The Adolescent Girl

Are today's young women under so much pressure to be beautiful, to succeed at school and sports and to be sweet and nice that they are becoming depressed earlier in life? One new book thinks so. "The Triple Bind: Saving Our Teen Girls from Today's Pressures" presents an interesting look at how the pressure on young girls can take a nasty toll. So, where's the balance and what can be done? KSKA: Tuesday 9/13 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
The BP Building in Anchorage.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Dec. 19, 2019

BP employees face decisions about whether to stay or go ahead of the company's pending sale to Hilcorp. Plus: Parents in Bethel react to a local principal charged with sex crimes involving minors.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, March 8, 2018

Trump official says Interior aims to move ‘pretty quickly’ on Arctic Refuge oil development; Sweeney Interior nomination in limbo; State, hospitals seek funds to prevent payment emergency; Trump administration sued over Pacific walrus; For this expat mom, raising healthy girls means going to prison; Rep. Guttenberg taken to hospital for ‘unknown medical emergency’; As Iditarod has changed, so has its relationship with its Native roots, mushers say Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Anchorage's mayor says masks may be required if coronavirus cases continue to rise. And, new funding moves the controversial Ambler Road project forward. Plus, the pandemic continues to affect the salmon market.
Happy lawmakers

Alaska News Nightly: February 23, 2024

Lawmakers pass a historic increase to education funding. Plus, the Department of Agriculture looks to reduce energy costs in rural areas.

KSKA 'Tweetup': Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

Are you a Twitter user? Would you like to be? Maybe you use Facebook or MySpace or LinkedIn? Did your friends or family rope...

The economic future of Alaska

Alaska is an oil state, but will that be true forever? The state is confronting low oil prices and declining production. Several companies are betting on new production. Others think Alaska needs to grow a different kind of economy. Listen Here

Alaska News Nightly: July 3, 2012

Whaling Commission Upholds Subsistence Catch Limits; Sen. Begich, Fishermen Discusses Low King Runs; Financial Pressure Mounts For Military Downsizing; Baby Found In Sitka Sink Returns As Adult; Slavic Population Influx Slowing In Delta; Park Service Releases New Denali Road Management Plan; Oyster Farms Flourishing in Southeast; Dismal Runs Close Ship Creek Fishery

Women ski patrollers of Alyeska Ski Resort

2020 has been a great year to be a skier in Southcentral Alaska. This show features the women ski patrollers, avalanche specialists, medical staff, and Search and Rescue Dog handlers of Alyeska Resort.

October Rains

When I hear the October rains thrumming on the roof, I think about Girdwood, the little ski resort town where I lived many years ago. I lived there at a time in my life when I thought it utterly cool to have no telephone, no radio or television, no running water, no plumbing, and a little Quaker pot-burner oil stove for heat. Read more.
people dance on stage for a celebration

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, June 10, 2024

Moving salmon to the endangered list could impact fisheries. Plus, a lawsuit seeks to restore fishing rights for the only Native reservation.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Aug. 12, 2019

Dunleavy reverses potential cuts to senior benefits; Alaska governor seeks to tighten work rules for food stamps; Environmentalists concerned over changes to Endangered Species Act; Dunleavy vetoes some funds for marine vessel tracking; Juneau forum brainstorms ways Native communities can adapt to public service cuts; Forest Service proposes plan changes for young-growth logging on karst lands; Conservation groups ask DEC to reconsider Palmer Project permits; As Kenai Peninsula dries out, likelihood for fires increases; UAF tracks moisture content in firewood

Night Music: August 20, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title CD Label Duration Planet...

Night Music: June 23, 2012

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration In the...

AK: McPherson Music leaves behind a legacy of Ketchikan performers

McPherson Music has been the cornerstone of Ketchikan’s music scene since the 1980s. Now, though, McPherson Music is for sale. Listen now

Mammography and Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines

New cases of breast cancer, the most common female cancer, unlike many cancers that are decreasing have been stable for the last 10 years in the U.S. but death rates have been slowing improving. Anchorage radiologist Dr Heather Tauschek and Dr Thad Woodard will discuss mammography, the rationale for breast cancer screening recommendations, and newest recommendations for breast cancer screening on this Line One program. KSKA-FM: Monday, March 14, 2016 at 2:00 p.m and again at 8:00pm. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo April 15, 2018

Here’s the Sunday, April 15th, 2018 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Alaska News Nightly: June 19, 2013

Murkowski Endorses Gay Marriage; Alaska Couples Await Supreme Court Decision On DOMA, Prop 8; Sullivan Says He Will Run For Lieutenant Governor; State To Receive Brief Relief From Heat Wave; Steller Sea Lion To Give Birth To New Pup; Glacier Bay Lodge May Shut Down; New Deal Proposed For Possible Chena Hot Springs Expansion Download Audio
Lori Townsend talks with guests about village relocation during Alaska Insight.

Climate change is forcing some villages to move. What is the government doing to help? | Alaska Insight

Increasingly violent and frequent storms driven by climate change are becoming the new normal. The reliable freeze-up that would stabilize shorelines before heavy winter weather helped to protect Alaska’s coastal areas from extreme erosion.