Alaska News Nightly: Friday, June 17, 2016

Permanent Fund restructuring bill dies in House committee; Russia launches largest, most powerful icebreaker in the world; fledgling Fairbanks pot business sees high startup costs; raft capsizes near North Slope, two Nevada women dead; George Mute's body found after nine months; Bristol Bay communities working on processing plants; AK: Summer ski jumping; 49 Voices: Onya Enkhbat of Unalaska Download Audio

AK Sports Hall of Fame 10-Year Anniversary

KSKA: Thursday, June 23, at 2:00 and Thursday, June 30, at 8:00 p.m. If any place needs a sports hall of fame, it’s Alaska. Our athletes do the impossible and for the last 10 years, we’ve remembered and celebrated their accomplishments with the Alaska Sports Hall of Fame. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll hear about the anniversary of the hall, and talk to two inductees. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

AK: Summer ski jumping

Last week, the Nordic Ski Association of Anchorage (NSAA) was able to have summertime ski jumping at the Hilltop Ski Area. This is the first summer ski jump facility in the state. Download Audio

49 Voices: Onya Enkhbat of Unalaska

This week we’re hearing from Purevdulam “Onya” Enkhbat. She recently graduated from Unalaska High School where she was valedictorian. Download Audio
Phantom 3 Standard, courtesy Engadget

Drones in Alaska

What do drones bring to mind? Privacy and safety issues. We'll talk about both of those important topics, and will extend the conversation to the work drones can do for us. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

National HIV Testing Day and preventing the spread of HIV

Monday, June 20, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Due to the remarkable success of the treatment of HIV/AIDS efforts are now being increased to prevent infection. Knowing if you may be infected allows the use of effective treatment to prevent spread. June 27 is designated National HIV Testing Day to encourage people to learn their HIV status. This program will focus on how HIV transmission to others can be dramatically decreased.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, June 16, 2016

Former Mayor Dan Sullivan drops out of senatorial race; Democrats say Murkowski sinks bill with riders; major change for Alaska vets as TriWest steps aside; dividend checks would drop, but not by as much, under revised bill; Michael Johnson to be new commissioner of education and early development; Former military leaders fight on the side of lease sales in the Arctic; first evidence of ancient trade with Asia uncovered in Northwest Alaska; numerous wildfires hit Interior and St. Lawrence Island; Copper River King salmon run slower than anticipated; troopers reveal victims in Atka crash were from Anchorage; Fairbanks man gets 17 years behind bars in murder-for-hire; Bethel elders could be spending more time alone once ONC closes Senior Center Download Audio

We Are Super Cub Pilots | INDIE ALASKA

Each year pilots from around the state show off their piloting chops in the Valdez fly-in short takeoff and landing competition. For these pilots flying isn't just means of transportation, it's a way of life. These skills aren't just used for bragging rights, they're essential for flying in Alaska--whether they're landing on a remote beach or taking off of a glacier. Meet four talented pilots with one big thing in common, their love of flying their super cub plane.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Three die in deadly car crash in Atka; Walker sympathizes with dividend-cut opponents, but says it's the only option; Board of Education interviews candidates for education commissioner; Young, Murkowski bills would delay change for Tongass; scientists urge Obama to end offshore drilling leases in Arctic; Anchorage PrideFest to see increased security after mass shooting in Orlando; LKSD dual language program helps student succeed in Yupik and English; ANSEP and new design plans presented for Wrangell Institute property; private nonprofit to assume management of Valdez-area parks; Fairbanks launches new anti-opioid initiative Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Permanent Fund bill stalls in House Finance Committee; third major ratings agency downgrades Alaska credit; Murkowski puts riders in spending bill; Dems decry 'poison pills'; Obama's opioid addiction treatment plan could result in millions for Alaskan treatments; AVCP reports near bankruptcy to board of directors; police release name of moose attack victim; 64 years later, closure sought for Colony Glacier plane crash; Anchorage Fire Department: dangerous fire conditions; voices of Sitkans mourning Orlando shooting victims; bear gets head stuck in can, officials jump to aid Download Audio

Meet AFAA’S New Executive Director: Lailani Cook

Alaska Fine Arts Academy has a new Executive Director and she has a lot of plans for the Eagle River company. Join Lailani Cook this week on Stage Talk as she tells us about herself, her plans and the upcoming theatre season. KSKA: June 17 at 2:45pm

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, June 13, 2016

VA relieves contractor of role in appointments; Permanent Fund bill faces test in House Finance Committee; new federal rule could prevent litigation over Native children in state custody; LGBTQ community grieves while celebrating Pride; Big Lake throws block party in remembrance of Miller's Reach fire; state and defense attorneys argue over Sockeye wildfire trial date; Juneau charges ahead with electric vehicles; youth tell US Attorney General: Alaska needs help Download Audio

Builders of the Alcan

Engineers 97th Regiment assigned to build the Alaska section of the Alcan Highway were composed of African American soldiers. Talk of Alaska has gone into Alaska's hidden military history a number of times, discussing the secret fire balloons launched by Japan, for instance, and the Aleutian battlefield debris, Cold War spying, and other things. Both of our panelists have researched these issues and written on them

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, June 10, 2016

In Anchorage, U.S. Attorney General announces new focus on Alaska Native issues; Legislature still hasn’t officially sent budget to governor; Lawsuit filed against EPA over fine particulate pollution in Fairbanks, North Pole; remains of hiker found at Denali National Park; summer Yukon salmon runs predicted to be below average; hydroponics business brings local produce to Kotzebue; hundred-year ‘treasure’ of Alaska history and culture opens in Juneau; AK: Bear spray do's and don'ts; 49 Voices: Vivian Osborne of North Pole Download Audio

Stand Up Paddleboarding in Alaska

KSKA: Thursday, June 16, at 2:00 We love how people keep inventing new sports and Alaskans keep finding unique ways to do them. The next show is a great example, we're talking about stand up paddleboarding and paddleboard yoga. A paddleboard is essentially a surf board for calm water, but as you’ll learn, paddleboards now are being used in Alaskan rivers and in the ocean. Finally, at the end of the show, we’ll hear a hair raising story from our live outdoor explorer show a few weeks ago. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

The legal fallout from divorce

Divorce means decisions. Property, finances, children—all must be discussed and divided. Have you been in this position? Do you face this situation? Join Senior Judge Elaine Andrews as we walk through the complicated territory of family law. KSKA: Wednesday, June 15 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

AK: Bear spray do’s and don’ts

The extremely mild winter means bears have been out and about earlier than usual this year. So far, there’s already been two bear attacks in Southeast Alaska, and summer is just getting started. KCAW’s Brielle Schaeffer decided this was the perfect time to try her hand at bear spray. Download Audio

49 Voices: Vivian Osborne of North Pole

This week we're hearing from Vivian Osborne in North Pole. Osborne owns Arctic Qiviut, the first fiber mill in Alaska. Download Audio

Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Monday, June 13, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Recent research is regularly demonstrating a link between health and sleep, and in children and adolescents even between sleep, learning and school performance. Join co-host Dr Thad Woodard for a discussion of pediatric sleep and sleep disorders with Anchorage sleep specialist Dr Ross Dodge. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Anchorage Community Theatre’s 2016-2017 Season

It's summertime and that means Stage Talk begins a series of shows featuring upcoming seasons from different performance groups in the area. This week, we have Sara Athans on from Anchorage Community Theatre to talk about all the exciting shows they have planned. KSKA: Friday, June 10 at 2:45pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO