LISTEN: ‘It Will Never Happen To Me’:Growing Up with Addiction

Growing up to become an addict is never part of anyone's plan. Yet despite witnessing firsthand, children who grow up around substance abuse often go on to experience addiction as adults themselves. What can be done to break this cycle?
Red billowy objexxt with blue rods latching onto them

LISTEN: What’s it like to have COVID-19? Doctors and callers explain.

As COVID-19 spreads freely through the state, more Alaskans have either had it or know someone who has. We want to know what your experience has been.
Female physician speaks with elderly woman

LISTEN: In a holiday season like no other, gratitude in the medical field

With COVID-19 continuing to ravage the country, we'll be speaking with medical professionals about what they are grateful for as we head into the holiday season.

LISTEN: Healthy Futures: Physical Activity And Children’s Health

An important part of helping kids develop these critical attitudes of mind is helping them develop the habit of engaging in daily physical activity
A nurse wearing a face sheild pokes a person

LISTEN: What do Alaskans need to know about COVID-19 vaccination?

The FDA recently approved two vaccines for emergency use in the United States. They're already being distributed in Alaska, but how can people who...

LISTEN: What resources are available for people affected by HIV and AIDS?

The Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association, or Four A’s, is a nonprofit geared toward preventing new HIV cases and providing much needed service to those who are HIV positive.

LISTEN: ‘Let Every Woman Know’ the signs and symptoms of female cancers

Some cancers may have significant symptoms, while others may have none. Let Every Woman Know is a group spreading the word about the signs and symptoms of gynecologic female cancers like ovarian, cervical and vaginal.

LISTEN: Teens talk mental health to combat stigma

The stigma associated with mental health remains one of the biggest barriers to young people seeking effective treatment. Teens involved with Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling hope to change this story by sharing their own.

LISTEN: Treatment options for severe back pain

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the United States, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. It is also the second leading cause of disability.
close up doctor

LISTEN: Why aren’t there more Black men in medicine?

In 1978, Black males made up a little over 3% of medical school enrollments, but in 2019 that number was even smaller. Does this disparity contribute to healthcare inequities in minority communities?

LISTEN: Working the frontlines of teen suicide prevention

Suicide is currently the leading cause of death in Alaska for young people age 12 to 19. Youth suicide prevention advocate Justin Pendergrass shares his journey through abuse, addiction and mental health and how those experiences led him to work on the frontlines of teen suicide prevention.
A person in a patient's chair gets some probes applied to their head

LISTEN: Electroconvulsive therapy and inpatient psychiatric treatment

Much of the stigma involving electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, is from portrayal in movies. But when done correctly, it can cause changes in brain chemistry that can reverse certain mental health conditions like severe depression.
A baby swaddled in a blanket

LISTEN: The risky business of delivering babies

Diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety and addiction are unfortunately common problems that threaten healthy pregnancies.

LISTEN: Using transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression.
children playing on a playground

LISTEN: COVID-19’s impact on kids’ mental health

Remote learning, the loss of sports and activities and social isolation have caused an increase in anxiety and depression for children of all ages over the past year.

LISTEN: All about anesthesia

If you have ever had a medical procedure done before, chances are you had some form of anesthesia. How safe is anesthesia, and how has it changed during COVID?

LISTEN: An insider’s look at ADHD

The symptoms can make living with people with ADHD challenging and leave many parents at a loss for how to deal with their child’s behavior.
close up doctor

LISTEN: Identifying the root cause of disease with functional medicine

The field of functional medicine works to find and treat the root cause of diagnoses and not just the diagnoses themselves. Is it the key to a long and healthy life?

LISTEN: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

On this program, we'll devote the entire show to listener questions and comments about anything related to mental, behavioral or emotional wellness.
a nurse administers a vaccine to a patient

LISTEN: Vaccine fears in the BIPOC community

In the Black, Indigenous and People of Color community, mistrust of the COVID-19 vaccine is deeply rooted and extends to vaccines, medical treatments and even hospitals.