Alaska News Nightly: November 15, 2013

Parnell Says Medicaid Won't Expand In Alaska; Storms Appear To Subside In Western Alaska; Thousands Of Interior Residents Still Without Power; Alaska Leaders Attend White House Tribal Nations Conference; DNR Cancels Public Meetings For Controversial Land Management Bill; AK: Tlingit Ventriloquism; 300 Villages: Kiana Download Audio

AK: In the industrial heart of Anchorage is a warehouse full of wild birds

Bird TLC is a non-profit that's somewhere in between a veterinary clinic, animal shelter, and zoo. Now, it's on the cusp of moving to a dramatically different new home. Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: September 18, 2014

Alaska Delegation Divided on Arming Syrian Rebels to Fight ISIL; One-Man PAC to Target Four House Races; State Takes Step Toward Recognizing Tribal Sovereignty; Researchers, Academics Convene On Arctic Development Issues; DOT Puts Out New Juneau Access Project Document; Groups Hope MSA Update Won’t Move Fish Conservation ‘Backwards’ Download Audio

Senate E: Huggins – Herman

Incumbent Charlie Huggins, a Republican with a strong military background and a Vietnam veteran, is being challenged for the Senate E seat representing Wasilla, Big Lake, and Point Mackenzie, by a woman who is a professional therapeutic masseuse with long roots in early childhood education. Democratic opponent Susan Parsons Herman, says she'll work across party lines, while two term Senator Huggins says he'll stick to a party agenda. KSKA's Ellen Lockyer has more.

Talk of Alaska: Holiday Greetings

As the moon comes out from the earth’s shadow and the days stop getting shorter, Alaskans from all over the state will be exchanging...

Alaska Captures Dolly Parton’s Attention

Alaska is enrolling more and more children in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and none other than Parton, herself, has taken notice. When Alaska’s enrollment topped 13,000 children receiving Imagination Library books every month, Parton taped a video message congratulating and thanking Alaskans for making it happen. Check out the video. Check out the video.

New Schedule: New Fridays

Our new schedule launches this week and each day we're highlighting the changes and especially the new programs we've added. You can learn all...

Alaska News Nightly: May 8, 2013

Bethel Cop Charged With DUI At Police Shooting Scene; State Leases Nearly 150,000 Acres To Oil, Gas Developers; Federal Government Targets 50 Legacy Wells For Clean-Up; How Much School Can A Student Miss; Public Speaks Out On Public Testimony Ordinance; Frank Murkowski Lays Blame On Environmentalists; Southeast Village Native Corporation Looks To Export Cultural Tourism Expertise; Hundreds Gather For Shakes Island Clan House Rededication Download Audio

Showing you #Lovalaska

Today we’re giving back. Since its introduction in 2009, Alaska’s Pick Click Give program has enjoyed major success, despite residents seeing diminishing Permanent Fund Dividends almost every year. This year Pick Click Give is unveiling a new campaign and slogan for the project. The mantra is “Lovalaska.” Read more.
Arctic Entries Logo

It Takes Two: Stories Told in Tandem

KSKA: Tues., June 06, 8:00p.m. Arctic Entries this month brings you: It Takes Two: Stories Told in Tandem. In the spirit of This American Life, The Moth, and other storytelling events, Arctic Entries brings Alaskans to the stage to share their personal stories: funny, sad and sweet. LISTEN HERE
A four story concrete building

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 2, 2021

As businesses and other entities reopen, the Alaska Legislature remains closed to the public. And, after a year with no tourists, Glacier Bay National Park prepares for a big season. Plus, just 16% of incarcerated Alaskans were released on discretionary parole last year.

Algo Nuevo: January 27, 2013

Here’s the Sunday, January 27, 2013 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments...
Construction workers walk down a city street.

Statewide income in Alaska grew twice as fast as the U.S. last year, mostly because of PFDs

The state still has fewer jobs than pre-pandemic, but the job market is historically strong and inflation is beginning to ease.

Alaska News Nightly: March 15, 2012

‘Person of Interest’ Detained In Connection With Koenig Case, Report Saying Stevens Prosecutors Withheld Information Made Public, State House Rejects Proposed Budget Amendments, Supreme Court Calls For New Voting District Map, Petersburg Leaders Encouraged By Redistricting Ruling, Presbyterian Leaders Issue Apology To Gambell Residents, State Releases Mat-Su Coal Health Impact Assessment, Survivor Speaks About Deadly Haines Avalanche, Open North American Championships Underway In Fairbanks

State of Art: A program at the Anchorage Museum lets people with sensory-sensitivities experience exhibits in a way that works for them

Once a month during the museum's winter hours, one exhibit is open and modified to accommodate people with sensory-sensitivities. Multi-media presentations might be turned down or off, lights dimmed and activities are provided as an alternate means of engaging with the museum.

Alaska Radio Reader Rambler: Willie Hensley

Willie Hensley joins Sandy and Dick to talk about his book, Fifty Miles from Tomorrow: A Memoir of Alaska and the Real People. Download Audio...

Alaska News Nightly: September 18, 2009

Photo by Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau The cruise industry filed suit to throw out the passenger head tax. Individual news stories are posted in the...

China in Transition: Opportunities in the Next Ten Years

Founder and Managing Partner, JFP Holdings Ltd., Jack Perkowski was recorded speaking on "China in Transition: Opportunities in the Next Ten Years" at the Alaska World Affairs Council on December 14, 2012.

The changing role of women in news and commentary

Over the last few decades, the role of women in media and newsrooms has dramatically changed. From being confined to writing mostly about humor or household tips, now, women commentators and columnists write about politics, sports, the economy and yes, family life, too. From Erma Bombeck to Molly Ivins, the role for women in society's dialogue has matured. Three of the state's columnists join us on the next Talk of Alaska. Listen Now

Travleing Music 6-18-17

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 6-18-17   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Under Calico The Company /  George Jackson, Michael Patrick Six and Five 3:05   Shame Rachel Baiman / Rachel Baimna Shame Free Dirt Records 3:35   So Far...