Paddling the Big Yukon in a Little Boat

A little girl on the beach of Russian Mission was the first person to ask the question I'd been expecting for the past six months. The question was the most obvious of all: why? Why were we attempting to paddle the entirety of the Yukon River? Click to read more.

Film’s Benefits to Alaska not all on the Bottom Line

Movies, books and plays often shine a light on unrecognized or unaddressed problems in our society. By giving a voice to victims and those who are vulnerable, these media can have a profound impact on our understanding of issues and awaken our resolve to effect meaningful change. Find out more.

The Arctic Council: Promoting Cooperation, Coordination & Interaction Among the Arctic States

Thursday, August 25 @ 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm As trade and shipping routes open in the Arctic, oil exploration expands and questions of climate change arise, cooperation in the Arctic becomes increasingly more important. This week on Addressing Alaskans, learn more about the Arctic Council, the only intergovernmental forum devoted entirely to the Arctic.

Alaska News Nightly: August 22, 2011

Legislators Attend Council of State Governments – West Conference, Request Yields No Independent Audit Proposals for Goose Creek Correctional Center, Agriculture Official Visits Sitka, Southeast , Land Slides Into Petersburg’s Hammer Slough, Nome Police Department Investigating Shooting, Attempted Suicide , Bristol Bay Times, Arctic Sounder and Dutch Harbor Fisherman to Stop Publishing During Transition to New Owners, Money Sent to Help Rural Alaska Farmers, Life Sciences Building Transforms Look of UAF’s West Ridge, Little Fish Keeping Big Fish on Consumers’ Tables, Alaska Salmon May Be Added to Astronauts Menu

Algo Nuevo: August 21, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the Sunday, August 21, 2011 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you...

Night Music: August 20, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title CD Label Duration Planet...

Kaladi Brothers and Anchorage Schools: A Winning Partnership

A coffee/drink shop in a school? It is possible, and even a reality in four Anchorage schools thanks to the mentorship provided by Kaladi Brothers Coffee Company. Find out more.

Arctic Imperative: James Stotts, President – Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska

Alaska needs to experience a paradigm shift, a collective paradigm shift. It won’t be easy. But, if we can, then the Arctic imperative might become the Arctic reality. Read more.

“Hello, I Must Be Going” Alaska’s Churning Population

Wednesday, August 24 @ 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Exotic and remote, Alaska isn't for everyone. Many people come, discover this, and leave. What does this mean for our friendships, families and communities at large? Join host Peter Dunlap-Shohl and his guests as Hometown, Alaska looks at temporary Alaskans and their effects on our state.

Starting A Family: Getting Pregnant

Tuesday, August 23 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm We've talked a lot about raising kids on this show, but what about having them in the first place? On this episode of KTD! we’re talking about fertility and preconception care with healthcare professionals, plus we're exploring the emotional side of readying one’s home, and relationship, for a new bundle of joy!

U.S. Senate Business

Tuesday, August 23 at 10:00 am It’s August recess time for the U.S. Congress – when members get back in touch with their districts. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski is looking for ways to advance her issues in a Senate controlled by Democrats, even as those Democrats find all sorts of bills in front of them that were passed by the Republican- controlled House.

The Breakdown

Monday, August 22 @ 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm In place of Line One, this Monday KSKA brings you The Breakdown: A Marketplace Special. Kai Ryssdal hosts The Breakdown, an hour-long special. Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch will discuss the major financial events from 2008 to now. How do we create more jobs? Is 9% unemployment the new normal?

Alaska’s New Crime Lab

Double click photo for captions or to enlarge. Monday, Aug. 22 @ 1:00 pm & Saturday Aug. 27 at 6:30 pm The Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory is located in Anchorage, but its mission is to serve police departments and trooper stations across the state. On A Closer Look, KSKA’ s Len Anderson takes us on an audio tour of the new state Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory under construction and set for completion in June, 2012.

AK: Riding the Whistle Stop Train

Remote homes and cabins are a mainstay of life in the 49th state. Hearty Alaskans don’t consider it a burden to build on a property that’s only accessible by float plane, boat or snowmachine. And then there’s the train.

Alaska News Nightly: August 19, 2011

Millions in Illegal Drugs, Alcohol Seized in Western Alaska, Village Carries Faith, Despite Past Priest Abuse, McGrath Area Crash Survivors Will Receive Financial Help, IPHC Offering Reward for Lost Equipment, AK: Riding the Whistle Stop Train, 300 Villages: False Pass and Anaktuvuk Pass

APRN Speaker Series: Marsha Bemko

Executive producer, Marsha Bemko gave a behind the scenes tour of the traveling set for the award winning PBS program, Antique Roadshow at the Wendy Williamson auditorium in Anchorage on March 25. Marsha traveled to Anchorage for the first season of the APRN Speaker Series, a fundraiser for the Alaska Public Radio Network.

Natural Gas; Pebble Mine; and Poultry Farms

Some of the stories they will talk about this week include: the Senate Resources Committee hears voluminous testimony on natural gas and potential gas lines; a former Lisa Murkowski aide Arne Fuglvog remains in the spotlight; new trials for former representative Vic Kohring and former representative Pete Kott will proceed; proponents of an initiative on the Pebble Mine have gone to court and won a big victory; there have been any number of serious plane crashes this summer across Alaska; who is Sam Pandolfo - and why does he matter?; Alaska grown may apply to many products - but not to poultry.

Alaska News Nightly: August 18, 2011

Orange Goo Determined to Be Plant Fungus Spores, State Getting More Attention in Foreign Policy, BOEMRE Says it Has Corrected Flaws Made Prior to Chukchi Sea Lease, Walrus Start Hauling Out Along North Coast, Checks Sent Out to Hundreds of Clerical Abuse Victims, Blatchford Buys Seward Phoenix Log, Tundra Drums Newspapers, Supreme Court Rules SOS Initiative Can Go Before Voters, Southcentral Foundation Gets Grant to Find Those Who Need Denali Kid Care, Staff Members Tour New Crime Lab, Whale Calf Freed From Fishing Gear

Video: Stories at the Cemetery: Milton Hamilton

On August 5, 2011 Stories at the Cemetery provided a self-guided walk through Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetary, featuring presentations by costumed actors at ten pre-selected grave sites. sent a mobile video crew to capture the action. Here's the first installment, featuring local actor Richard Benavides as Milton Hamilton, an Anchorage resident killed by the famous Russian Jack. Click for more details.

Professor Mariano Gonzales – Alone on the ALCAN

Arctic Entries is the live, monthly storytelling event from your friends and neighbors in anchorage. On our Road Trips show UAA Professor Mariano Gonzalez looks back at being an invincible twenty year old whirling up and down the ALCAN in a VW beattle that only a mechanic could appreciate. To introduce Mariano here is Arctic Entries founder and former host, James Keck. Listen to the full story.