Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016

Marijuana industry advocates criticize slowness of regulation; Flint Water Resources bill likely to spill over into rural Alaska; State Natural Resources department hires new oil and gas overseer; dead body discovered in Unalaska Creek; Lullaby Project connects mothers to their kids through prison walls; Homer tourism reaches all-time high; one Skagway Assembly seat may be vacant soon, but won’t be on election ballot; Petersburg opposes Mental Health logging plan; U.S.-Canada trade deal creating uncertainty in Southeast timber market

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Fairbanks representative calls for an investigation...

Immigration and Alaska’s economy

Alaska's immigrant population is growing at a faster rate than almost any other place in the nation, and most of the people who arrive in the state are of working age. Immigrants are starting new businesses, paying taxes, and helping build our local economies. On the next Talk of Alaska we'll talk about the contributions of foreign-born Alaskans and the challenges they face when starting a life here. Listen Now

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Sept. 12, 2016

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Westlake extends lead over Nageak in...
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo September 11, 2016

Here’s the Sunday, September 11th, 2016 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Sept. 09, 2016

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Northern Alaska House seat to be...

Collegiate Skiing

KSKA: Thursday, Sept. 15, at 2:00 p.m. Budget cuts have forced the University of Alaska to look at eliminating sports, potentially making Alaska the only state without collegiate athletics, including its' ski team. On the next show we’ll hear interviews with the alpine and nordic coaches at UAA. We'll also speak with the director of the skiing program at APU. We’ll learn a lot more about a subject we haven’t covered before on the show. LISTEN NOW

Getting around in Southcentral

KSKA: Wednesday 9/14 @ 2 and 8 p.m. Whether you walk, bike, drive or take the bus—transportation is evolving in Southcentral. Find out more from transit planners and designers on this week's Hometown Alaska. LISTEN NOW

The Arctic in Action: Accomplishments of the Arctic Council as we Look to the Future

Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., USCG (Ret.) will lead the effort to advance U.S. interests in the Arctic Region, with a focus on Arctic Ocean governance, climate change, economic, environmental, and security issues in the Arctic region as the United States holds the chairmanship of the Arctic Council from 2015-2017. LISTEN NOW

The Environment and Health

Monday, August 08, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Modern humans evolved 200,000 years ago yet our immediate environment hardly changed until the onset of the industrial revolution about 250 years ago. Daily our genes, our skin, our respiratory tract, our intestines, our brains are exposed to relatively new substances compared to exposures for 200,000 years. What are the effects on our health? LISTEN NOW

Traveling Music 9-11-16

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 9-11-16 Dedicated to all whose hearts were broken on 9-11-2001. Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   It's Another Day Darrell Scott / Darrell Scott & Tim...

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Sept. 08, 2016

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Armed conflict in Chevak leaves one...

We Are Marine Acousticians in Glacier Bay | INDIE ALASKA

In Southeast Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park, a crew of six researchers spent the summer studying the underwater communication of humpback whales and harbor seals. Ph.D. students Michelle Fournet and Leanna Matthews teamed up with wildlife biologist Chris Gabriele to better understand the relationship between marine mammal communication and vessel traffic, as part of the park's long-term acoustic marine monitoring program.

Cyrano’s Theatre Company presents The Ticket

It's 1990 and two of Alaska's most famous political figures are meeting. One, Wally Hickel is trying to get the other, Jay Hammond, to serve as his lieutenant as Hickel runs for Governor of the state. The only thing is, it never happened--except in the mind of Cyrano's Theatre Company's Resident Playwright, Dick Reichman who created the fictional meeting as the basis for his new play The Ticket which opens September 9th and runs through October 9th at Cyrano's Theatre. Join Reichman along with actors Matt K. Miller and William S. Murphey this week on Stage Talk to find out what happens. KSKA: Friday, September 9th at 2:45pm LISTEN NOW

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Sept. 07, 2016

DOC inmate Dies of apparent suicide Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage A man at the Wildwood Correctional Complex died by apparent suicide Tuesday afternoon, though his death is still under investigation. Lawsuit over institutionalizing foster youth in psychiatric hospitals continues Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage When foster youth are admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Alaska against their will, they can stay there for up to 30 days without judicial review. Two tribes are arguing that's too long. The Office of Children's services says a judge shouldn't have to sign off at all on keeping kids at North Star Hospital in Anchorage. The court battle has lasted over two years, and a judge will hear more oral arguments later this month. Alaska Public Media's Anne Hillman has more.

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Sept. 06, 2016

Joe Miller files to run for Lisa Murkowski's Senate seat as Libertarian; Westlake still leading Nageak as District 40 votes are certified; NOAA announces some Alaska whales no longer endangered; tanker trailer goes off the road near Fairbanks and leaks fuel, cleanup ensues; past crime rates give perspective on lower juvenile detention numbers; licensed child care availability up 21% in Juneau; Gone glacier: fashion magazine depicts Mendenhall melt too soon; another record high harvest of Yukon coho; BIA aids Togiak couples with moving into HUD homes Listen now
Addressing Alaskans by Alaska Public Media

2016 State of the City Report

KSKA: Tuesday, September 06, at 2:00 p.m. Mayor Berkowitz gave the annual State of the City Report highlighting progress in: increasing public safety, improving fiscal health of the city, tackling homelessness, and increasing development opportunities. He also answered questions from the audience. LISTEN NOW
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo September 4, 2016

Here’s the Sunday, September 4th, 2016 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Sept. 05, 2016

In U.S. House Race, both claim labor's love; As waters warm, Arctic fish populations change; An increase in students for Skagway's school; Weekend shooting in Fairbanks leaves one dead, two others injured; Tanana road opens; Planning underway for youth court in Juneau; Pre-school Aluttiq Immersion program planned by Kodiak's Sun'aq Tribe; Want to learn Tlingit? Yes, there's an app for that; New photo id cards for Southeast tribe Listen now

High rate of homicide in Anchorage

More than two dozen murders have taken place in Anchorage since the beginning of the year. APD reports that of the 15 homicides since June, six were engaged in drugs or other criminal activity. Four were domestic violence killings. Five were in isolated areas of the city in the late evening/early morning hours, prompting APD to caution citizens to “Be extra aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious person or activity to police.” The long message also says, “If you plan to be out late at night, make sure you travel with several friends and not alone.” Listen Now