Alaska News Nightly: April 25, 2012

Exploratory Shale Wells Coming Within A Month; State Takes Feedback On Student Achievement Standards; UAF Could Get Funds For New Engineering Building; Election Commission Makes Recommendations For Muni Election Problems; Portion Of ‘Violence Against Women Act’ Upsets Alaska Tribal Advocates; Organization Pushes For Changes In Sea Otter Management; UA To Get New Super Computer; Group To Renovate Northwest Alaska Boys And Girls Clubs

Conversations that Matter: Additional Resources

How do we, as a statewide community, engage in a difficult but respectful discussion about race in Alaska? Through an innovative project based on indigenous values and dialogue principles applied by the First Alaskans Institute, this program seeks to elevate the conversation about race and racism in Alaska and prompt ideas about possible solutions to racial inequality in the state. Click for additional resources.

Photo Gallery: Unpacking the Fossils

At a recent Open House at the University of Alaska Museum of the North, Earth Science Curator Pat Druckenmiller unpacked plaster jackets full of dinosaur fossils. A large plaster crate was full of hadrosaur fossils collected on Alaska's North Slope. More photos.

Commission Recommends Certifying Election

The Anchorage Election Commission just released their report on the April 3rd Municipal election. They are asking the Assembly to adopt their report and certify the election. But they did find some problems and made several recommendations. KSKA's Daysha Eaton explains.

Rural Outreach from an Urban Youth Shelter

Recently, I had the fabulous opportunity to leave the road system for the first time, for a visit to Newhalen, AK on the shores of the Newhalen River and Lake Iliamna. I was representing Covenant House Alaska at the April 2012 Academic/Athletic Meet hosted by the Lake and Peninsula School District. Read more.

Conversations that Matter: Envisioning Racial Equity in Alaska

How do we, as a statewide community, engage in a difficult but respectful discussion about race in Alaska? Through an innovative project based on indigenous values and dialogue principles applied by the First Alaskans Institute, this program seeks to elevate the conversation about race and racism in Alaska and prompt ideas about possible solutions to racial inequality in the state.
    KSKA FM 91.1: Thursday 4/26 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Nature: Radioactive Wolves

The historic nuclear accident at Chernobyl is now 25 years old. Filmmakers and scientists set out to document the lives of the packs of wolves and other wildlife thriving in the “dead zone” that still surrounds the remains of the reactor. KAKM: Wednesday, 4/25 at 7:00pm

Alaska News Nightly: April 24, 2012

Redistricting Plan Goes Back To The Drawing Board; Hooper Bay Man Get s $500,000 For Tasering; Ted Nugent Pleads Guilty To Hunting Violation; Diomede Residents May Get Helicopter Service; Quality Improvement Measures Get Results At Providence; SEARHC Recovering From $4 Million Loss Last Year; Fairbanks Residents Make Moves Against Child Abuse; Anchorage Museum Explores Denali

1on1: Julia O’Malley

Pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee with of Anchorage's best known and least known movers, shakers, and characters on "1on1," KSKA and KAKM TV's new weekly interview show. Host Charles Wohlforth chats with artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, adventurers, musicians and trend setters at Kaladi Brothers coffee shops. The program debuts with Anchorage Daily News' columnist, Julia O'Malley. Read More... KAKM TV: Sun. 4/22 at 6:30 pm & Weds. 4/25 at 10:00 pm KSKA FM: Thurs. 4/26 at 1:00 pm

Athabascan Story of Denali

Illustrations by Dimi Macheras. Courtesy of the Anchorage Museum. Our KSKA story includes an excerpt from Chickaloon storyteller Patricia Wade's narration of the story of how Denali came to be. Her story is part of a multimedia display in a Denali exhibit on display at the Anchorage Museum through October 21st. The exhibit called, “The High One: Reaching the Top” explores North America's largest peak from many perspectives. It includes historical climbing gear, photos and rare artifacts. It also looks at the mountain through Alaska Native Eyes. Listen to Patricia Wade tell the Athabaskan story of Denali here.

The Goose that Thought He was a Sandhill Crane

In Homer, Alaska, there lives a goose who thinks he is a Sandhill Crane. He travels all over Homer with the cranes, eating, sleeping, and flying with them. He takes no guff from any of the cranes. It will be interesting to see if the goose makes it down to the wintering grounds in California with the cranes and back again this spring. Click for larger view.

Alaska News Nightly: April 23, 2012

Resource Committee Members Take ‘Show Me’ Approach To Oil Tax Cuts; Tribal Organizations Await Results Of Salazar v. Ramah Navajo Case; Air Force General’s Promotion On Hold Until More Questions Answered About Possible F-16 Move; Election Commission Digs Into Ballot Mess; ‘Occupy Fairbanks’ Protesters Pack Up Camp; Flood Advisory In Effect For Salcha Area; Museum Of The North New Home To Seal Stone; Alaska Folk Festival Honors Musicians Buddy Tabor, Barb Kalen

Algo Nuevo: April 22, 2012

Here’s the Sunday, April 22, 2012 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments...

Rock Island Line: April 22, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from Rock Island Line with Steve Grabacki and Marianne Kerr. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song...

The Coming Renaissance in North American Oil and Gas

President of Energy Policy Research Foundation, Lou Pugliaresi was recorded speaking on “The Coming Renaissance in North American Oil and Gas” at the Alaska World Affairs Council on April 20, 2012.

Successful Pledge Drives Mean ‘Everyone Working Together’

Every membership drive is a huge community effort as "Talk of the Nation" host Neal Conan pointed out on Friday (4/20), the second day of KSKA's Spring Membership drive. Monday marks the half way point during this 9-day Spring Drive and our goal of 1500 members is in sight with just under 1000 members to go. Neal Conan might not be here anymore, but volunteers continue to pour through the front door every morning beginning at 6:00 am to help with the drive. You hear their voices on-air and on the phone when they take your pledge. Whether you've helped out on-air, on the phone, or by making a pledge, Thank You.
HTA April 25 Storytelling in Alaska

‘And then what happened?’

The Alaska Native Oratory Society just celebrated its 10th anniversary at UAA, featuring a full day of stories told by students and emceed by Alaska Native storyteller Jack Dalton. Join us for a round of stories including 'The Dragger,' 'Never Look in Windows,' and more. KSKA: Wednesday, 4/25 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Night Music: April 21, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Part A...

Soul to Soul: April 21, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from the April 21, 2012 edition of Soul ...

The Special Session; and Joe Miller’s Lawsuit

The stories up for discussion this week are: the legislature's special session; bills that didn't pass; oil tax reform; Joe Miller's lawsuit; Anchorage's municipal election; preparing taxes for drug dealers and why it's a bad idea; and the Samantha Koenig case. KSKA: Friday, 4/20 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 4/21 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 4/20 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 4/21 at 5:00pm