Backyard Chicken Blogging

Today we’re talking chickens. Mara Bacsujlaky is a bit of a chicken expert. In addition to raising her own chickens, she hosts workshops, handles them for her job at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. And, she writes a blog dedicated to them. She is a fan.

In My Family: “It’s Okay”

This week on “In My Family,” Khan teaches teaches Raven how to say “It's Okay,” in Gwich'in.

The Klondike Letters Project: Sourdough Zombies

Back in 1898, thousands of men and women arrived in Skagway with gold fever. They were headed for the Klondike goldfields over the Chilkoot Pass. Around their necks, they carried packets of fermented dough to make bread on their long, cold journey. Learn more.

AK: Getting Started

A group of teenagers from the valley just released their very first CD. Gerygone & Twig used Kickstarter to raise money to produce the album called, “The Slee-py.” The Wasilla based indie-folk band already has a small group of devoted fans. Now, with the new CD they are reaching more listeners in zip-codes across the nation. Download Audio

Exorbitant Privilege: The Decline of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System

This week on Addressing Alaskans, Professor Barry Eichengreen reviews the past, present and future of the United States dollar contending the gradual decline of the dollar and rise of other currencies will ultimately strengthen the world economy. Recorded last week at the Alaska World Affairs Council listen to Eichengreen's talk based on his book Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System Tuesday on Addressing Alaskans. KSKA: Tuesday 4/30 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Listen Now

Public Debt for Public Good

First established to help Alaskans get mortgages, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation now has responsibility for a natural gas pipeline, and it may soon be in charge of a bridge. The next Talk of Alaska is your chance to talk to the man the Legislature trusts to handle all this, Dan Fauske, the Executive Director of the AHFC. Download Audio KSKA: Tuesday, 4/30 at 10:00am

Tracking Oil And Gas Legislation; And Sen. Begich’s Gun Control Votes

Tracking the oil tax reform, a gas line to Southcentral, and trucking gas to Fairbanks. Anchorage activists attempting to derail the tax plan. Labor leaders push to repeal Anchorage’s AO37. Senator Mark Begich votes against gun control proposals. KSKA: Friday, 4/26 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 4/27 at 6:00pm TV: Friday, 4/26 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 4/27 at 5:00pm Download audio

2013 Alaska Mountain Wilderness Ski Classic

I joined Josh Mumm, Eben Sargent, and John Sykes for the ~170 mile route from McCarthy to Tok-Cutoff via President’s Chair. We slimmed our packs to 30 lbs each, which included minimal glacier gear. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: April 25, 2013

Congress Looking At Sealaska Lands Bill; Bill Walker To Run For Governor; Ruling Favors One Of ‘Fairbanks 4’; Students At Alaska Pacific University Research Big Fisheries Questions; Spring Whaling Begins In Arctic; Native Youth Olympics Kick Off In Anchorage; Juneau Reaches Out To Nearby Communities, Neighbor To Neighbor; Sitka Library Receives Heartfelt Donation Download Audio

Summer Camp Planning for Kids

hoonah camp 2012_AB Girl Scouts Listen Now The fondest dream of many parents is for our children to love the outdoors as much as we do. Summer is the time for that to happen, but how do you get them off the couch and outside when you’re away at work? On this edition of Outdoor Explorer, the topic is outdoors summer camps. We’ll talk about camp options, and also how to make sure it’s a positive and inspiring experience, even for shy indoor kids.What do you look for in a camp for your kids? KSKA: Thusday 5/2 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Airstrip Plan Irks Chase Residents

Residents in the Chase area say plans to bulldoze a trail to enable heavy construction in relation to the Susitna - Watana dam needs a lot more scrutiny. A local lodge-owner wants to build an airstrip in a remote area to prepare for the arrival of the dam project's science and environmental crews --- but getting the big caterpillars into the site could be the first challenge. Download Audio

Last Week in My Yard

This time of year in Alaska is all about transitions. Transitioning from winter to spring, from white to green, from dark to light. The weather has warmed slightly, but the air still contains the hard smack of winter. Click for more.

Alaska News Nightly: April 24, 2013

Work To Move Forward On Susitna-Watana Dam; Anchorage School District Dissolving Girls Hockey Program; Senators Dine With President, Enjoy Alaska’s Finest; Greenpeace Searching For Arctic Whistleblowers; Alaska Villages Cope With Treated-Water Shortages; Coastal Caucus Gives Rural Senators More Clout; Autopsy Leaves Unanswered Questions In Fairbanks Man’s Death; Students ‘Resilient’ In The Fight Against Meth; First Cruisers Of Season Find Kodiak ‘Courteous’; Audio Postcard: Ninja Captures Mooing Rhinos Download Audio

2012 Big Brother of the Year Joel Cooper

Big Brothers Big Sisters Big of the Year 2012 Joel and Little Brother Tim have been "matched" since June 2011. In that timeframe Joel has helped Tim in ways neither of them could imagine. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: April 23, 2013

Shell’s Arctic ‘Beer Can’ Passes Federal Test In Puget Sound; After Quiet Change To State Rules, An Unintended Parking Holiday In Many Cities; First Cast Of Rabies Reported In Interior Alaska; Senate Mulls Renaming Mount McKinley, Again; Ferry System Phases Out Nature Interpreters; ANSEP Program Partners With Mat-Su School District; Alaska Cultural Connections: Growing Up Download Audio

Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program Teams Up With Matanuska Susitna Schools

Building a computer is child's play, or at least it ought to be. That's the premise behind an innovative concept in science and engineering education. As KSKA's Ellen Lockyer reports, the Matanuska Susitna Borough School District has partnered with UAA's Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program, or ANSEP, to help middle schoolers achieve future university success.

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Love Your Local Library

Photo Courtesy of the Alaska Library Association. The library is a wonderful, amazing place that offers programs from tots to adults all under one roof! It's a great place to find books on almost every imaginable topic and open your imagination to magical worlds. Here is a list of some of the great things your local library provides. Click for more.

Alaska News Nightly: April 22, 2013

Air Traffic Controller Furloughs Begin; Alaska Film Subsidy Draws Legislative Scrutiny; Two Deaths In Kodiak Harbors Under Investigation; Pitkas Point Man Dies In Snowmachine Crash; Bethel Residents Hold Rally For Subsistence Rights; Alaska Cultural Connections: Dying In Rural Alaska; Decision Day For Sitka’s School District Budget; Family Makes Progress On 800-Mile Trek Around Cook Inlet Download Audio

A Dream Come True: Homemade Bacon

Today we’re making homemade bacon. In his Peters Creek home, Erik Johnson is prepping a massive amount of meat to make some of his signature bacon. This man is no stranger to meat. In addition to bacon, Johnson makes sausage and jerky, both with wild game and store-bought meat. Read more.

In My Family: "Sea Lion"

This week on “In My Family,” Ethan teaches teaches Raven how to say “Sea Lion,” in Unangax.