Alaska News Nightly: December 15, 2011

Parnell Sends Legislature His Budget Plan for Next Year, Senate Confirms Judge Morgan Christen, Spending Bill Proposes Pipeline Office Cuts, Potential Norton Sound Health Aides May Result In Job Loss, ASD Superintendent Search Down To Two Finalists, NPFMC Considers Requiring Active Participation for Crab Fishery, ACMP Initiative Sponsors Frustrated By Delays, Dupre Back For Second Solo Denali Attempt, The Great Christmas Tree Challenge is Underway in Bristol Bay

Video: Ancient Alutiiq Basketry

Kodiak's Alutiiq Museum registrar Marnie Leist shares ancient Alutiiq basketry from Karluk in this video, produced with support from the National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program. Click for a larger view.

KSKA Holiday Highlights 2011-2012

Just like baking cookies, wrapping gifts and hanging lights, holiday programming on KSKA is a time honored tradition and it starts this Saturday, Dec. 17. In addition to all of your holiday favorites from NPR, PRI and American Public Media, we're excited to bring you Cyrano's production of It's a Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Play this Christmas Eve on KSKA. You can watch Mon. Dec. 19 at 8:00 PM on KAKM Channel 7 TV.

Here's the full KSKA holiday programming line up:

Photo Gallery: The Native Art Center at UAF

Here is a great selection of images of student art from Fall 2011 semester, courtesy of the Native Art Center at UAF's facebook. More photos.

Congressional Countdown To Christmas; And The Next Step For The Alaska Gas Line

The stories up for discussion this week are: the Congressional countdown to Christmas; the use of fireworks in Anchorage on New Year’s Eve; Governor Parnell’s proposed 2012 budget; fallout from the investigation and prosecution of Ted Stevens; legislative session opens in January; Linehan conviction thrown out; frankenfish; the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; and the next step for the Alaska gas line.

Alaska News Nightly: December 14, 2011

Norton Sound Health Aides Prepare To Go On Strike, Behavior Risk Survey Moving Work Out-of-State, Alaska Soldier Dies in Virginia Helicopter Accident, Congress Wrestles With Payroll Tax Holiday Funding, Popular Beach May Have High Mercury Levels, Ft. Wainwright Losing 62 Civilian Jobs, National Group Supports ANWR Development, Chenault Speaks On Alaska Gas Line Project, Big Chunk Super Project Near Pebble Deposit, Subsistence-Only Herring Zones Proposals Fail in Sitka

Community Philanthropy Initiative Expanded

The Alaska Community Foundation and the Rasmuson Foundation have announced the extension of a collaborative initiative designed to grow philanthropy in communities across Alaska. The Community Asset Building Initiative was launched by both ACF and Rasmuson Foundation in 2007 and led to the establishment of five funds serving the Chilkat Valley, Talkeetna, Petersburg, Seward and the Kenai Peninsula. With this announcement, ACF officially begins its process to identify three to four more Alaska communities interested in this approach to local philanthropy. Learn more.

$10,000 Invested in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Arts, and Education

Since its founding in 1985, Pride Foundation has awarded over $164,000 in grants to organizations serving Alaska’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community or that are engaged in HIV/AIDS service and prevention. This year—with the help of volunteers from Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks—the community foundation awarded $10,000 to five Alaskan organizations. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: December 13, 2011

Bethel Judge Again Under Fire For Questionable Behavior, Court Upholds Alaska Tribal Government Sovereignty, APD Investigating Shooting Of Toddler, Ft. Wainwright Aviation Unit Returns to Fairbanks, USPS Delays Post Office Closures, UAF Union Organizing Hits Stumbling Block, Estimated $24 Million Needed To Repair Nome-Council Highway, Outside Forces Present Challenges For Alaska Economy, Ship’s Return Pushes Million-Passenger Mark, BBNA Set to Plan Regional Transit

Alaska News Nightly: December 12, 2011

Congress Works To Keep Government Funded As Latest Continuing Resolution Ends, Occupiers Make Statement at Port of Anchorage, Judge Harpoons Petersburg’s Redistricting Challenge, Randall Ranks First Among World Cup Sprinters, Government Seeks Delay on Seal Status Decision, Nome Hopes to Tap into Nearby Natural Gas, APOC Investigating RGB Bush Planes, After Long Debate, Polluck Quota Lowered Slightly, Karluk Manor Proving Popular

What’s Your Story?

The Alaska Teen Media Institute put together this video for featuring video of Alaskans telling their stories all over the place. Check it out. You might see yourself, or someone you know. After all, it is Alaska... you never know who you'll run into. Click for larger view.

50 Years of Opera in the Circumpolar North

Anchorage Opera was one of the first major performing arts institutions established by Americans in the Circumpolar North. The current Golden Anniversary season is celebrating 50 years of designing, manufacturing, and producing grand entertainment in Alaska. Read more.

Photo Gallery: A Prize Pipeline Pig

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company donated a pig to the UA Museum of the North's ethnology and history collection. It will be displayed at the west end of the building grounds. Click for more photos.

Traveling Music: December 11, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Christmas...

Night Music: December 10, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration “Homecoming” Jingle...

Alaska News Nightly: December 9, 2011

Parnell Proposes $4.9 Million For Emergency Food Caches, Legislators Study ‘Rebalancing’ Taxes, Not Cutting Them, Fineberg Says Conservation Key To Reducing Foreign Oil Dependence, Court Upholds Contempt Of Court Citation In Stevens Case, Helo Pilot, CG Command Await Report On Crash Charges, Houston Man Arrested For Threatening State Trooper, Fairbanks Residents Weigh In On Long-Term UAF Plan, Rudder Repaired, Vessel Headed For Unalaska, AK: The Most Famous Auction In Alaska, 300 Villages: Adak

AK: The Most Famous Auction In Alaska

The 31st annual Talkeetna Bachelor’s Auction had another full house when more than 240 ladies packed in to the Sheldon Arts hangar last weekend.

Contemporary Christmas at VPA and TBA Theater

Join Stage Talk hosts Mark and Jean as they chat with Shane Mitchell and John Fremin about two contemporary adaptations of Christmas plays running in Anchorage and Wasilla this holiday season. KSKA: Friday 12/9 2:45 pm

Karluk Manor is Proving Popular with Street People

Last week residents begin checking into Karluk Manor, the newly converted motel that is now a housing complex for chronic alcohol abusers, in particular those living on the streets, temporary shelters or illegal campsites. For the residents, the facility represents warmth, safety, a new chance and some rules.

BP Oil Spill Case; and Petroleum Lease Sales

The stories up for discussion this week are: the BP oil spill case; petroleum lease sales bring in $21 million; film industry incentive program; potential road extension to Nome; fatal hit-and-run suspect arrested; Coastal Zone Management; Clearwire wireless leaving Alaska; Anchorage Assembly asking for $59 million in school bonds on next ballot. KSKA: Friday, 12/9 @ 2:00pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 12/9 @ 7:30pm & Saturday, 12/10 @ 5:00pm