Student’s Rights

Tuesday, July 5 at 10:00am The banner was not on school property, but the court said a principal at Juneau-Douglas High School had a right to tear it down.

Capital Budget Veto Update; Coastal Zone Management Dies; and Alaska Pipeline Woes

July 1 at 2:00pm on KSKA 91.1FM and 7:30pm on KAKM, Channel 7 television Gov. Sean Parnell vetoes $400 million from the capital budget; Coastal Zone Management Program dies in a special session of the Legislature; Anchorage Superintendent of Schools Carol Comeau announces her retirement, and more.

Alaska News Nightly: June 29, 2011

Parnell Finalizes Operating and Capital Budgets, Parnell’s Budget Cuts Were Expected, Alaskans Asked for Feedback on Chukchi Oil Spill Impact Plan, Study Show New Details on Declining Oil Throughput in TAPS, and more...

The Future of Health Care

Thursday, June 30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm As Commonwealth North continues to tackle Health Care Reform in Alaska as one if its key policy issues, the group invited Rick Pollack of the American Hospital Association to speak on the "Future Health Care: Balancing Cost, Quality and Access" on June 15.

Night Music: June 25, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus.

Night Music: June 18, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus.

Alaska News Nightly: June 28, 2011

Parnell Vows to Veto Coastal Management Bill, Parnell Proposes to ‘Secure Alaska’s Future Initiative – Oil’, Estimate of Cook Inlet Natural Gas Reserves Increased by 10x, NASA Wraps Up ICESCAPE Mission, and more...

The Alaska Food Challenge

Tuesday, June 28 at 10:00am Is it possible? Is it desirable? A group of Alaskans has pledged to eat only food from Alaska for a year.

Alaska News Nightly: June 27, 2011

State House Still Mulling Over Coastal Management Program, Hoonah Gets Federal Funds for Broadband Internet, ACS Goes ‘4G’Crash Near Beluga Lake Kills Pilot, and more...

The American Kid

Tuesday, June 28 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Independence Day is just around the corner and so we're asking: what does the American Kid look like these days? How much health care does she receive, how often is he graduating from high school, with how many parents does she live and do those parents work, and on which side of the poverty level does he live? Researchers from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count project join us to discuss the latest data that points towards the well-being of children nationwide... and statewide.

Rock Island Line: June 26, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Rock Island Line.

Medical Anthropology

Monday, June 27 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm How does the economic and political systems of a society shape health risks and treatment resources? This week on Line One, Dr. Sergei Bogojavlensky joins host Dr. Thad Woodard to discuss the relationship between anthropology, medicine and medical practice.

Perry Eaton Goes To Paris

Monday, June 27 at 1:30 pm Well known artist and Native leader, Perry Eaton, is having his first solo show in Paris, France in early June and will tell us all about this extraordinary experience.

Everyone Wants To See Your Movie

Recharge your old camcorder batteries, try out your new camera’s video features, or even dust off your old home movies – Alaska filmmakers and film fans are hungry for movies and they want to see your stuff. No experience necessary.

AK: Rhubarb Renaissance

The humble vegetable is undergoing something of a Renaissance, with studies on its health benefits, export possibilities and plans for commercial production of rhubarb juice in the works.

Alaska News Nightly: June 24, 2011

Judge Orders Joe Miller to Pay Legal Fees from Election Challenge, U.S. House Rejects Cutting Funding to Offensive in Libya, Residents Return to Unalaska and Dutch Harbor After Tsunami Warning, Coast Guard Trains for More Arctic Traffic, and more...