Toxic Anger

Anger is a completely normal and necessary human emotion. But, it can get out of control, turn destructive, and lead to problems with your health, family relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. On the next Line One, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Bruce Pemberton, Ed.D will join us to discuss “Toxic Anger” and how healthy anger can motivate us and improve our lives. KSKA: Monday 8/26 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Living & Giving Locally

Candace Winkler and Jessie Menkens take a break from their work. A wildlife habitat and natural wetland, the Campbell Creek estuary will offer Anchorage locals an opportunity to step out into the wilderness of Alaska. A perfect place to take a quiet stroll, the natural trails needed for such an activity had yet to be constructed. That’s where we came in. Our job that Friday: to move gravel from one place to another. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: August 22, 2013

Alaska Education Leaders Tepid To Obama’s Education Plans. Alaska Tries To Curb Cruise Ship Kickbacks. Millennium Passengers Call 911, Worried About ‘Riot’. Man Suspected Of Shooting At Police Arrested. Military Approves Expanded Alaska Training. UAF Takes New Suicide Prevention Approach. Resolution May Establish Two Dog Training Areas In Effort To Mitigate Trapping Conflicts. Juneau-Raised Rope Jumper Attempts 3 World Records. Wrangell In The Picture For Nat Geo Traveler.

Anchorage Labor Law Overturned, Legislature Questioning Education Costs, Citizens Asked to Help Combat Drunk Driving

News headlines up for discussion this week: Anchorage labor law, education in the legislature, combating drunk driving, Anchorage shooter arrested, election 2014 underway, investing in school safety, further restricting abortions, reapportionment of legislature, EPA administration to visit Pebble mine site. KSKA: Friday, 8/23 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 8/24 at 6:00pm TV: Friday, 8/23 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 8/24 at 5:00pm Listen Now

Frugal Fun At The Alaska State Fair

alaska-state-fair The end of summer in Alaska can mean two things, back to school and The Alaska State Fair! While the fair isn't known for being especially cheap, you can get the most bang for your buck by checking out our tips. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: August 21, 2013

State Eyes Arkansas Plan As Model For Medicaid Expansion. Coast Guard Plans Arctic Spill Test. Inuit Circumpolar Council Meets In Kotzebue. Anchorage Police Search For Man Who Shot At Officer. State Lawmakers Grapple With Education Funding And Student Performance. Flood Threat Minimal With Heavy Rain. Matsu Ferry Could Be Dry-Docked. Public Invited To Comment On New Ferry Design. Glacier Bay Lodge Saved. Listen Now

Alaska News Nightly: August 20, 2013

Oil Prices Surge As Alaskans Stockpile For Winter. State Considering New Abortion Regulations. Anchorage Police Crack Down On Drunk Driving. Judge Suspends Controversial Union Ordinance. Mike Williams Sr. To Help Lead Suicide Prevention Summit. Good Aurora Forecast This Week Could Be Due To Solar Magnetic ‘Flip’. Retreating Denali Glacier Reveals Trash From 1947 Expedition.

New Alaska National Forest Posters Highlights Fish and Wildlife

posters-small-2013 The Chugach and Tongass National Forests have released two new posters in their series, "More Than a Place to Visit—It’s Where We Live." The new 16x32 inch posters are available for free at your local Forest Service office. Learn more.

Traveling Music: September 1, 2013

Traveling Music 9-1-13 Shonti Elder   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration     Gone, Gonna Rise Again Dick Gaughan / Si Kahn Redwood Cathedral Greentrax 3:41   Drumcross (instrumental) Fred Morrison / Fred Morrison Outlands Ridge Rcords 4:00   She Moved Through...

Anchorage Community Works Grand Opening

ACW Grand Opening Excerpt Anchorage Community Works started remodeling a warehouse in Ship Creek this May and have been moving at locomotive speed to get the space ready for use - including remodeled bathrooms, a 300+ square foot stage, an art studio, and a shared workspace, among other things. Join The Works on August 23rd for a grand opening the likes of which Anchorage has not yet seen. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: August 19, 2013

USCG Admiral Talks Arctic Strategy; Wet Weather Likely Too Little, Too Late For Alaska Farmers; Valley Ag Center Boosts Seed Research; Juneau Clinic On The Chopping Block; Homeless Shelters Concerned As Federal Funding Dries Up; Snow Forecast Along North Slope; Camp Near Wrangell Teaches Tlingit Culture, Language Download Audio

An Alaskan Midwife in Haiti

Today we meet a midwife that is going to Haiti, and the film crew following her. Jennifer Hoadley has been a labor and delivery nurse for six years. Not long ago, she was communicating by text with one of her nursing colleagues, who at the time was working in Haiti. When she realized how bad the conditions were, she decided it was time to head to Haiti herself. Click for more.

I Am The Town Movie Maven

Whether it's with cult films, theatrical performances, or musical acts, comedienne Collette Costa keeps her Juneau neighbors entertained year-round.

Night Music: August 17, 2013

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus.  All tracks played are listed below in the following format:   Title Artist / Composer (if known) Album Label Song Duration 8:00...

AK: Home Grown Garlic

The Chilkat Valley near Haines in Southeast is known as the Valley of the Eagles. But some residents are trying to bring the valley back to its roots, literally. Agriculture is making a comeback in the where longtime resident George Campbell believes he has the largest crop of garlic in the state this year. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: August 16, 2013

How Are Alaska’s Schools Doing?; USCG Arctic Strategy Requires More Ice Breakers; Anchorage Committee Exploring Possible Olympic Bid; More Moisture Finally Forecast For Interior; Fish & Game Asks Hunter To Delay Bird Hunts; Out North’s Closure A Blow For Anchorage Artists; AK: Home Grown Garlic; 300 Villages: Kake Download Audio

Berry Picking


The feel of the air at night has changed. Fall is coming. Time for berry picking. It’s been a great year for berries across Alaska, and on today's show, we will talk in detail about where, how, and what to pick, and how to handle your harvest with experts on the art, science, health and culinary details of berries, and share the warm feeling of this wonderful family tradition. KSKA: Thursday, 8/22 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

Back to School with Superintendent Graff

School is starting in Anchorage, once again with a new superintendent. After a year of turmoil, the Anchorage School District is headed by a local educator, Ed Graff. Superintendent Graff looks ahead to coming school year and how he plans to guide the district. We're on the air the first day of school. Listen Now KSKA: Wednesday 8/21 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm

Taking Chances

The next edition of Arctic Entries radio hour will feature stories on “Taking Chances.” You’ll hear Alaskans tell stories about rolling the dice, going rogue and living with the consequences. Alaska is chock full of people who are not afraid to made bold, risky decisions or go against the grain. All of these stories were originally told in September 2012 at the Snow Goose Theatre in Anchorage. KSKA: Tuesday 8/20 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

The University of Alaska’s Role in Alaska’s Future

How should the University of Alaska adapt to changing times? Not only is technology changing, but so is the job market. Higher education faces the impossible task of ramping up to train people for future jobs that haven’t even been thought of yet. University of Alaska President Pat Gamble has some ideas, and he wants to hear yours on the next Talk of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, 8/20 at 10:00am Download Audio