Alaska News Nightly: July 19, 2011

‘Gang of Six’ May Break Through Debt Ceiling Stalemate, Legislative Hearing Targets Government Waste, BP Continues Cleanup of Lisburne Drill Site Spill, 2012 Kuskokwim 300 Race Could be Called Off, and more...

Video: The Encounter

In June 2011, a group of students from the Lower Kuskokwim School District attended special multimedia training in Anchorage. As a part of that opportunity, they produced their own short films. Here is the first (of several) to be featured on, entitled The Encounter.

Two Alaskans fight for LGBTQ equality in the courts

If you ask the average person what the big name issues are in the movement for LGBTQ equality, property tax exemption is nowhere near the top of the list. The issues that tend to receive the most attention from national and statewide LGBTQ advocacy organizations are gay marriage, employment nondiscrimination, and more recently, transgender equality. Read more.

Arctic Imperative: Edward Saggan Itta – Mayor, North Slope Borough

Whether we like it or not — the polar region is changing. The natural world is constantly in a state of flux, but the pace at which we’ve seen the sea ice erode in recent years is unprecedented. The same goes for erosion eating away at our shores, or the number of months when the tundra is exposed. Our ice cellars are melting along with the permafrost. Click to read more.

Alaska News Nightly: July 18, 2011

Rep. Young Missing from Washington as Congress Nears Debt Limit Deadline, Two Fort Wainwright-based Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan, BP Cleaning Up Oil Spill on North Slope, Convicted Poacher Sentenced on Probation Violation, and more...

Something Different: July 17, 2011

Here’s the July 17, 2011 music playlist from Something Different with Betsy.

Algo Nuevo: July 17, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the Sunday, July 17, 2011 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have...

Night Music: July 16, 2011

Here’s the July 16, 2011 music playlist for Night Music with Connie G.

Video: Bike/Ski/Raft Denali Traverse

Check out the full article for a link back to blogger Luc Mehl's site, as well as a companion blog post. To submit your video, just send a link to

Alaska News Nightly: July 15, 2011

Maniilaq Association Lays Off Unspecified Number of Employees, Rachelle Waterman Sentenced to Three Years, Indian Affairs Committee Investigating Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Rates, Mat-Su Mayor Surprised by Anchorage’s Suit Against Knik Arm Crossing, and more...

Book Review: Spoon Fed by Kim Severson

Remember when the Anchorage Daily News was thicker. Those days are gone but the News’ former food editor Kim Severson is well and now the Atlanta bureau chief for the New York Times. She’s just published a memoir-cookbook. Severson finishes each culinary interview with recipes like aioli and even spaghetti and meatballs. Click to read more.

AFN’s Alaska Marketplace: Investing in Alaska’s Best Ideas

The AFN Alaska Marketplace (AKM) is the latest in AFN's long history of initiatives intended to foster growth in the rural economies where so many Alaska Natives live and work, stimulating economic growth in rural Alaska by tapping into the deep cultural knowledge and skills of Alaska residents. Click to find out more.

UAA’s New Sports Arena

Wednesday, July 20 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Thanks to a voter-approved bond and legislative funding, UAA is ready to build a new sports arena that will cost $109 million and provide an on-campus venue for major sporting events. Host Charles Wohlforth visits with UAA Athletic Director Steve Cobb and booster Steve Nerland to learn about the impacts and benefits of this major new facility.

AK: Bees

This week on AK... bees. We've all seen them, fat and fuzzy, zigzagging from flower to flower in a seemingly erratic flight to somewhere. Bumblebees were so named for their clumsy trip from bud to bud, not to mention their signature sound, like tiny buzzsaws.

Alaska News Nightly: July 14, 2011

Conservationists Lend Support to Alaska’s Subsistence Whalers, Senate Finance Committee Examines Efforts to Lower Oil Taxes, Fairbanks Meets Deadline for Redistricting Challenge, U.S. House Passes Bill to Curtail EPA, and more...

Industry in Alaska

Tuesday, July 19 at 10:00am Nobody ever said it would be easy to launch an industry in Alaska. To start with, there aren’t many customers. Then there’s the matter of thousand-mile supply lines. On the next Talk of Alaska we’ll meet some people who have overcome these barriers to run successful businesses.

Skin Cancer Types, Causes, and Treatments

Monday, July 18 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm As more facts become available about skin cancer, more questions pop-up. What are the types of skin cancer? Who is at risk? What are the treatments available?

Stories at the Cemetery

Friday, July 15 at 2:45 pm The spirits of Russian Jack, Syndney Laurence and other memorable Anchorage area pioneers will return to their grave sites in downtown Anchorage for Stories at the Cemetery this Friday night. Tour organizers Linda Benson and Audrey Kelly join host Jean Paal this week on Stage Talk.

Knik Arm Crossing; Proposed Southcentral Bullet Line; and Redistricting Lawsuits

Friday, July 15 at 2:00pm on KSKA 91.1FM and 7:30pm on KAKM, Channel 7 television Dan Sullivan has gone to court over the Knik Arm Crossing; AHFC did a study of the proposed bullet line bringing gas from the North Slope to Southcentral; "BP Ordered to send Feds $25 million"...

Alaskans and Social Media

Wednesday, July 13 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm There’s an information and interaction party going on worldwide. Why should Alaskans care? What does social media mean to you? Should you dive in or can you ignore it?