Night Music: September 22, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Alone Together Joe...

Night Music: September 18, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Black Pearl Terence...

Night Music: September 8, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Blackbird/Bye Bye...

Night Music: September 1, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Out of...

Alaska News Nightly: October 1, 2012

Five Accused of Embezzling $500,000 from Trident in Kodiak; Work Continues To Create ‘Transboundary Area of Shared Beringian Heritage’; Fairbanks Voters to Decide on Limits of Heating Device Regulation; Body of Missing Norton Sound Boater Discovered; Chickenpox Outbreak Hits Homer, Soldotna; 2013 World Championships Banned Substance List Spurns Disagreement; Recovered Seal Returned To Unalaska Waters; Adzers Hard at Work in Chief Shakes Tribal House; Count Basie Orchestra Mentors Anchorage Students

Finding My Song at the Anchorage Museum

It was approaching the third week of heavy winds and rain outside the Anchorage Museum as I strolled through their canary yellow lobby on my way to “Finding My Song.” Artist Da-ka-xeen Mehner has combined his Native and European heritages to produce a show packed with color, texture and fun along with a poignant message. It’s clear Mehner understands Tlingit craft and twenty-first century Eurocentric Conceptualism. Read more.

AK: Eating Right

What comes to mind when you think of a school lunch menu? Tater tots? Sloppy Joes? Chocolate Milk? Instead, imagine quinoa or brown rice, locally-grown salad or roasted brussel sprouts and baked fish or homemade pizza with whole grain crust. That’s the direction some U.S. schools are headed as they try to serve healthier meals and teach kids more about nutrition and exercise. Two Alaska districts are getting some national recognition for their efforts on that front.

Alaska News Nightly: September 28, 2012

Troopers Arrest Fugitive Wanted In Sleetmute Kidnapping, Rape; Local Search Effort Continues For Missing Norton Sound Boaters; UA Regents Approve Tuition Hike; Assembly Passes Private Building Plan Review; Scientist Reprimanded For Improper Release Of Government Documents; Mat-Su Elections Will Proceed As Scheduled; Four of Five Largest Southeast Cities Holding Mayoral Elections; AK: Eating Right; 300 Villages: Cold Bay

Arctic Entries on KSKA

Every community has a place, where people gather and stories are told. The east coast has stoops, the south has porches and in Alaska we have Arctic Entries. Here, Alaskans share their personal stories - funny, sad and sweet. Originally told at the Arctic Entries monthly storytelling event in Anchorage, listen to seven people tell a seven-minute-long true story related to the show’s theme during a special 5-part series of Arctic Entries Tuesdays in October on KSKA FM 91.1. KSKA: Tuesdays in October at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Colorful Dumpsters of Seward, Alaska

You may have noticed the collection of colorful dumpsters along the waterfront in Seward, Alaska. Each dumpster features inspiring messages and artwork that reflect local culture. They were painted by Susan Swiderski for the City of Seward Parks & Rec Department. Ten years later the dumpsters are showing their age, but still remain a vibrant and welcoming site in the campground areas. Click for larger view.

Southcentral Alaska Recovers From Storms; and Concerns Over Wishbone Hill Resurface In The Valley

Southcentral starts to clean up after a series of September storms. Issues regarding the Wishbone Hill coal development resurface in the Valley. The Mat-Su Borough election takes place next week. Coleman Barney is sentenced in his Fairbanks militia trial. Gov. Parnell wants to break up the Senate Bi-Partisan Coalition. How has money affected this fall’s elections? Concerns raised about the availability of natural gas to Anchorage in the future. KSKA: Friday, 9/28 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 9/29 at 6:00pm TV: Friday, 9/28 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 9/29 at 5:00pm

Arctic Imperative Summit

October on Addressing Alaskans listen to a special 4-part series featuring talks from 2nd annual Arctic Imperative Summit hosted by the Alaska Dispatch in Girdwood. As the Arctic sea ice melts back to a new record, representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA, Alaska Native Corporations, foreign investment and oil companies, Alaska fisheries, local and international political leaders come together to discuss the many questions facing us regarding what's next in Arctic. KSKA: Thursdays in October at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm (10/18 at 8:00 pm)

Alaska News Nightly: September 27, 2012

Two Missing In Norton Sound; St. George Nearly Runs Out Of Fuel; Uncertainty Surrounds Affordable Health Care Act Implementation; Dive Surveys Help To Track D. Vex Distribution; Sitka’s Fake Coupons Par Of National Problem; CVRF Villages Launch Campaign To Increase Fishing Allocations; Pilot Shares Story With LKSD Students; Athabascan Elder Richard Frank Passes Away

Soul to Soul: September 22, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from the September 22, 2012 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed...

The Wild Duck: A Summer Fishing Cook Inlet

We were sitting at anchor in a small cove on the coast of Kalgan Island waiting for the storm to break and listening to the radio. Somehow, Terry had managed to get a hold of one of the Dobenspeck Cannery secret maps. We were independent fishermen, meaning that we were beholding to no cannery, could sell to whomever we pleased, but as a consequence, not entitled to one of those maps. Read more.

Fall is Upon Us

It is fall time in Alaska, and the gardens are officially done producing for the season. Like any other year, there was plenty of success and plenty of failure. The winds and the cold came earlier than normal, along with some serious, seemingly never ending rain, and I didn't get to harvest one single green bean or squash. The air is starting to get cold again, but it has the crispness of the fall rather than the almost sterile feel of a cold January morning. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: September 26, 2012

Police Release Identity of Body Found in Anchorage; Study Says Anchorage May Run Low On Gas In 2014; 900 EVOS Plaintiffs Still Owed $1 Million; Salvation Army Hosting Events Raising Awareness About Sex Trafficking; Major Quake Strikes Near Adak; Alaska Military Future Remains Uncertain; Scientists Look For Ways To Kill Sitka Tunicate; Alaska Health Care Leaders To Exchange Ideas on Industry Reform; Affordable Housing For Elderly Becoming Scarce; Song Written To Celebrate New Arctic Research Vessel

Portage Pass Trailhead Restoration

Before the big rains came last week, a group of Anchorage high school students from Highland Tech ventured down to Whittier to help restore the Portage Pass Trailhead. In just an hour and a half, 35 students, with help from 5 Forest Service employees, moved 3yds of rock and 1.5 yards of gravel to repair a 50ft stretch of trail. Read more.

The End of Poverty by 2040

Founder of FINCA, Dr. John Hatch was recorded speaking on "The End of Poverty by 2040" at the Alaska World Affairs Council on Friday, September 21, 2012.

2012 Wounded Warrior Denali Challenge

In this video, five wounded warriors challenge their disabilities to take on the tallest peak in North America. Larger view.