Aleut Story, Soundcheck: Pamyua & Object Runway

Enjoy a night of Alaska-oriented programming with Aleut Story, followed by KAKM Mini Docs Soundcheck Pamyua and Object Runway. KAKM: Saturday, March 10 Aleut Story @ 6:00 pm Soundcheck: Pamyua @ 8:00 pm Object Runway @ 8:45 pm

Object Runway

If you missed this sold out event, prepare to sit front row for the craziest fashion show that only Alaskans could envision. Our cameras were allowed behind the curtains to capture some of the excitement and nerves backstage. KAKM: Saturday, March 10 @ 8:45 pm

Soundcheck: Pamyua

Filmed at Tap Root in Anchorage, this is a live concert interview with a band that is known for their dancing as much as their musical performance. We also sat down with the band for an interview about thier Yup'ik roots. KAKM: Saturday, March 10 @ 8:00 pm

Photo Gallery: ART OUT at PNA

ART OUT is an event where artists, teachers, students, and parents join together to make, see, talk, and do art!

See more.

Alaska News Nightly: March 8, 2012

Murkowski Questions Amount Of Money Spent Defending Stevens Prosecutors, Scientists Say Funding Cuts Threaten State’s Tsunami Preparedness, Seismic Stations Pick Up Cleveland Blast, Mushers Reflect On Past Lessons Learned, Wrangell Hospital Ends Doctor’s Contract, Conservation Professor Says Bear Spray More Effective Than Guns, Ketchikan Man Rescues Bear Cub Stuck In Jar,

Alaska’s Place in the World Economy

Chief Investment Officer of Guggenheim Partners, Scott Minerd was recorded speaking on "Alaska's Place in the World Economy" at the Alaska World Affairs Council on March 2, 2012.

Night Music: March 3, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Yardbird Suite Brian...

Il Volo Takes Flight

Italian heartthrobs Il Volo, comprised of the three “Teenage Tenors” Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto and Gianluca Ginoble, have been receiving unanimous raves for their vocal talent and showmanship since their May 2011 debut in America on TV shows including “American Idol,” “The Tonight Show,” “Ellen,” “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America” and “Entourage.” Already certified platinum in their homeland of Italy and several other countries, they have captured the hearts of Americans of all ages. Il Volo, meaning “flight,” soars in this premiere television special for public television, filmed at Detroit’s famed Opera House on October 27, 2011. KAKM: Thursday, March 8 @ 8:00 pm

Alaska News Nightly: March 7, 2012

Diseased Ringed Seal Turn Up In Southeast, Kikkan Randall Wins World Cup Sprint Title, Aliy Zirkle First Musher Into Takotna, School Districts On Lookout For Suspicious Envelopes, Administration Asks Legislature To Hold Substitute Scholarship Bill, Iliamna Volcano Experiences Increased Earthquake Activity, Romney Leads In ‘Presidential Preference Poll’, MEHS Students Mix Business With Philanthropy, ‘Video Visiting’ Helping Families Stay Connected With Inmates

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wishes Fulfilled

Best-selling author and beloved teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer presents his Five Wishes Fulfilled Foundations: five steps to living from your “highest self” and thereby attracting your deepest desires. Using his trademark humor, combined with source material drawn from some of the most original American “New Thought” philosophers of the 20th century, Dr. Dyer outlines a program for mastering the tools necessary for living a profoundly extraordinary life, showing viewers how to create new and astonishing thought patterns while defeating unproductive and recurring habits. KAKM: Wednesday, March 7 @ 7:00 pm

Alaska News Nightly: March 6, 2012

Coast Guard To Drop Charges Against Leone, Polls Open Up For ‘Super Tuesday’, Negotiations For New Labor Building Lease Break Down, Zirkle, Baker Lead Mushers Out Of Nikolai, Game Board Approves Bear Control Program In Middle Kuskokwim Area, Groups React To Aerial Bear Hunting Plan, Prince William Sound Community College Seeking New President, Investigators Recommend Court Martial For Four Ft. Wainwright Soldiers, Stryker Brigade Helps Reopen Afghanistan School, State Gives Money To Central Council Tlingit, Haida Tribe’s Child Support Unit, Tlingit Master Artist Mabel Pike Passes Away

Running 2012: Questions for the Candidates?

Anchorage Municipal Elections are coming up on April 3rd and we would like to hear from you, the voter. Do you have questions for the school board and mayoral candidates? Send your questions to Please use the subject line: Running 2012. Be sure to submit your questions by Monday, March 19. More info...

Alone in the Wilderness: Part 1 & 2

Dick Proenneke retired at age 50 in 1967 and decided to build his own cabin on the shore of Twin Lakes. The first summer he scouted for the best cabin site, and cut and peeled the logs he would need for his cabin. Dick Proenneke returned the next summer to finish the cabin where he lived for over 30 years. Dick filmed his adventures, and Bob Swerer later turned the film into a video so we can all watch this amazing man build his cabin by hand. KAKM: Monday, March 5 @ 7:00 p.m.

Alaska News Nightly: March 5, 2012

Begish Sees The Future In The Arctic, Ron Paul Visits Alaska, Atka Mackerel, Pacific Cod Won’t Return To Aleutians, Iditarod Leaders Leave Rainy Pass, Lockheed Martin And Alaska Aerospace Announce Partnership, Unalaska To Settle Lawsuit For Clean Water Act Violation, Oil Tax Bill Draft Leaves First Committee, Apache Emerges As Player In Cook Inlet Oil, Gas Exploration, Four Anchorage Youths In Ski Jump, Nordic Combined Nationals,

Restoring Salmon Streams in Alaska’s Tongass

A Haida elder named Viola Burgess made history on this day. We were on the banks of a newly restored salmon stream in Alaska, where dozens of people had come from near and far to celebrate as wild salmon splashed their way upstream in crystalline water. Viola had renamed the stream, once so damaged it was thought to be beyond repair. Learn more.

Stories On A Winter’s Day

It was 1958 and twenty below outside. On Monday, Mom’s day off from her job at the library, 11AM was too early for television. I think it started around 2PM. TV was recent. We had three channels and, with wobbly rabbit ears on the roof, there was a lot of static. Read more.

Photo Gallery: Dogs of Fourth Avenue

Here's a photo gallery including some of the less famous dogs seen on 4th avenue at the Ceremonial Start of the 2012 Iditarod. See more.

Algo Nuevo: March 4, 2012

Here’s the Sunday, March 4, 2012 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something...

Traveling Music: March 4, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration Stand...

Cast Alaska & Hockey: More Than a Game

Cast Alaska: A fishing adventure Alaska-style. Follow angler Dave Holsman as he takes you on an unrelenting pursuit of the ultimate catch . . a 30" Rainbow Trout. KAKM: Monday, March 5 @ 7:00 p.m. Hockey: More Than a Game Exploring hockey history and culture, this entertaining and passionate documentary offers an insightful, intimate look at the game described as “Canada’s gift to the world.” KAKM: Monday, March 5 @ 8:30pm