KSKA Phone Bank Time Lapse

How busy are KSKA volunteers on the phone bank? Thanks to the 500+ KSKA members who have already called in with their pledges, the answer is very busy! Here's an entire fall drive afternoon in 30 seconds, put together by APTI Intern Erik Judson.

Algo Nuevo: October 16, 2011

Here’s the playlist for Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera.  All tracks played are listed...

Traveling Music: October 16, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD...

Night Music: October 15, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Begin the...

Painting Artist Don Kolstad’s Truck

On Saturday, October 8 there was a painting project at Blaine's Art in Anchorage which used artist Don Kolstad's truck for a canvas. Blaine's owner, Rene Haag, explained the idea behind the project and shared additional details on the supplies used. The instructor was Catherine Thoele. Click for a larger view.

Alaska News Nightly: October 14, 2011

Sealaska Defaults on Part of California Casino Land, Debate Continues Over State Retirement Plan Options, Thousands of PFDs Sent Out in Error, NOAA Scientists Finish Killer Whale Necropsies, ADF&G Issues Warning About Unsafe Hunting in Juneau, AK: Problem Bears, 300 Villages: McCarthy and Goodnews Bay

Rural Alaskan Youth Present Films at Alaska Native Film Festival

A group of dedicated teenagers and young adults in the rural community of Nikolai, Alaska gathered together for a week in June 2011 to craft short ethnographic films about their lives and community. Now two youth filmmakers, Dante Esai and Joricha Thomas, have been chosen to present their films "The Medicine of Nikolai" and "My Motherhood" at the Alaska Native Film Festival this Sunday the 16th from 1 – 6 pm at the Anchorage Museum. Click for video

Sen. Murkowski Announces AFN Hearing on Suicide Prevention

Suicide, particularly youth suicide is one of those ugly sides to our state’s statistics. Of course we know that suicide is far more than a statistic. It impacts our families, it impacts our communities, and in certain parts of Alaska, youth suicide has been devastating.
On October 22nd, at the AFN Convention, I will be conducting a field hearing of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee to really delve into more of the issues surrounding youth suicide, some of the connections that we know to be at play, whether it’s depression, whether it’s witnessing acts of violence within the home, whether it is lack of support.
Read more.

Pebble 101

The Pebble Mine prospect has generated strong opinions and acrimony. But what about the basic facts? With all the debate, getting straight information hasn’t been easy. KSKA: Tuesday, 10/18 @ 10:00am

AK: Problem Bears

The kind that will root around in your garbage if its not properly stowed. Many communities in Alaska know this type of bear well.

The Winter Bear at the Wildberry Theater

Ann Hanley, author of The Winter Bear and actor Brian Westcott join Mark and Jean on Stage Talk. The play will be presented at the Wildberry Theater in Anchorage during the Alaska Federation of Natives Conference on October 20 and 22. This poignant play explores the causes of suicide among Alaska Natives. Friday 10/14 at 2:45 pm

Occupy Anchorage Movement; and a PFD Distribution Glitch

Some of the stories up for discussion this week are: the Occupy Anchorage movement; surrender of a suspect in the fatal Muldoon shooting last weekend; political corruption cases; Pete Kott intends to change plea; film industry in Alaska; the PFD glitch; near miss in the sky. KSKA: Friday, 10/14 @ 2:00pm & Saturday, 10/15 @ 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 10/14 @ 7:30pm & Saturday, 10/15 @ 5:00pm

Alaska News Nightly: October 13, 2011

Kott to Plead Guilty to Bribery, North Slope Ringed Seals Develop Mysterious Illness, Proposed Bill Would Expand Denali KidCare Program, Army Investigating Death of Ft. Wainwright-Based Soldier, Alaska Native, American Indian Leaders Organized Priorities, Search Continues for Missing Fairbanks Man, Juneau Woman Wins Ultramarathon Bike Race, Speed Skater Training in Fairbanks Despite Lack of Venue

Alaska News Nightly: October 12, 2011

Magistrate Issues Wilde Decision, Both Sides React to Wilde Decision, Dead Killed Whale Found to be Pregnant, North Slope Communities Land Three Whales, Mental Health Trust, Forest Service Look to Land Swap, Mental Health Trust Offering 11,000 Acres in Mat-Su for Exploration, Development, New Airline Offering Service in Southwest Alaska, Redistricting Plan Approved by Justice Department, State Names Jim Pickett Firefighter of the Year, Japanese Sailor Wintering in Kodiak Harbor

Are Alaska Nonprofits Ready for the Next Recession?

For the last three years, while the rest of the country was in recession, Alaska maintained some sense of normalcy. When I moved here in the early 1990s, the state had just begun to recover from the recession of the late 80's. What I heard then and since is that in Alaska, we do OK when the Lower 48 is in recession, but when they recover, it's our turn. I am not sure if that is a fact or a myth, but many of our leading citizens believe it is so. Who am I to question? When the market crashed in 2008, we published a series of articles on how to survive a bad economy. To date we have not been as challenged as nonprofits down south, but the last few years have not been easy, even for us. Alaska’s nonprofits had to adjust to decreased support from foundations and corporations – those donations most affected by a recession. Read more.

Billy Shore

Billy Shore, Chairman and CEO of Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit that is ending childhood hunger in America was recorded speaking at the Alaska World Affairs Council on October 7, 2011.

Alaska News Nightly: October 11, 2011

Division of Elections Rejects Johansen Recall Application, Report Faults UAF in Musk Oxen Deaths, Former EyakTek Employee Accused of Bribery, Money Laundering Appears in Court, NSB Mayor Race Heading for Runoff Election, Wales Man Gets Jail Time for Child’s Truancy, RCA Approves Purchase Agreement Between Chugach Electric. Fire Island Wind, Geothermal Energy Interest Grows in Alaska, Fairbanks Hatchery May Go into Operation in December, Car Crashes into Anchorage House, Sled Dogs Prepare for New Season

Alaska News Nightly: October 10, 2011

Lt. Governor Receives Petition to Revive Coastal Management Program, NOAA Scientists Investigating Killer Whale Deaths, ‘Super Committee’ Proceedings Remain A Mystery, Nome Man Arrested in Woman’s Death, Searchers Find Missing Boater’s Body, Over 200 'Occupy Anchorage', Newtok Residents Steadily Relocating to Mertarvik, Two Wounded, Two Dead in Anchorage Shooting, New Ferry Service Gets Federal Loan

2011 Top Pick. Click. Give. Causes Announced

The Department of Revenue this week released figures showing the lion’s share of charitable cash contributions made from Alaskans’ 2011 Permanent Fund Dividends through Pick. Click. Give. Top recipients include charities focused on hunger, homelessness, and Alaskans in emergency situations. Close to 19,000 Alaskans gave $1.5 million this year, the third year of the program. That compares to a little over 5,000 people giving $545,000 in 2009, and 9,500 people giving $927,000 last year. Click for more, including the complete listing.

Filipinos Helped Shape America of Today

Both the U.S. and State Legislature have declared October as Filipino- American History Month. Yet with so much happening in the news, and with plenty at stake both in our nation and state, it is easy to overlook the importance of this occasion. But let us just pause for a moment to think about Filipino-American history. Filipinos have been part of American history for many centuries. The first Filipinos landed on the continent in 1587, several decades before the Pilgrims arrived. Before our Founding Fathers declared independence from the Brits, a group of Filipinos had already settled in Louisiana. More than a century before Alaska became a state, Filipinos had already made it here, engaging in fur trade with Alaska Natives. Read more.