Alaska News Nightly: June 7, 2013

Man Fatally Mauled By Bear; Redistricting Board Begins Redrawing Boundaries; AVCP Looks To Leverage Izembek Road; APICDA Takes Stance On Izembek Road; Surge Of Water Pushing Down Yukon River; Rotten Food Poses Problem For Galena Residents; Group Commemorating 100 Year Anniversary Of First Denali Summit; Special Olympics Alaska Breaks Ground On New Expansion; Ground Breaks For Port MacKenzie Rail Extension; AK: The Big Day; 300 Villages: Hyder Download Audio

Weekend Pilots

Imagine getting up on Saturday morning, hopping in your plane, and going anywhere in Alaska. It’s the ultimate way of getting outdoors in a huge wilderness with unlimited opportunities. We’ll be talking with weekend pilots about their expensive and challenging hobby, and what makes it worthwhile. What would you like to know about learning to fly, or even owning your own plane? Where would you go if the sky was the limit? KSKA: Thursday, 6/13, at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Listen Now

The Betrayal of American Prosperity

This week on Addressing Alaskans, hear from Clyde Prestowitz, President of the Economic Strategy Institute. Hosted by the Alaska World Affairs Council, his talk entitled "The Betrayal of American Prosperity: Free Market Delusions, America's Decline, and How We Must Compete in the Post-Dollar Era" was recorded in Anchorage on May 3. KSKA: Tuesday 6/11 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Listen Now

More About the Governor’s Solution

What if polluters had to pay, and the money went to you? Peter Barnes, author of the influential book “Who Owns the Sky,” has a new idea for selling the commons and paying dividends. It’s an idea with strong roots in Alaska, and this investment strategy will be the topic of the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, 6/11 at 10:00am Download Audio

Alaska Cultural Connections: Historical Trauma

Many rural Alaskan communities are trying to revive their cultures and languages. But some mental health experts say that in order to revitalize their communities and their families, they first have to acknowledge and heal from the pains of the past. APRN’s Anne Hillman learned about historical trauma as part of an on-going series looking at Culture in Alaska. Download Audio

Lesil McGuire Announces Lt. Governor Run; And BP Announces $1 Billion Expansion Plan

Lesil McGuire announces her candidacy for lieutenant governor. Group hopes to recall Lindsey Holmes. The Air Force makes its case to move Eielson’s F-16s to Anchorage. Review board adds billions of dollars to the estimated value of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. KSKA: Friday, 6/7 at 2:00pm TV: Friday, 6/7 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 6/8 at 5:00pm Download Audio

Homemade Caribou Summer Sausage

summer-sausage My brother and I had a terrific hunt last fall where we were both lucky enough to harvest a caribou. Because we harvested big bulls, and it was after the rut, we decided to make most of the meat into sausage. See the recipes.

Alaska News Nightly: June 6, 2013

Holder: Appeal Expected On Attorney Discipline; Jewell Opposes ANWR Drilling; Oil Leasing Official Hearing Input on Arctic Exploration; Oil Leasing Official Hearing Input on Arctic Exploration; An Anchorage Women Steps Up To Help Seng Family; Coalition Forms In Support Of Immigration Reform; NYT Puzzle Master Will Shortz Adds Alaska To His Table Tennis Quest; 'In Pursuit of Alaska' Highlights State’s Earliest Visitors Download Audio

Memories of Making Cranberry Hooch

Bog Cranberries (High Bush Variety) Turn Bright Red in Autumn.  (National Archives, 1973.) In 1968, my handsome, newbie husband Dick spotted an article in the Anchorage Daily News that told how to make different things out of high bush cranberries: jelly, juice, ketchup and hooch. We decided to try and make some. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: June 5, 2013

Galena Residents Begin To Rebuild; New Mexico Man Killed In Petersburg-Area Plane Crash; Many Gather To Remember Katie John; New Oil Spill Technology A ‘Game Changer,’ Says CIRCAC; Lawsuit Filed To Block Bridge To Alaska Reserve; Lesil McGuire Announces Candidacy For Lieutenant Governor; New Honorary Consul An Opportunity For Alaska Download Audio

Take Action for Early Learning

Thread Early Learning Too many children in the United States arrive at the kindergarten door already behind their peers. But where do we start if we are to make sure our children are ready for school? Earlier than you think! From the moment of birth, babies start on a path of learning and discovery that determines how confidently they step over the kindergarten threshold and beyond. Read more.

Carrying a Piano Up Chilkoot Pass

In February, 1898 Mike Mahoney aka “Klondike Mike” made a deal with Hal Henry. He would escort the Sunny Samson Sister Sextette and their luggage over the Chilkoot Pass and down to Dawson city. There was just one problem – the sisters insisted on bringing their accompaniment piano. Learn more.

Alaska News Nightly: June 4, 2013

Group Attempting To Recall Rep. Lindsey Holmes; Student Loan Rate Hike Pending, Congress Bickers Over Politics; Judge Scolds Redistricting Board; Pavlof Eruption Picks Up Again; Growing Seal Lion Population Presents Problem In Petersburg; NPS Finalizes Land Acquisition Plan For Lake Clark National Park; Rofkar: ‘So Many More Discoveries’ To Make Download Audio

Summer of Heroes: Honoring Alaska Youth

Summer of Heroes Excerpt Alaska Communications is happy to announce the third annual Summer of Heroes program in partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs – Alaska. The program recognizes five young Alaska heroes who are making a difference in Alaska communities. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: June 3, 2013

BP To Increase Number Of Rigs On North Slope; Galena Looks Toward Recovery; Air Force Releases Draft EID Statement For Eielson F-16 Move; Juneau’s Carpenter Union Hall Shuts Down; Alaska Airlines Bids To Continue Service To Adak; Copper River Subsistence Opening Delayed 3 Days; Group Continues Push For Indoor Produce Growing Facility; Alaska’s Cultural Connections: Moving To The Mat-Su Download Audio

Alaska Cultural Connections: Adoption

As part of an on-going series on Alaska’s cultural connections, we’re taking A Closer Look at cross-cultural adoption. Last winter, Anchorage resident Sarah Gonzales and her husband adopted a beautiful healthy baby boy; they met him when he was one day old at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage. She shares her thoughts about how to integrate his birth culture in their family life. Download Audio

Bringing Arts and Culture to Ship Creek

The Ship Creek area is mostly known for its fish and trains, but this group is hoping they can expand that. Anchorage Community Works was founded by four friends who decided to renovate an old warehouse off Ship Creek Road for their building. The plan is for the building to be a shared workspace for local artists.

I am a Volunteer Ski Bum

Arctic Valley has been providing Alaskans with grassroots skiing since the 1940s. Sitting next to an old military missile site, the ski area relies almost entirely on its volunteers to stay alive.

Alaska News Nightly: May 31, 2013

Athabascan Elder Katie John Passes Away; Potential Challengers Eye Begich’s Senate Seat; Judge Calls On Redistricting Board To Start Work; Mat-Su Fire Destorys Cabin; Lawsuit Over Beluga Population Counts Settled In Court; Field Work On Gas Line Expected To Start Next Week; AK: Making Music; 300 Villages: Gulkana Download Audio

AK: Making Music

In a small white house at the end of gravel road near Anchor Point, Ray DeMeo has been making instruments in an attached workshop for nearly a decade. He carefully crafts violins, violas and mandolins, mostly from local wood, some of it found in his own backyard. Download Audio