Crime prevention through community outreach

Public safety and crime prevention will be more challenging for the state's department of law as budget cuts force closure of district attorney offices in some areas of Alaska. I'm Lori Townsend. How will prosecutors handle increased caseloads and long distance court proceedings? APRN: Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00am Download Audio

UAA’s Eurydice

The Greek mythological tale of lost love and a journey to the underworld takes a new turn in Sarah Ruhl's play, Eurydice currently performing at the University of Alaska Department of Theatre and Dance. Join director Ty Hewitt along with actors Kimberly Allely and Angela Colavecchio this week on Stage Talk to hear all about it. Eurydice performs this weekend at the UAA Fine Arts Building Friday through Sunday. KSKA: Friday, March 4 at 2:45pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday Mar. 3, 2016

VA says it’s improving in Alaska; Murkowski calls it ‘chaos’; legislators moving funds from all over to cover budget issues; ban on Planned Parenthood teaching materials deemed ‘problematic’; Rep. Gruenberg’s widow seeks control of husband’s records, is blocked; Apache to pull out of Alaska, citing low oil prices; village awarded money to improve hydropower replacement for diesel; winter is here, it’s just lurking up high; Nuuk, Greenland prepares for Arctic Winter Games; effort in place to revive Nome National Forest Download Audio
reporter's roundtable super tuesday

Reporter’s roundtable: Super Tuesday

Republican voters in 12 states went to the polls to indicate which of the Republican candidates they want for the 2016 presidential race. On this week's Alaska Edition, we review the results of the Republican poll, and what impact Alaska's support may or may not have on a national level. Listen Now:

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2016

Murkowski seeks funding for deep-water port in Alaska; why Alaska Republicans chose Cruz (and Trump, too); Legislature proposes new state bank; Alaska's credit downgraded from AAA to AA1; Lack of snow shortens Iditarod start from 11 to 3 miles; Warm winter changes nature of seal hunting; In Anchorage education lottery, lots of winners; A new generation walks for sobriety in Kwethluk Download Audio

Traveling Music 3-6-16

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 3-6-16   Concert ahead: Solas, Friday, March 18, PAC (by Anchorage Concert Association)   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   All That You Ask Me Solas / Kieran...

Alaska News Nightly: March 1, 2016

Alaska Republicans go to the polls on Super Tuesday; more cuts proposed to budget, everything from libraries to senior benefits; judge rules in favor of Medicaid expansion; polling stations critically understaffed, need volunteers; let it snow, please; without ferry service, a Southeast village considers $18 gallon of milk; Anchorage cyclist wins Iditarod Trail Invitational; Sitka revisiting idea of consolidating hospital services; New life raft regulations for fishing boats no longer required Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Feb. 29, 2016

Sullivan rips failure to disavow KKK plug as ‘idiotic’; Energy lobbyist denounces Walker’s oil and gas tax changes; New bill on sex education passes in Alaska Senate; Habitat for threatened polar bears found to be legal in federal court; Alaska Airlines flight struck by lightning, none harmed; Climate, costs, convenience drive mushing onto the road; Color of Justice strives to involve youth, rural voices with the justice system; Fur Rondy carnival celebrates 50 years with a Golden Carousel Download Audio

March 2016 TV Highlights: Barbara Lavallee, Grantchester and Running

FACES of ALASKA featuring artist Barbara Lavallee, a second season of GRANTCHESTER, a final season of MR. SELFRIDGE, and RUNNING programs - featuring candidates for Anchorage School Board and Anchorage Assembly - highlight March's television schedule.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

Alaska Democrats announce finalists to fill Gruenberg seat; Hundreds of millions more in budget cuts recommended; Rep. Young wins lightning round on bears, feds, ANWR; AVCP Allanivik Hotel and Mud Hut shutting down; In rural Alaska, people power is as important as wind power; Iron Dog approaches its final stage: Johnson, Aklestad in lead; AK: Escape the room and save Talkeetna; 49 Voices: Robert Johnson of Anchorage Download Audio

