Traveling Music 4-3-16

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 4-3-16   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Without My Walking Stick Laurie Lewis & the Right Hands / Irving Berlin Live 6:19   Green Pastures Emmylou Harris & Linda Ronstadt...

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2016

Four bills aimed at cutting state costs raise local concerns; ‘Huge anomaly’: warm winter limits sea-ice formation, experts say; Murkowski holds hearings to discuss public lands handling; 'Gateways for Growth': New plan to make Municipality more inclusive; severed cable in Kansas hampers test grading in Sitka; Ketchikan responders train for terrorism; Russian and American officials sign wildlife management agreement; Peninsula 'Food Hubs' set to launch in May Download Audio
Mouhcine Guettabi discusses the legislative session on Alaska Edition.

Legislative Update

Alaska's legislative session is underway. Alaska Edition host, Ellen Lockyer, checks in on some of the big news actions. Listen Now:

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Mar. 28, 2016

Bill increasing contributions to pensions proposed in AK Senate; bill requiring background checks for marijuana sellers in limbo; flights cancelled as Pavlov continues to spew ash; Alaska Supreme Court: State must enforce Central Council’s child support orders; Juneau to Barrow, data shows Sanders landslide consistent across state; ‘Roadless Rule’ gets small victory due to Supreme Court inaction; US-Russian exchange discusses spring breakup flooding solutions; Arctic submarine maneuvers test capability below the ice Download Audio
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo March 27, 2016

Here’s the Sunday, March 27th, 2016 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Night Music: March 26, 2016

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known...

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Mar. 25, 2016

Robocalls and rallies as Dems enter caucus mode in Alaska; climate uncertainty prompts questions on dam studies; UA Board formally opposes campus conceal-carry bill; mayor's office reporting $14 million surplus from first quarter; state troopers not setting up command post for Arctic Man; and more Download Audio

AK: Alaska Folk Festival: The state’s biggest talent show

The Alaska Folk Festival runs April 4th through 10th in Juneau. It’s a sure sign of spring for the hundreds of musicians from all over the state who come to play, jam and listen. CoastAlaska’s Ed Schoenfeld caught up with a Juneau singer-songwriter. He’s one of many performers who are serious about their music, but don’t leave their day jobs. Download Audio

Get gardening!

Time to get dirt under your fingernails. Tune in for a splash of summer gardening inspiration and information from local experts. KSKA: Wednesday, March 30 @ 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Athletic Injury Prevention and Avoidance

This week we have an important show for anyone who exercises to keep fit. We're talking about injury prevention and recovery. You can avoid a lot of the injuries that come from overuse and excessive effort, and we’ll tell you how to speed your recovery if you do get hurt. As with so many things, a lot of it is mental. KSKA: Thursday, March 31, at 2pm and Thursday, April 07 at 8pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

49 Voices: Will Mirabel of Anchorage

This week we're hearing from Will Mirabel in Anchorage. Will is originally from Venezuela and came to America two years ago. Download Audio

Budgetary activism in solving Alaska’s fiscal woes

Alaskans are getting involved in the state budget process in big and small ways. On the next Talk of Alaska our guests are representatives of three groups who are offering ideas for how they want state leaders to handle the fiscal crisis. APRN: Tuesday, 3/29 at 10:00am

“Risky Business” ­- Teens and High Risk Behavior

Monday, March 28, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. - Join host Prentiss Pemberton and his guests as they explore the high risk behavior among teens and what we know about current trends. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Stage Talk by Alaska Public Media

We’re “off to see the Wizard” this week on Stage Talk

TBA Theatre is presenting the stage version (complete with songs from the MGM Movie) of L. Frank Baum's classic tale of Dorothy, The Scarecrow, The Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion and of course all those Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz opening Friday, March 25th and running through April 3rd at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium on the campus of UAA. Join director Megan Bladow, "Wicked Witch of the West" Heather Sawyer and "Cowardly Lion" Isaac Kumpala this week on Stage Talk to hear all about it. KSKA: Friday, March 25 at 2:45pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Mar. 24, 2016

Judge declares legislature’s Anchorage LIO lease illegal; Walker to lawmakers: Putting off sustainable budget is ‘wholly unacceptable’; Golden Valley Electric investigates coal plant explosion; 'The Hunting Ground' aids Title IX discussion at UAF; Fish and Game look to round up invasive starlings; two distillery apps vie for one Skagway license; Gold Medal Basketball Tournament has urban origins, village tradition Download Audio

Traveling Music 3-27-16

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 3-27-16   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Wolfe's Head (guitar and flute instrumental) Al Petteway / Al Petteway Whispering Stones Maggie's Music 3:07   Walk Beside Me Tim O'Brien and Darrell...

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2016

Savings on tax credits for oil and gas not as high as proposed; Canadian company seeks building railroad linking with Trans-Alaska Pipeline; bill banning sex ed from abortion providers moves forward in House; several groups criticize Walker's handling of fisheries; retreating sea ice: good for walruses, bad for indigenous communities; Sitka basketball team rescues six-plex occupants from fire; 'The Grand Bargain' seeks to improve Sitka communities; rare Aluutiq quiver now part of Kodiak Museum; Skagway to host largest cruise ship to sail Alaska waters Download Audio
(Screenshot of the U.S. Supreme Court decision. Click to read.)

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2016

Supreme Court sides with Sturgeon in case challenging NPS authority; cancelled troop cut at JBER contrary to cuts in Lower 48; plan to replace tanker escort in Prince William Sound raises concerns in Valdez; legislature proposes dipping into PFD; Knik Crossing loan denied; officials meet in Anchorage to discuss Susitna Dam; Haines Freeride 2016: ‘It’s been a powerful competition’; Blessing of Herring Rock: A yearly ceremony to bring fish to Sitka Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Mar. 21, 2016

JBER cuts put on hold; low oil prices not ideal for state budget; tax credits reduced for oil and gas companies; irreversibility of climate change discussed at Arctic Science Summit; new mariculture initiative to help boost shellfish farming; Zita Air adds passenger service to Bristol Bay communities; Emmonak fire destroys five buildings; some of the fastest teams ever among top ten Iditarod finishers Download Audio

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science – Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the US Healthcare System

Lixin Huang currently serves as the President of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, and has served in numerous capacities with the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Lixin has traveled around the world presenting on the use of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in the United States. DOWNLOAD AUDIO