Managing and treating uterine fibroids| Line One: Your Health Connection

What causes uterine fibroids, and how can they be managed or treated? We answer these and more questions on this Line One.
A microscopic black and white image of a syphilis bacteria, which appears as a cork screw shape coming out of a flat surface.

Addressing Alaska’s high rates of syphilis | Line One

On this Line One, host Dr. Justin Clark and his guests discuss the extent of Alaska's syphilis outbreak, and how to detect, prevent, and treat it.
a Walgreens pharmacy

Penicillin and other drug allergies | Line One

Join host Dr. Justin Clark as he discusses how and why to get tested for penicillin and other drug allergies on this Line One.
kale bragaw gardens

Plant-powered health in Alaska | Line One

On this episode of Line One, host Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guests discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet and naturopathic medicine.
Dr. Anne Zink sits at a table with radio equipment, smiling at two others sitting at the desk.

Complex Care, with guest host Dr. Anne Zink | Line One

How do we better care for patients with complex needs? On this Line One, guest host Dr. Anne Zink and her guests discuss complex care.
brain health

The underlying effects of trauma | Line One

Join host Dr Justin Clark as he discusses trauma, and how to navigate mental health services to find the right provider for yourself.
A finger applies a skin cream to bare skin.

Unveiling common skin conditions | Line One

Join host Dr. Jillian Woodruff on this Line One, as she and her guest discuss the science of skin, and how to care for it.
Healthcare workers paint tiles at a carnival as a part of nurses week.

Celebrating Nurses Week | Line One

Join host Dr. Jillian Woodruff on this Line One, as she and her guest discuss the science of skin, and how to care for it.
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Candid conversations on Sex Therapy | Line One

On this Line One, Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest discuss how sex therapy can strengthen connections, enhance communication, and revive intimacy.
brain health

When perfectionism becomes unhealthy | Line One

How do you tell when perfectionism becomes unhealthy, and what can you do to prevent it from becoming a harmful influence?

Your skin is the window to your body’s health | Line One

On this Line One, Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest discuss how to care for your skin and keep the window to your internal health open.
A lawn with an elevated pedestrian walkway over it.

Self-advocacy and accommodations for college students with disabilities | Line One

On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton is joined by a college disabilities expert to discuss how students can advocate for themselves in college.
healthy, diet, weight loss

Deconstructing fad diets | Line One: Your Health Connection

Join host Dr. Justin Clark as he discusses the good and the bad of the current fad diets on this Line One.
back pain image

What’s causing that lower back pain? | Line One

On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton is joined by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ian Elliot to discuss the causes and treatments for lower back pain.
a building

Screening for, preventing, and treating colorectal cancer | Line One: Your Health Connection

Host Dr. Justin Clark and his guests discuss resources for colon cancer screening, and hear one person’s journey through a diagnosis.

Co-parenting after divorce or separation | Line One

Host Prentiss Pemberton speaks with parenting coordinator and mediator Bettsie Wild about co-parenting on this Line One.
A young person weighing themself on a bathroom scale.

An expert guide to medical weight loss | Line One

While many services and products advertise quick fixes, medical weight loss offers a science-backed approach to achieving a healthy weight.

Dealing with adult bullies | Line One

In a hyper-polarized world, it’s important to be able to recognize bullies and the ways they can affect our long-term mental health.

Psychedelic medicine in Alaska | Line One

A conference in Anchorage, seeks to explore many questions around psychedelics. We talk with keynote speakers for the conference on this Line One.

Line One: The intersection of pharmacy and herbal medicine

What role does herbal medicine play in a pharmacist’s practice and how do these two approaches coexist? We explore those questions on this Line One.