Revisiting Alaska Native Games

The annual statewide competitions are coming up soon, as well as the international Arctic Winter Games in Fairbanks. These games are spectacular, like the high kick, and sometimes require toughness and courage. Their cultural roots are for preparing for outdoor survival and hunting success. We’ll have athletes and cultural experts in the studio. KSKA: Thursday, March 3, at 2:00 and Thursday, March 10, at 8:00 p.m. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

AK: Escape the room and save Talkeetna

Under most circumstances, being trapped in a small room with a countdown clock would be a bit nerve-wracking, but a new business in Talkeetna aims to make it fun. Trapped in Talkeetna is a live escape room experience, where a team of players has one hour to solve a puzzle in order to escape. KTNA’s Phillip Manning and his team tried their hand at solving the puzzle – and talked with the owners about why they decided to open Alaska’s first escape room. Download audio

Wisdom and voices

Delivering babies in the Aleutians? A successful entrepreneur with enviable work/life balance? A city planner with more than one next chapter? A songstress and cultural activist? Meet these Hall of Famers, soak up their stories. KSKA: Wednesday, March 2 @ 2:00 pm and 8:pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO
robert johnson_wesleyEarly

49 Voices: Robert Johnson of Anchorage

This week we’re hearing from Robert Johnson who’s lived in Alaska since the mid ‘80s. Download audio

What’s going on with Alaska’s weather?

February rain in Fairbanks, breaking a no snow record in Anchorage and off the charts warmth in the Arctic. Alaska is blowing its reputation as the land of ice and snow. APRN: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 10:00am Download Audio

Alaska Grown!

This week the University of Alaska's annual sustainable agriculture conference brought together farmers, livestock producers and other major players in the agriculture community to discuss the future of the industry in Alaska. On this week's Alaska Edition, we'll look at some of the innovations in agriculture that have taken place in the state over the past few years as well as the opportunity for buying locally and food security throughout the state. Listen Now:

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016

Fairbanks strides closer to F-35 answer; at the mouth of the Kusko, a pioneering wind system; AFHC to stop accepting Home Energy Rebate applications; lawmakers recommend more cuts to University budget; on day one, state gets 68 marijuana applications; sobering center considered as an alternative to prison in Fairbanks; Yarducopia: a means to spread space for gardening; ANSEP proposal to re-purpose Mt. Edgecumbe High comes under criticism; mysterious Sumerian tablet puzzles UAF librarians Download Audio

A Crowded House

This week on Stage Talk we talk about four theatres, three guests and two shows. Sound complicated? Toss Pot Productions is presenting a workshop production at Cyrano's Theatre of Kevin Armento's fascinating play about women disguising themselves as men to join the military during the American Civil War in Good Men Wanted. And then, RKP Productions is presenting one of Shakespeare's most intriguing plays, The Winter's Tale at Out North Contemporary Art House. The common link is Teresa Pond, Cyrano's Producing Artistic Director who also happens to be the director for The Winter's Tale. Join Stage Talk this week for a lively discussion with Teresa, Carrie Yanagawa and Jill Sowerwine about both of these shows opening February 26th. KSKA: Friday, February 26 at 2:45pm Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016

Army wants airborne unit at JBER; lawmakers approve LIO study; House starts budget cutting; low-income seniors losing assistance; ferry sale on hold for now; Murkowski, Jewell joust; Aleknagik man in custody for stabbing wife; Calista announces record dividend; biologists meeting with walrus hunters; Walker proposes fishery tax increase; UAF makes efforts to combat failures in sexual assault cases Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016

Alaska Air National Guard members deploying to Middle East; Democrats want to embrace candidates who won’t wear label; Cannabis deadline means beginning of applications, but not sales; Legislature to hear bill for Alaskan income tax; $7 million of next years budget to be cut from liquid natural gas; UA president touts plan to save state money; 2016 Iron Dog snowmachine racers start to arrive in Nome; Nanwalek school bursting at the seams; Lack of snow, winds fuel Alaska’s first wildfire of 2016; IFA releases report on effects of Southeast Alaska ferries Download Audio