The Future of Telecommunications in Alaska

KSKA: Thursday, 9/1 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski joined Senator Begich in Dillingham last week for a ceremony celebrating a large project to bring high speed broadband internet to southwest Alaska.

Video: Northern Alaska Rock Art

While prehistoric rock art is common in some regions, such as the American Southwest, it is exceptionally rare in Interior and Northern Alaska. Archaeologists working in the 1960s and 70s found boulders adorned with petroglyphs at three different lakefront sites in what is now the Noatak National Preserve in Northwest Alaska. Click for more.

Alaska News Nightly: August 29, 2011

Journal Article Shows Grizzly Bears May Be Suffering Under Predator Control. Bethel Loses a Major Landmark. Petersburg Volunteers Free Whale from Fishing Gear. Delta Junction May Need a Hospital. FCC Chairman Visits Dillingham. Kodiak Honors Cannery Workers. The National Park Service Finalizes Plan for Off Road Vehicles in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Christopher Paul De Cure, Australian Consul General

Christopher Paul De Cure, Australian Consul-General of Los Angeles was recorded at the Alaska World Affairs Council on September 9, speaking on "Australia and Alaska: Is China’s demand for resources shifting the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region?"”

Alaska News Nightly: August 26, 2011

Legislators’ Norway Trip Focusing on Economic, Natural Resource Issues, State Appealing Federal Protection for Polar Bears, Officials Search for Cost of Endangered Species Act Listings, Northern Waters Task Force Meets in Unalaska, Former Anchorage Teachers Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison, New Bethel Dog Law Authorizes Volunteer Animal Force, Ilisagvik College Offers Opportunity on the North Slope, SEACAD Receives Federal Honors, AK: Letters - The Old Fashioned Kind, 300 Villages: The Barrow Whalers

Title 21: Anchorage’s Latest Hot Potato

KSKA: Wednesday 8/31 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm After a decade of citizen, consultant and city planning elbow grease, the rewrite of Anchorage’s land use code is nearing the finish line of one very long marathon. The last big hurdle comes when the plan re-emerges from the Mayor’s Office. Comment and implementation timetables are still fuzzy.

The Childfree Decision

Tuesday, August 30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Not everyone has kids. Deciding not to become parents can be just as big of a decision as opting to start a family. On this episode of Kids These Days! we speak with two authors who are childfree about why they made the difficult choice to live life without littles and how it impacts their current lives. Plus, a Pew Research study linking higher rates of childlessness with more tolerant social attitudes, and growing old without children.

AK@100 Part Two

The International Geophysical Year changed the face of science for the world. Even though it was not yet a state, Alaska was a big part of that change. 50 years later it was time for the International Polar Year, and we’re just starting to learn its results.

Keeping Alaska Fit

Monday, August 29 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Ginny Grupp of AlaskaFit Boot Camps joins host Dr. Thad Woodard on Line One this week to her best selling book, 3 Steps To Your Best Body in Record Time. Does the darkness or cold of winter impact your ability to stay healthy? Get some tips from Ginny.

Celebrating the Loussac Library’s 25th Anniversary

Monday, August 29 at 1:00 pm This month on Alaska Radio Reader Rambler, Toni McPherson and Shane Mitchell share inside historic library stories and what's happening at the library during the month long birthday party.

AK: Letters – The Old Fashioned Kind

It’s probably safe to say that most people, especially those under 50, rarely, if ever sit down, put pen to paper, lick envelope glue and put a letter in the mailbox. But an Anchorage club of self proclaimed letter nerds, all under 40, are doing exactly that.

UAA Dept. of Theater & Dance – Upcoming Season

With the university's semester starting up next week, they will talk about some of the great programs that the department has coming up this season.

Travel Expenses; Knik Arm Crossing; and the East Coast Earthquake

This week, some of the topics include: lawmakers’ travel expenses; legislative conference in Hawaii; Murkowski warns of reduction in federal spending; the Knik Arm crossing; Wasilla Councilman Steve Menard; Exxon’s dispute over Point Thompson; Anchorage cap driver arrested for rape; the East Coast Earthquake; and a possible Palin Presidential run.

Alaska News Nightly: August 25, 2011

Mora-Lopez Sentenced to Three Months in Prison, $10,000 Fine, Yukon Skipper Dies After Fish Tender Capsizes, Alaska Issues Under Scrutiny in Wake of Fuglvog Incident, Polar Bear Scientist Allowed Back to Work, Officials Address Yupiit School District Problems, Pilots Awarded for Saving Damaged Jet, Residents Respond to Healy Clean Coal Plan Plan

Farthest North Forget-me-nots in Alaska

…or the US, for that matter. Forget-me-nots are the Alaska state flower, and this is, without a doubt, the farthest north plant. I transplanted it from Point Hope years ago, and it is doing very well this year, with flowers a good 5 inches taller than ever before in Barrow (although still about 6 inches shorter than they were in Point Hope).

‘Polarbeargate’ Scientist To Head Back To Work

The polar bear scientist who has spent more than a month suspended from his government job has now been told that he should report back to work on Friday — although NPR has learned that his job is changing and he will no longer manage federal contracts.

Looking Back to Benefit the Future

Margaret Schaeffer wants to make sure her community is prepared to handle challenges of the future, so she founded an organization dedicated to teaching the traditions of the past. Schaeffer is the founder of Ilinniagvik Attautchikun Corporation (IA), a nonprofit based in Kiana, a village of about 360 people located 520 miles northwest of Anchorage near Kotzebue. Find out more.

Alaska News Nightly: August 24, 2011

Officials Look to Dirigibles as Possible Transportation Solution, Begich, NOAA Chief Take Questions On Halibut Plan, TAPS Offers Support to Wartime Widows, USDA Under Secretary Promotes Tribal Conservation Districts, Groundbreaking Celebrates New Home for Disabled Elderly, Small Cruise Lines Send More Ships to Alaska, Workers Clearing Slide Debris in Petersburg

Traveling Music: August 21, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Beeswing Richard...

Alaska News Nightly: August 23, 2011

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN’s news feeds via email, podcast and RSS. Download Audio...