Pill on cash

Medicaid, Kids, and Mental Health Services- Something Is Wrong

Drug abuse, domestic violence, and poverty rates are all very high in Alaska and impact many young people who are supported by Medicaid. A problem arises, however, when Medicaid recipients try to access mental health services. Thanks for listening!
Nursing emergency simulation.

Healthcare workforce

Alaska’s health care work force is aging into retirement. What attracts young adults to careers in health care? How is the new generation of health care professionals changing the face of health care? Thanks for listening!
Jessica Lahey's The Gift of Failure

“The Gift Of Failure”- Are our kids growing up “failure deprived?”

Line One Co-host Prentiss Pemberton and his guest, author and teacher, Jessica Lahey discuss the unintended consequences of protecting our kids from the gifts and lessons learned by experiencing heartache, defeat, struggle, and failure. Thanks for listening!

Medicaid in Alaska: excessive spending or an investment in our future?

Why is Medicaid important to the health our community? What is the real cost to Alaskans of funding these programs? And, what are the long term savings associated with a healthier population?

Gynecologic cancers: diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Dr. Jay Butler speaks with Anchorage gynecologic oncologist Dr. Joanie Mayer-Hope of Alaska Women’s Cancer Care to discuss the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of gynecologic cancers. Thanks for listening!

Understanding schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects about 1% of the world’s population and is one of the most feared and misunderstood mental health health problems that a person can experience. What do we know so far about the causes of Schizophrenia? What are the common misconceptions about this disorder? And, what does the research tell us about the effectiveness of the treatment options? Thanks for listening!

Emotional coaching: The heart of parenting

Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton and Anchorage therapist, Mandy Casurella, discuss an approach to parenting that focuses on identifying and validating a child’s feelings, so they can learn the critical skill of managing their emotions in a way that promotes self-awareness and self-regulation. Thanks for listening!

High blood pressure: the silent killer

Dr. Jay Butler welcomes Alaska internal medicine specialist Dr. Julie McCormick for a discussion of high blood pressure—why it is important and what you and your health care provider can do about it. Thanks for listening!

“The Anatomy of Peace”- how to stand against hate and fear

University of New England Philosophy Professor, Dr. Subrena Smith and Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton discuss how each of us can work as individuals and as communities to promote unity and connection in this time of fear driven conflict and talks about how to counter the escalating Nationalism we are seeing many of today's so called civilized societies. Thanks for listening!
healthy, diet, weight loss

Eating for health and enjoyment

Line One Your Health Connection co-host Dr. Jay Butler and registered dietitian Kayleigh Hill discuss the ways to eat for health and enjoyment. Thanks for listening!

The power of nonviolent communication

Much of the way we talk to, and about each other, is violent communication. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a method of communication developed to foster empathy and connection in high conflict situations.

Parenting with love and limits

Pushing back against the authority of parents is a normal part of the individuation process for teens.  These behaviors can usually be handled with patience, discipline, and love. Thanks for listening!

The power of play

A growing body of evidence shows the health benefits of play.  In addition to the well-known cardiovascular benefits of physical activity, play during childhood may have positive effects on brain development. Thanks for listening!

Children’s dental health

Did you know that our teeth start to develop in the first weeks after conception? Dental health is key to your overall health and wellness. Thanks for listening!

The importance of having black doctors

When we talk about access in public health, we often times focus on patients and treatment. But what about diversity in the medical fields themselves? Why is it important to see someone who looks like you working in medicine? Thanks for listening!

Perinatal mental health

Nearly 1 in 7 women experience significant anxiety or depression during or after pregnancy, which can lead to distress for the entire family. “Perinatal Mental Health” is one of the most critical, complex, and misunderstood components of maternal care and is often not addressed until after childbirth. Thanks for listening!

Veterans’ health

13% of adults in Alaska have served in the military or other uniformed services, making Alaska the state with the highest proportion of residents who are veterans. What are the health needs of Alaska’s veterans?  What services are provided by the Veterans’ Administration? Thanks for listening!

E-cigarettes and vaping

Electronic cigarettes have been touted by some as a valuable tool for smoking cessation while others have warned that vaping could cause serious health concerns, including nicotine addiction. What do we really know about vaping and Juuling? Thanks for listening!

Alaska teens’ perspective on mental health stigma and advocacy

The stigma of mental health is one of the biggest barriers to people seeking effective treatments for depression and other mood disorders. Mental health advocacy programs are often poorly funded compared to visible medical conditions like cancer and heart disease. Thanks for listening!

Surgical interventions for obesity

The root causes of obesity are a complex combination of genetics, mental health problems, dietary habits, and a lack of physical activity. For people who struggle with weight loss a surgical approach may be the best option to help reduce and keep off the weight and improve quality of life. Thanks for listening!