Photo Gallery: Conference of Young Alaskans Delgates

The mission of the Conference of Young Alaskans is to connect young Alaskans to a rich history, a vibrant present and a thriving future. The conference will draw delegates from across the state to consider the challenges facing Alaska and her people. Together, delegates will develop an overall vision statement, goals and proposed courses of action in five issue areas. Meet the delegates.

Ray Mala’s 105th Birthday

Senator Lisa Murkowski took the occasion of the 105th anniversary of Ray Mala’s birth to share the memories and the meaning of the nation’s first Native film star. An Alaska Native and the first non-white actor to receive top billing in Hollywood entertainment, Mala was born on December 27th, 1906 in Candle, Alaska. Over the course of his career, Mala worked with cinema legends like Alfred Hitchcock and Cecil B. DeMille. Click for more

Civics & Conservation Summit

The Civics & Conservation Summit brings 20 youth leaders to our state capital for a week of high-impact, fun, and adrenaline-pumping civic engagement lessons. During this event, youth will learn: how to talk with the media, how to communicate with elected officials, how to read a bill, and how to impact decisions our leaders make about our environment and our lives. The application period ends January 15. Read more.

Elder Caregiving Tips for Holidays and Travel

Aging in Alaska host Lisa Wawrzonek interviews Education Specialist Amanda Sandlin on caregiving during holiday season for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This time of year brings a unique set of challenges for caregivers and can be extremely difficult for those with dementia. Amanda offers tips on everything from traveling to gift giving in order to make this holiday season more enjoyable for everyone. Click for more.

Alaska News Nightly: December 20, 2011

TransCanada, Exxon Mobil Hold Off On Filing Resource Reports, Mysterious Seal Disease Gets 'Unusual Mortality Event' Designation, NPS Banned From Spending Money On Yukon Charley Law Enforcement, Ethics Committee Clears Rep. Young Of Alleged Violations, APOC Issues Decision On RBG Bush Planes Investigation, Petersburg Drops Redistricting Challenge, Pacific High Plans Include Commons, Roof Garden, Bethel Volunteers Raise $2,000 Towards Swimming Pool

Alaska News Nightly: December 19, 2011

US House Republicans Plan To Reject Payroll Tax Cut Extension, ConocoPhillips Receives Permit To Access NPR-A, Japan Tsunami Debris Arriving on West Coast, Pieces Coming Together For Historic Nome Fuel Delivery, ‘Occupy’ Protests Have Unexpected Impact In Wrangell, Herring Limit Jumps After ADF&G Adjusts Ages, Fourth Chinook Predicted in Southcentral, Nikiski LNG Plant Gets Reprieve, BBNA Preparing Transit System Plan

Night Music: December 17, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Ding Dong!...

Algo Nuevo: December 18, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the Sunday December 18 , 2011 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If...

Soul to Soul: December 17, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the December 3, 2011 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks...

AK: A Visit with Seward Artist, Dot Bardarson

After four decades in Seward, one of Alaska’s best loved artists takes a look back at the events, and the environment, that shaped her life and her art. Dot Bardarson has long been an icon for her award winning watercolors and her work as a muralist, not to mention her days as a gallery owner.

Alaska News Nightly: December 16, 2011

Health Care Aides Won’t Strike; Begich Chairs Hearing on Genetically Engineered Salmon; IFQ holder and Fuglvog Boat Operator also Charged for Falsifying Catch Reports; Shell Gets Conditional OK to Explore Chukchi; Parnell’s Budget Excludes Gas Pipeline to Homer; Fairbanks Hotel to Offer Safe Haven for Inebriates; AK: Alaskan Artist Dot Bardarson; and 300 Villages: Brevig Mission


Cataracts are a common cause of poor vision especially in the older population. Without treatment vision will worsen over time but treatment is available. Our guest today, Dr. Matthew Guess, specializes in cataracts and will discuss the causes, prevention, symptoms and treatment of different types of cataract. KSKA: Monday 12/9 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

By 2015: America – Biography of a Movement

For a country that can produce 1.4 trillion dollars in less than 6 months to spend on “saving the economy” (see late 2007 under Bush and early 2008 under Obama) it is morally reprehensible that 19.5 million children are “food insecure” – that’s a government term. For the rest of us, it means, 1 out of 4 children under the age of 18 are hungry. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: December 15, 2011

Parnell Sends Legislature His Budget Plan for Next Year, Senate Confirms Judge Morgan Christen, Spending Bill Proposes Pipeline Office Cuts, Potential Norton Sound Health Aides May Result In Job Loss, ASD Superintendent Search Down To Two Finalists, NPFMC Considers Requiring Active Participation for Crab Fishery, ACMP Initiative Sponsors Frustrated By Delays, Dupre Back For Second Solo Denali Attempt, The Great Christmas Tree Challenge is Underway in Bristol Bay

Video: Ancient Alutiiq Basketry

Kodiak's Alutiiq Museum registrar Marnie Leist shares ancient Alutiiq basketry from Karluk in this video, produced with support from the National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage Program. Click for a larger view.

KSKA Holiday Highlights 2011-2012

Just like baking cookies, wrapping gifts and hanging lights, holiday programming on KSKA is a time honored tradition and it starts this Saturday, Dec. 17. In addition to all of your holiday favorites from NPR, PRI and American Public Media, we're excited to bring you Cyrano's production of It's a Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Play this Christmas Eve on KSKA. You can watch Mon. Dec. 19 at 8:00 PM on KAKM Channel 7 TV.

Here's the full KSKA holiday programming line up:

Photo Gallery: The Native Art Center at UAF

Here is a great selection of images of student art from Fall 2011 semester, courtesy of the Native Art Center at UAF's facebook. More photos.

Congressional Countdown To Christmas; And The Next Step For The Alaska Gas Line

The stories up for discussion this week are: the Congressional countdown to Christmas; the use of fireworks in Anchorage on New Year’s Eve; Governor Parnell’s proposed 2012 budget; fallout from the investigation and prosecution of Ted Stevens; legislative session opens in January; Linehan conviction thrown out; frankenfish; the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; and the next step for the Alaska gas line.

Alaska News Nightly: December 14, 2011

Norton Sound Health Aides Prepare To Go On Strike, Behavior Risk Survey Moving Work Out-of-State, Alaska Soldier Dies in Virginia Helicopter Accident, Congress Wrestles With Payroll Tax Holiday Funding, Popular Beach May Have High Mercury Levels, Ft. Wainwright Losing 62 Civilian Jobs, National Group Supports ANWR Development, Chenault Speaks On Alaska Gas Line Project, Big Chunk Super Project Near Pebble Deposit, Subsistence-Only Herring Zones Proposals Fail in Sitka

Community Philanthropy Initiative Expanded

The Alaska Community Foundation and the Rasmuson Foundation have announced the extension of a collaborative initiative designed to grow philanthropy in communities across Alaska. The Community Asset Building Initiative was launched by both ACF and Rasmuson Foundation in 2007 and led to the establishment of five funds serving the Chilkat Valley, Talkeetna, Petersburg, Seward and the Kenai Peninsula. With this announcement, ACF officially begins its process to identify three to four more Alaska communities interested in this approach to local philanthropy. Learn more.