Alaska News Nightly: October 4, 2013

Federal Shutdown Could Delay Crab Fisheries; Group Inadvertently Deals With Federal Under-Reach; Alaska’s High Court First Supreme Court In The Nation To Hear Climate Change Case; State Orders Review Of Fairbanks 4 Case; Small Explosion Detected At Cleveland Volcano; Longtime Pilot, Adventurer Shares Experiences In New Book; AK: Museum Moving; 300 Villages: Coffman Cove Download Audio

Transition Season Biking

Even as fall weather gets colder, biking is not over. The sport of cyclocross is nearing its peak of competition. Mountain biking trails are firm and fast in cool weather. And yearround bikers are preparing for winter. We are talking about biking when its cold out, on the cyclocross course or on the street, getting to work, and the equipment and attitude it takes to make sub-arctic bicycling full. KSKA: Thursday 10/10 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

The Wolf

Biologist Gordon Haber may have spent more hours observing Alaska’s wolves than anyone else. He died in a 2009 plane crash tracking wolves in Denali National Park. His work will be the subject of a book coming out later this month. APRN: Tuesday, 10/8 at 10:00am Download Audio

Navigating The Online Health Insurance Marketplaces

The Affordable Care Act's online health insurance marketplaces launched across the country on Tuesday. Each state is required to have a marketplace as part of the ACA. The sites are where people can shop for a health insurance plan and figure out if they qualify for a subsidy to help pay for it. Under the health care law, nearly everyone in the country is required to have health insurance starting Jan. 1. Today's guests are here to answer questions about how to sign up for coverage. KSKA: Friday, 10/4 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 10/5 at 6:00pm TV: Friday, 10/4 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 10/5 at 5:00pm Download Audio

AK: Museum Moving

Construction workers in Juneau are making progress on the State Library Archives Museum building – otherwise known as SLAM. What most people don’t see is all the work behind the scenes. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: October 3, 2013

Salvagers Make Progress On Sunken Tender Lone Star; Paid Petitioners Vital Resource For Initiative Sponsors; Alaska Schools Lose More Than 600 Teachers, Staff Over Past 3 Years; Chugiak Residents Fight Landfill Plan; Y-K Delta’s First Nursing Home Opens In Bethel; Unions Criticize Lack Of Pre-Hire Labor Agreement For Juneau Dock Project; Forest Service To Tweak Tongass Management Plan Download Audio

New Youth Environmentalists Hail from all Parts of Alaska

Halbe Brown Spirit of Youth AYEA Alaska Youth for Environmental Action have appointed new Youth Organizers for the 2013-14 year. The 16 students are from all over the state and have a deep passion for keeping Alaska's environment healthy. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: October 2, 2013

F-16s Will Remain At Eielson Air Force Base; New F-35 Fighter Jets May Be Based At Eielson; State’s National Parks Close Due To Shutdown; High Web Traffic Cripples Federal Health Insurance Marketplaces; Municipal Elections Held Across State; Agricultural Conference Addresses Arctic Food Issues; Circle Still Recovering From Spring Floods; Solace International Helping Syrian Refugees Download Audio

End of the Alcan: Our Journey to Alaska

Don Griffith, 1940′s. “I packed one suit, two shirts and two ties,” Dad said to Mom the night before he left Portland. He had accepted a job with the Bureau of Land Management in Anchorage and needed to be presentable for work, but had little room in the old Plymouth for much of anything in addition to camping equipment, food, fishing gear and his beloved guns. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: October 1, 2013

Federal Government Shuts Down; Alaska’s Federal Workers Speak Out On Shutdown; Health Insurance Marketplace Launches In Alaska; Why Are Old Apartment Complexes Burning Down In Anchorage?; Marine Weather Forecasts Remain Available; Can A College Freshman Force State Action On Climate Change?; Cruise Season Short Of Million-Passenger Mark Download Audio

The Art of James Gurney: Part 2

Gurney works while observing the scene out the window of a train. James Gurney’s famed Dinotopia series, enchanting adventures juxtaposing mythical creatures and humans against fantasy backgrounds, morphed into his how-to book, Imaginative Realism. Imaginative Realism’s sequel is Gurney’s Color and Light. Written in a convenient cookbook style, he imparts artistic elements, rules-of-the-road, that take painters on a journey, becoming keener observers while perfecting their artistic endeavors. Read more.

Traveling Music: October 6, 2013

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 10-6-13 Upcoming Concerts: Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott, Saturday, Oct. 26 (Whistling Swan), Wendy Williamson Auditorium UAA; Eileen Ivers and the Anchorage Symphony...

Alaska News Nightly: September 30, 2013

State Braces For Government Shutdown; Health Insurance Marketplaces Set To Open; YKHC Lays Off Workers, Cuts Programs; Alaska Tsunami Warning Center Gets New Name; Changes Coming Tuesday To Marine Weather Forecasts For Southwest Alaska; Wrangell Considers Sales Tax Decrease; Hotel Impossible Wraps Up Filming At Alaskan Hotel; Adventurer Publishes ‘Northern Exposures’ Book Download Audio

Hands-on Discovery in Portage Valley

Today we’re going to school outside. Douglas Causey is a Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and most days he’s teaching in a classroom like every other teacher. But, the one he’s teaching today couldn’t be more different. This classroom is in Portage Valley. And the homework? Catching fish. Read more.

I Am The Pipe Cleaner Master

Creating up to 50,000 artistic pieces a year, Kenneth Williams can shape pipe cleaners into just about anything. In addition to his business at Anchorage's Sears Mall, Kenneth also creates intricate stop-motion animation films. His unwavering dedication to his craft, along with his kind-hearted personality makes Kenneth an inspiration to anyone who meets him.

Masterpiece Mystery: Foyle’s War – Sunflower

Foyle is tasked with protecting Karl Strasser, a Nazi officer turned MI5 informant who believes he is in danger. America wants Strasser extradited for his involvement in a wartime event, but British Intelligence is determined to protect him. As Foyle nears a solution to the case, the unfathomable truth of “Operation Sunflower” is revealed. TV: Sunday, 9/29 at 8:00pm

Last Tango in Halifax: Episode 4

A police search begins for Alan and Celia, who are locked inside the hall without phone service. Fearing for their parents and unable to sleep, Caroline and Gillian open up to one another and form a supportive bond. In the morning, the curator and his assistant find Alan and Celia. TV: Saturday, 9/29 at 7:00pm

AK: Baby Boost

As in many small towns in Alaska, there are no babies delivered in Wrangell’s hospital. Expectant mothers have to leave town to give birth. When they return, there aren’t many services to help them adjust to life with a new baby. Hannah’s Place is a non-profit that provides free courses for expecting couples and new parents. In exchange for taking these classes, parents have access to a “free” store that has nearly everything an infant needs. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: September 27, 2013

Denali Commission’s Inspector General Advocates For Dissolving Organization; Newly-Enforced FAA Policies Cause Problems For Alaska Airports; Oil, Gas Exploration May Increase In Chukchi Sea; State, Fairbanks Review New Fairbanks 4 Evidence; Secure Rural Schools Program Extension Approved; ACLU Concerned Over Online Health Information Exchanges; AK: Baby Boost; 300 Villages: Venetie Download Audio

Getting Alaska Back on the Global Energy Map

President, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Trond-Erik Johansen was recorded speaking on “Getting Alaska Back on the Global Energy Map” at the Alaska World Affairs Council in Anchorage on September 27, 2013. Listen Now