close up doctor

LISTEN: As medicine has evolved, so has the role of the physician assistant.

The role and training of a physician assistant, or PA, has evolved over time. They provide a service as a midlevel provider or physician extender which has become particularly crucial for rural medicine in Alaska.
(Val Walker)

LISTEN: In the era of social media, connecting it easy. But how do we find genuine connection with others?

In her new Book, “400 Friends and no One to Call” Val Walker explains how people from all walks of life can end up struggling to find real connection and meaning with others.

LISTEN: Should you go to an OB-GYN or a certified nurse midwife? A discussion about the role of midwifery in maternity care.

Many women prefer non-physician care during their pregnancy. Is non-physician care appropriate for all pregnant women? What is the role of the Certified Nurse Midwife?
A woman raises her fists in praise smiling at a small child in a school hallway

LISTEN: Is it safe to send kids back to school?

As coronavirus cases spike in the U.S., states are in a mad scramble to figure out what to do about kids returning to school in the fall. Is the virus really “low risk” for kids and how easily do they catch and spread it?

LISTEN: What is vein disease? What are the signs and symptoms?

Varicose veins are one of the most common signs of vein disease in the legs. They are often caused by defective valves in the leg veins causing blood to pool. There are now many treatment options ranging from noninvasive compression stockings to more invasive surgical treatments

LISTEN: Parenting during a pandemic means managing mental and physical health in new ways. We’re here to help.

COVID-19 has altered our lives dramatically, and will for the foreseeable future. how will we each navigate our individual challenges in a way that will foster growth in us and our children?
Hand touching phone screen to open

LISTEN: As the pandemic continues, more of our time is spent staring at screens. How do we maintain a healthy balance?

It is easier than ever for us to get lost in hours of television, gaming, and scrolling through social media. How do we find and maintain balance in our lives when nothing is as it was?
close up doctor

LISTEN: Why is organ donation an important part of modern medicine?

In 2019, 129 organs were successfully donated by Alaska patients and transplanted.
Two students walk past the 'NCNM Clinic' building in Portland, Ore.

LISTEN: What is naturopathic medicine? How do you know if it’s right for you?

Naturopathic medicine, oftentimes acknowledged as a “last resort,” is a practice where patients work together with a naturopathic physician to determine the cause of their condition.
A man on the phone with a hand pressed against his temple, face distressed

LISTEN: Everyone gets anxious, but anxiety disorders keep people in a state of high stress.

Anxiety Disorders impact almost 20 percent of adults yearly. Panic attacks, phobias, paranoia, and Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors, are just a few of the psychological manifestations of “anxiety gone wrong.”
Female physician speaks with elderly woman

LISTEN: Managing Alzheimer’s is difficult for both patients and their families. What resources are there in Alaska?

Alzheimer’s disease affects the lives of 8,500 Alaskans. While the disease is devastating to the patient, it also provides incredible challenges for caregivers and family.
Couple sitting on the same count looking in opposite directions

LISTEN: The number of couples divorcing late in life has more than doubled since the 90s. Why?

Since 1990 there has been a 250% increase in divorce rates for people older than 50. What are the reasons behind this rising trend? What are the mental health implications on both divorcees and their adult children?
Occupational therapist sitting beside young child participating in physical therapy

LISTEN: Not all healthcare heroes wear scrubs. What careers exist outside of doctoring?

There are many exciting clinical careers aside from Doctors and Nurses. If blood and guts are not for you, you can still enjoy a blood-free clinical career in healthcare.
A woman in a white suit holds a blue surgical mask.

LISTEN: Where can you get COVID-19 info you can trust? A local infectious disease specialist weighs in.

As the pandemic continues it is easy to become fatigued with information. Where can you even get information that you can trust?
Red billowy objexxt with blue rods latching onto them

LISTEN: Hear from Anchorage teens about how COVID-19 has impacted them

Imagine being a teenager living during a pandemic. How would you stay connected to friends and engaged in school? What impact would it have on your emotional and physical health? And, what about all the missed experiences like dances and graduation is exactly what is happening, right now, for teens all over the world.

LISTEN: Navigating Medicare can be difficult. Let’s clear up the confusion

Open enrollment for Medicare begins October 15. The options can be very confusing. There's Medicare Part A, B, C, and D. What do they all mean? Who qualifies for each and how much does it cost? Is enrollment optional or required if you are over 65? What about Medicare scams?

LISTEN: When it comes to anxiety and depression, why is it so hard to reach men?

Like anxiety and depression, mood disorders are among the most common mental health problems, affecting roughly 40% of the population at some point in their lives. Thanks to national efforts to address this major public health issue, some of the stigma associated with having a mental health problem has diminished, resulting in more people seeking treatment. While this is encouraging, there remains one major demographic holdout to those changing attitudes: Men.

LISTEN: What’s behind dry, irritated eyes, and can it be fixed?

Do you have red eyes, itching, burning, or irritation of the eyes, a gritty feeling in the eyes, or contact lens discomfort? You may be experiencing dry eyes. Dry eyes is an actual medical condition which is caused by a deficiency in one or more areas of the tear film. There are multiple treatment options available, but can this be prevented?
A man in a camoflauge jacket and jeans walks through blue doors with notices about health warnings

LISTEN: Election Anxiety, Conflict, Social Division, And Reasons To Hope

Americans are experiencing more stress than ever from a combination of factors: the coronavirus, social unrest, and a contentious election season. What are strategies for diminishing and controlling anxiety we can use to help us manage uncertain times?

LISTEN: PTSD and Veteran Mental Health Care Resources

Over a million veteran’s a year receive mental health services. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the most common reasons. What are the...