Addressing Alaskans: Democratic Gubernatorial Debate

Animated Ethan Berkowitz at the Commonwealth North podium, while Senator French sits beside awaiting his rebuttal. Photo bu Kristin Spack, KSKA - Anchorage....

Addressing Alaskans: Republican Gubernatorial Debate

In their last public speaking opportunity before the primary election, Governor Sean Parnell, Ralph Samuels, and Bill Walker met for a Republican Gubernatorial debate...

Addressing Alaskans: Jerene Mortensen

Jerene Mortensen, mother of Three Cups of Tea and Stones in Schools author, Greg Mortensen recently moved to Anchorage in December 2009. Since arriving,...

Addressing Alaskans: Senator Begich and Ambassador Grabar-Kitarović

Senator Mark Begich met with Croatia's ambassador to the United States at a joint luncheon hosted by the the Alaska World...

Addressing Alaskans: "Priceless: How I Went Undercover to Rescue the World's Stolen Treasures"

Former F.B.I. special agent Robert Wittman has recovered more than $225 million worth of stolen art and cultural property resulting in the prosecution and...

Addressing Alaskans: Alaska's Emerging Film Industry

Shooting for the film Everybody Loves Whales starring Drew Barrymore began in Alaska earlier this month and other production companies are already following suit....

Addressing Alaskans: Healing Racism

Speaking to Alaskans gathered at the Wendy Williamson auditorium at UAA, Tim Wise (pictured right) asks audience members to consider how they entered the...

Addressing Alaskans: The Future of Offshore Drilling in Alaska

Soon after oil began gushing into the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, plans for exploratory drilling in Alaska's Chukchi and Beaufort seas were...

Addressing Alaskans: U.S. Senatorial Candidate Forum

The three candidates running for Senator of Alaska met for the second time in Anchorage at a forum hosted by the Anchorage Chamber of...

Addressing Alaskans: The Rise of Islamophobia

As the debate over Islamophobia rages on across the country, the Alaska World Affairs Council (AWAC) invited Nihad Awad, co-founder and executive director of...

Addressing Alaskans: U.S. Senatorial Candidate-Student Forum

On Tuesday Alaska's senatorial candidates met for a public debate at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage, except this time Alaska's students had the chance...

Addressing Alaskans: Powering Southcentral Alaska in 2011

This week on Addressing Alaskans, utility and natural gas producers provide an update on what's being done to prepare for winter 2011 in Southcentral...

Addressing Alaskans: Building Resilient Communities

This week on Addressing Alaskans listen to the keynote address given by author and energy expert, Richard Heinberg at the 7th Annual Bioneers...

Schedule Update: Thanksgiving Programming

'Tis the the season for gathering, feasting, relaxing and holiday programming on KSKA. During the month of November, many of KSKA's local programs heard...

Addressing Alaskans: Rethinking the Thanksgiving Feast

For many of us, its the most highly anticipated meal of the year. Surrounded by family and friends, devouring homemade treats and family recipes...

Addressing Alaskans: Ray Troll

"Wild king, you make my heart sing." "Ain't no nookie like chinookie." "Coho ho. And humpy holidays." Try to explain a Ray Troll t-shirt from someone from...

Addressing Alaskans: All Things Cold

From quinzhees, icicle frogs, permafrost tunnels, arctic divers and explorers Bill Streever discusses his New York Times best seller Cold on this week's Addressing...

Addressing Alaskans: Crow Pass and the Iditarod Trail

Recorded at a familiar spot where many Alaskans go to access the popular Crow Creek Pass trail, this week on Addressing Alaskans...

Addressing Alaskans: Polar Bears and Climate Change, The Future of an Arctic Icon

Eric Regehr gently nooses polar bear cub. Photo courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. As a polar bear biologist with U.S. Fish and Wildlife...

Addressing Alaskans: FBI Operations in Foreign Countries

This week on Addressing Alaskans, listen to a talk given by former special agent with FBI Alaska, Kevin Fryslie (pictured right). In "FBI...