AK: Libraries

A library is more than a collection of books. In a small town like Sutton in the Matanuska Valley, the library serves many functions. It’s a meeting place for people of all ages, a storehouse of information, and a door allowing a peek into the community’s past. Sutton residents have worked for years to raise funds for a new library, and last month, that dream became reality.

Alaska News Nightly: July 27, 2012

Gov. Parnell Frustrated With Senate’s Bi-Partisan Majority; Shell Modifies Summer Drilling Plans; Sen. French Asks State To Withdraw Proposed Abortion Payment Condition Regulations; Avalanche, Injuries Prompts Denali Rescue; State Updates Management Plan For Large Portion Of Central Interior; AK: Libraries; 300 Villages: Fox

1on1: Ben Woodland

This foreign language extraordinaire and 49th state fellow has a knack for learning languages, and has some lofty goals for his future. But, for now, Ben Woodland is traveling the world and learning what he can. TV: Sunday, 7/29 6:30pm & Wednesday, 8/1 at 11:00pm KSKA: Thursday, 8/2 at 1:00pm

Oil Prices Subside; and Joe Miller Becomes A Publisher

As the election campaign heats up, we have seen a reincarnation of the group Backbone, which has interjected itself not only in the oil-tax debate but the elections. Oil prices have subsided - and this has serious implications for the state, especially the state budget. The Alcohol Beverage Control Board has switched locations. Formerly under law enforcement, it is now under commerce. Former Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller has become an on-line publisher. A study shows Fairbanks is paying double the national average for its utility bills. There's a salmon shortage in the Bush, especially on the major rivers. Do we know why? KSKA: Friday, 7/27 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 7/28 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 7/27 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 7/28 at 5:00pm

Alaska News Nightly: July 26, 2012

Fairbanks Soldier’s Court Martial Enters Third Day; No Relief In Sight For Cook Inlet Set Netters; Backbone Group Announces Support of Senate Bi-Partisan Working Group; Blood Bank of Alaska Begins Work On New Site; Southwest Hydro Project Hits Roadblock; Army Engineers Expanding Permafrost Tunnel Near Fairbanks; Alaska-Linked Athletes Competing In London Olympics; Arctic Thunder Air Show Comes To Anchorage

Carl Kasell Does Magic Tricks

Carl Kasell, announcer for the NPR show "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me", visited Anchorage earlier this week. Those who came to see him talk at the Wendy Williamson auditorium on the UAA campus were treated with a quick magic show by Kasell.

Alaska News Nightly: July 25, 2012

US House Passes Bill Speeding Up Alaska Oil Lease Sales; Hilcorp To Reopen Drive River Terminal Oil Storage Facility; Committee Approved Money For Inspection Of State Capitol Building; Robert Reich Speaks In Anchorage; Alaska Ranks Among Highest In Work-Related Fatality Rates; Bear Mauling Victim In Critical Condition; Report Says Mat-Su Seniors Not Getting Adequate Access To Care; New Computer Models Predict Climate, Ecosystem Changes For Alaska

Welcome Kobuk the Harbor Seal

The Alaska SeaLife Center is pleased to announce the birth of a male harbor seal pup on June 27. The pup was born to two of the Center’s harbor seals, Atuun and Snapper. Learn more.

Free Music From Your Library

Music for free! For all of our cardholders who like to listen to music, your library is offering you a drama-free method of getting the music you want, three songs at a time. Gone are concerns of copyright infringements. Absent are the per-song costs associated with downloading. Learn more.

Alaska News Nightly: July 24, 2012

Lawmakers Ponder Options For More Natural Gas-Powered Cars; Wishbone Hill Mining Permits Called Into Question; AVCP Requests Clemency For Cited Kuskokwim Subsistence Fishermen; Greenpeace Impersonates Shell To Protest Arctic Drilling; Declining Cruise Traffic Has Sitka Considering A Dock; July On Track To Rank Among The Coldest Recorded; New Webcam Streams Video Of Katmai Bears; Six Alaskans Recognized For Homesteading Efforts; Rep. Young Endorsing Hirono In Her Democratic Primary

Alaska News Nightly: July 23, 2012

Environmental Groups Urge EPA To Block Shell’s Clean Air Act Waiver Request; Protestors Gather At Anchorage EPA Office; Oil Spill Containment Barge Holds Up Shell’s Arctic Plans; Man Mauled By Brown Bear In Eagle River; Study Says Polar Bear Species Older Than Previously Thought; Bethel Subsistence Fishermen Get 100 Free Nets; Susitna Watana Dam Studies Put Forward; Wrangell Milling Industry Supplying Instrument Makers Around The World; Sitka Resident Using Facebook To Catch A Thief

Algo Nuevo: July 22, 2012

Here’s the Sunday, July 22, 2012 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or...

Alaska Mountain Wilderness Classic, 130 miles, 4 days

Josh Mumm and I were shocked to finish first at the Lakina Bridge. I had calculated that Tyler Johnson, Todd Kasteler, and Danny Powers, the guys on the Tebay route, would be a full 24 hours ahead of us. And after not having seen Roman Dial since day one, I assumed he had found a cleaner route and would be waiting for us at the end. Click for more.

Traveling Music: July 22, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration Ice Storm...

Night Music: July 21, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Bouquet of...

AK: Home Schooling

In the tiny and remote communities of southern Baranof Island in southeast, there aren’t enough kids for a school. So parents have to home school. And both the parents and the kids try to strike a balance between a more traditional education of reading, writing, and arithmetic, with a more creative approach.

Alaska News Nightly: July 20, 2012

Commercial Fishermen Rally For Change In Fishing Policies; Seward Highway Reopens, Kidnapping Suspect Remains At Large; NTSB Releases Report on Plane Crash That Killed Former Lawmaker; New Website Explains State Finances; Subsistence Board Criticized For Not Giving RAC Recommendations Enough Weight; 12-Year-Old Fairbanks Boy’s Death Ruled An Accident; AK: Home Schooling; 300 Villages: Gakona

1on1: Jeanne Devon

The founder of The Mudflats blog, Jeanne Devon, was used to seeing a couple hundred people visit her site each day, and was a little surprised that she had a viewership that big. Then Sarah Palin was selected as the GOP Vice Presendential nominee, and Devon's political blog's viewership soared to thousands of hits a day from people wanting to know more about the person who had a chance to be the second most powerful person in America. TV: Sunday, 7/22 6:30pm & Wednesday, 7/25 at 11:00pm KSKA: Thursday, 7/26 at 1:00pm

11 Indicted In Tax Fraud Case; And A Woman Disappears Near Granite Creek Campground

Eleven people indicted in a $19 million tax fraud case. More than 100 uncounted ballots from the Muni election were found in a closet in Anchorage. The Federal Subsistence board grapples with low Kenai bull moose numbers. Governor says let the feds handle the state health insurance exchange. Valerie Sifsof disappears after walking away from the Granite Creek campground after a dispute with her boyfriend. Fire Island wind project moving forward. An interesting development involving low-power FM licenses and tribes. KSKA: Friday, 7/20 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 7/21 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 7/20 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 7/21 at 5:00pmpm

Oral Histories of the Homeless: Melody

At Bean's Café the project of creating 'oral histories' for our clients - the poorest people in our community - is important because it captures a story of an often forgotten group of people. With better understanding we hope to gain insight that will help us establish programs and services that will ultimately put us out of business. Read more.