Anchorage Community Theatre 2011-2012

Friday, August 5 at 2:45pm This week on Stage Talk, Bill Cotton and Shatzie Schaefers stop by to share what's coming up next season at Anchorage Community Theatre. Auditions are being held Friday night for Arsenic and Old Lace, set to open the new season in October.

Video: 2011 Alaska Mountain Wilderness Classic

It featured a blizzard, a foot of fresh snow, over 30 crevasse breaches. This is supposed to be the Summer Classic? Only in Alaska.

Video: Fairview Block Party

You may have missed the Fairview Block Party back in June, but Gabi Riquelme, Krisha Manuel and Mario Davis of the Alaska Teen Media Institute were there. They produced a great video, which really captures the spirit of the event. Check it out.

Alaska News Nightly: August 3, 2011

State Approves Lease Agreement for In-State Gasline, Denali Commission Official Anxious for Clarity on Returned Funds Request, Parnell Objects to Federal Management of Wetlands, Arkansas Teenagers Who Killed Juneau Man Will be Tried as Adults, and more...

Teens: Volunteer at the Anchorage Museum!

If you were asked to picture your typical volunteer at the Anchorage Museum, you might NOT immediately think of teens. You might be surprised to learn that the museum has an entire teen program, which is seeking new applicants. Here are the details.

427 – A Series of Black and White Photos

The UAA Student Union Gallery presents 427, a series of black and white photographs by UAA BFA graduate Liz Shine, exploring the tangible and intangible elements of memory, family, loss, physical space, and time. Click to read the artist's statement.

Alaska News Nightly: August 2, 2011

Former Murkowski Aide May Face Jail Time for Fishing Violation, Congress May Leave FAA in Partial Shut-Down Mode, Cordova Times Will Be Purchased By Its Editor, Permanent Fund Dividend Will be Lower than Last Year, and more...

Something Different: July 31, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name/Composer Album Title CD Label Song Duration Every...

Algo Nuveo: July 31, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the Sunday, July 31, 2011 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have...

APRN Speaker Series: Peter Kenyon

Thursday, August 4 at 2:00 pm Addressing Alaskans is back on KSKA and we’re kicking off season three with recordings from past APRN Speakers Series. This Thursday, listen to NPR foreign correspondent Peter Kenyon recorded at the Wendy Williamson on October 24th. Kenyon came to NPR from the Alaska Public Radio Network where he began his career as a reporte for KFSK in Petersburg.

Saturday Markets Blossom in Anchorage

Wednesday August 3 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Farmers Markets are the biggest thing since Matanuska cabbages. And if you want to buy local there's more than just produce popping up around town. Join host Peter Dunlap-Shohl and his guests as they explore the differences in Anchorage Saturday Markets on Hometown, Alaska.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children

Tuesday, August 2 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Babies can sign before they speak, and many parents are helping their little ones to communicate in this way with the aid of educational resources like the popular series, Signing Time! Guest Rachel Coleman designed this fun, musical program in response to learning that her own daughter was profoundly deaf. Today, learn Rachel's story and how Signing Time! is helping families with deaf children talk to one another.

Sebelius Defends Birth Control Without Co-Pays

The federal government recently announced that starting Aug. 2012, insurers must offer female preventive health services without extra costs to patients. Host Michel Martin discusses the controversial plan with the Health and Human Services Secretary. Martin also explores what the debt deal means for the Affordable Care Act with a Senior Correspondent from Kaiser Health News.

The Alaska Permanent Fund

Tuesday, August 2 at 10:00 am The Permanent Fund’s losses of 2008 are fading into the past and the dividend applications are in. Now that the fiscal year has ended, we’ll soon have a better idea of the size of the dividend.

Alaska News Nightly: August 1, 2011

House Passes Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling, BBAHC Blames Layoffs on Washington Woes, Trapper Creek Mid-Air Crash is Second in Three Weeks, Bodies of Plane Crash Victims Recovered from Douglas Island, and more...

Meet Your Neighbors Alaska

The Anchorage Park Foundation is working with award-winning photographer Carl Battreal for the first Meet Your Neighbours (MYN) project in Anchorage! MYN is a global photography project featuring some of the world’s premier photographers from 15 different countries. This summer, they're in Alaska. Click for photo gallery.

Tales of an Italian Art Adventure: Part 1

I hadn’t been to Europe in forty years. Summer 1968, I worked at a community center in London’s East End, doing art projects. Late afternoons I would help the cook, her main ingredients seemed to be canned mackerel and powered pudding mix. I slept on an old WWII army cot, the showers were undependable. Click to read more.

Four Simple Ways You Can Become A Philanthropist

Philanthropy: hard to say, fun to do. Many think of philanthropists as aged, gray-haired people that have the means to do charitable work as a hobby. The truth is that there is a philanthropist inside all of us. We coach, we make a meal for a neighbor in distress or celebration, we bake some sweets, or wash some cars, or pick up the check, or attend meetings, or ... or ... lots of things. American society would fall apart without our inherent human kindness. Click to read more.

Cancer Survivorship

Monday, August 1 at 2:00 pm Join host Dr. Thad Woodard in the next Line One: Your Health Connection as he leads a discussion on cancer survivorship. He will be joined on air by Julia Thorsness, of the State Division of Public Health, Doug Ulmer, CEO of Lance Armstrong Foundation, and cancer survivor Shelley Romer, of the Alaska Cancer Care Alliance.

AK: Yard Sales

Friday, July 29 Yard sales are a great summer tradition in this state. Thrifty Alaskans scour neighborhoods for good deals on used kitchenware, baby clothes and furniture.