Line One: Aging in place and caregiver support

Occupational therapists can provide much needed services to allow our elders to age with dignity in their homes and provide caregiver support.

Line One: Mental health resources in rural Alaska

Mental health challenges are on the rise for many Alaskans, and resources in rural Alaska remain difficult to access.

Line One: State program provides work experience for Alaska youth with disabilities

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation has a robust summer work program helping 200 disabled youths across 17 sites in Alaska. Advocates say this resource is great for youth, their parents and for Alaska employers. 

Line One: Accessibility and dimensions of elderly support

Alaska’s elderly population is growing at a rapid rate while facing a range of challenges that can be distressing, and physically impairing.
a bottle of pills

Line One: When and how to seek psychiatric medication

Many people struggling with mental health issues may want to consider psychiatric medication, but don't know where to start.
thyroid gland

Line One: Thyroid nodules and cancer

Most thyroid nodules are not serious and do not cause symptoms, but a small percentage of thyroid nodules are cancerous.
close up doctor

Line One: Hormone replacement therapy myths, facts, and the unknown

Since the landmark women’s hormone study of 2002, even some doctors are intimidated by the prescription hormones used to balance levels and resolve these symptoms.

Line One: Mental Health Mosaics — Breaking the silence

Breaking the silence around mental health concerns can be hard. On this a special presentation of Mental Health Mosaics, a production of Out North, Anchorage residents open up about their experiences.

Line One: Mental Health Mosaics — Racism and mental health

On the second installment of Out North's Mental Health Mosaics, we hear from community members about the ways that racism and discrimination affect mental health.

Line One: Mental Health Mosaics – Houselessness and crisis response

During the third installment of Mental Health Mosaics on Line One, we learn about the intersections of houselessness and mental health through the stories of two individuals.

Line One: Mental Health Mosaics — Deepening conversations around suicide and mental health

Suicide has scarred families and communities across the state, but it is possible to heal. It’s also possible to talk about mental health in a way that prevents people from considering suicide in the first place.

Line One: Pediatric endocrinology in Alaska

Children in Alaska are sometimes affected by unique pediatric endocrine disorders like rickets, precocious or delayed puberty, short stature, thyroid dysfunction and pituitary gland disorders.
a woman holds a mans hands

Line One: Eating disorders

On this episode of Line One host Prentiss Pemberton and his guests from the Alaska Eating Disorders Alliance discuss these complex illnesses and explore resources and treatment options for people suffering from Eating Disorders.
children dancing in a circle

Line One: Therapeutic foster care

The State of Alaska has struggled to provide appropriate treatment options for kids who experience significant mental health problems. Often these youth are sent out of state or end up in the juvenile justice system. One alternative that is not widely known are therapeutic foster homes. In this episode of Line One Prentiss Pemberton and guests have an informative discussion about what it takes to make a difference in the life of an Alaskan child.

Line One: Testosterone and other hormones for men and women

Hormones are messages that travel through the bloodstream to relay instructions to the body that control many functions. They are often prescribed in situations where our bodies are not providing enough for us to function at our best. Hormones also naturally decline as we age which may poorly affect our overall quality of life and health. Men also experience a decline in testosterone and other hormones, and replacement is just as important for them as it is for women.
Interior: a hotel room and bed.

Line One: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Inspire

Around 22 million Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. The treatment often involves wearing a mask to sleep at night. Inspire is a new technology that eliminates the need for a mask by implanting a small device in the chest to stimulate breathing while you sleep. It is similar to a pacemaker and is now being offered in Alaska. Join me, Dr Justin Clark as I explore the indications and outcomes of this new device. That’s Line One, Wednesday at 10 am, repeating at 8 pm on Alaska Public Media FM 91.1.
Every Memory Deserves Respect

Line One: Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing

One Approach for treating PTSD is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). On the Next Line One, Trauma survivor Michael Baldwin, and Dr. Deborah Korn Will join Line one Host, Prentiss Pemberton to discuss their new book “Every Memory Deserves Respect”.

Line One: Thriving with HIV/AIDS in Alaska

HIV/AIDS diagnoses have decreased by 8% in the US. In Alaska there are approximately 700 people living with this disease. By decreasing the associated stigma and shame we can better serve those living with the disease while continuing to decrease and eliminate its incidence.

Line One: Mental health services for Alaskan students

As mental health needs in Alaska and the nation increase it has become harder to find resources for care, particularly for children and teens. Issues with inpatient care in Alaska have made headlines. However, newer intensive outpatient programs help to bridge this gap.
A tablet on a table displaying the dictionary definition of Alzheimer's

Line One: Alzheimer’s and Dementia Information and Resources

On the next Line One, Prentiss Pemberton and his guests from Azheimer’s Resource of Alaska will discuss Information, support, and resources for people and families living with dementia in Alaska.