algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo December 17, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, December 17th, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Dec. 15, 2017

Amid sexual harassment claims, Rep. Westlake says he’ll resign; Murkowski unsure Congress can investigate Trump on groping charges; Walker proposes smaller budget, plans to fill gap with savings; Conoco hopes to crack open off-limits North Slope land; Alaska marijuana regulators issue first-ever license revocation after slew of violations; ACLU sounds alarm on non-criminal immigrant detentions in Anchorage; Marine biologists seek answers in a warmer Bering Sea; AK: How do you recruit more young Alaska Native nurses?; 49 Voices: Alexandria McLearen of Anchorage Listen now

Traveling Music 12-24-17

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 12-24-17   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   The Messenger Laurie Lewis & Tom Rozum / Mark Simos Winter's Grace Signature Sounds 5:11   Where Are You Christmas? Mary McCarty / Mariah...

Holiday greetings

Alaskans are connected in so many different ways, and nothing shows that better than the special two-hour Holiday Greetings Edition of "Talk of Alaska," from the member stations of APRN.  Good wishes, greetings and holiday cheer fly back and forth from one end of the state to the other as people call in. You won't want to miss it. Listen Here

49 Voices: Alexandria McLearen of Anchorage

This week we're hearing from Alexandria McLearen in Anchorage. On Sunday, McLearen will give the UAA commencement speech for the Fall 2017 ceremony, and hopes to someday become a doctor. Listen now

AK: How do you recruit more young Alaska Native nurses?

More and more programs have sprung up locally to familiarize students with trades and professions in the hopes of getting more Alaska Natives employed. That’s what the University of Alaska Anchorage did 20 years ago for Alaska Native nurses. The program is called RRANN: Recruiting and Retaining Alaska Natives into Nursing. Listen now

Learning about the solstice, Susitna River and gun safety

KSKA: Thursday, December 21, at 2:00 p.m. The next Outdoor Explorer is on the solstice, a truly outdoor event, as I try to really understand what happens in space to bring us the shortest day of the year. This will be your opportunity to hear me be confused as part of our celebration of the soon to be lengthening days. We’ll also be talking about protecting the Susitna River, winter diving, and safety with both guns and bear spray. LISTEN HERE

History: Alaska’s rough and tumble territorial lawyers and judges

KSKA: Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2 pm and 8 pm. Outsiders may think of the law as a staid profession, one in which the rules have been around for a long time and everyone dutifully followed them. If you enjoy the belief that Alaska is different than anyplace else in the Lower 48, listen in to this show to learn how Alaska's early lawyers and judges were different. LISTEN HERE

The health care of transgender patients

Monday, December 18, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Exploring sexuality, including gender and sexual behaviors is a normal part of childhood. At some point, many children experiment with gender expression and roles. However, for unknown and probably multifactorial biologic and psychosocial reasons, in some children, cross-gender behavior and expression is more consistent, persistent, and insistent than it is among their peers. These are not choices per se, but reflect an innate preference of the child. Co-host Dr. Thad Woodard explores the social, mental health, and medical concerns of transgender individuals on this Line One program. LISTEN HERE

A Christmas Carol returns to the Discovery Theatre

KSKA: Friday, December 15 at 2:45p.m. Perseverance Theatre is bringing back Arlitia Jones and Michael Evan Haney's stage adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol for the fourth year to the Discovery Theatre in downtown Anchorage and actors Aaron Wiseman ("Marley/Ghost of Christmas Present"), Danielle Rabinovitch ("Ghost of Christmas Past/Katherine/Mrs Dilber") and Anchorage General Manager Josh Lowman drop by the studio this week to talk about, among other things, character motivations and class struggles in the play. A Christmas Carol performs December 14 through the 29th. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017

Credit rating agency sees a ‘clear path,’ as Alaska tries to balance its budget; Alaska investigators nab 3 in botnet attacks, 'click fraud' scam; ACA health insurance applications due Friday; Kenai sees return of tree-killing beetle; Warming in Utqiaġvik so fast, NOAA algorithm flags as mistake; King Cove closer to goal of 100 percent renewable energy; Four Alaska firefighters dispatched to battle California blazes; Two really, really big cruise ships headed to Alaska; Alaskans are aging in Alaska, so now what? Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017

Protests fail to slow tax bill, or Arctic drilling; State Division of Elections denies GOP primary block; Washington man sentenced to 10 years in prison for extensive Alaska scamming spree; Iditarod to tighten race trail security, rewrite “gag rule”; What a change in city code could mean for Sitka’s LGBTQ community; Ravn Alaska to fly between Anchorage and Bristol Bay; Tribal members want more authentic Native art in Haines Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017

Trump signs defense bill to allow more missile interceptors in Alaska; State’s revenue department predicts slow uptick in oil prices; Scientists warn Arctic “refrigerator” is failing, with global consequences; Walker names members of Alaska climate leadership team; Alaskan soldier from Wasilla dies in Afghanistan; Nonpartisan report says Wilson incident in June wasn’t sexual harassment; State prosecutor decides not to charge Sen. Wilson in reporter slapping; Togiak herring forecast for 2018 to be a little larger than this year; Chinook gusts up to 80 mph knock out power around Interior; In Russia, a competitor for Alaska’s gasline project comes online; Wrangell schools roll out anonymous, anti-bullying app Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Dec. 11, 2017

With 35th homicide this year, Anchorage hits an all-time high; Warning from left: Deficit could eat Alaska's ANWR money; Canada rejects transboundary mine permit protest; AIDEA board OKs sale of Pentex to Interior Gas Utility; GOA Pacific cod allocations hacked 80 percent after massive stock decline; Staggeringly low forecasts for king salmon in the Stikine; Reaching out to youth where they are; Does Sitka’s Baranov statue impress or oppress? Listen now
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo December 10, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, December 10th, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Dec. 8, 2017

House Majority calls on Dean Westlake to resign amid sexual harassment allegations; One of the Fairbanks Four sues the city over alleged civil rights violations; As Alaska’s gasline corporation pushes for deal in Asia, legislators push for more information; Parents help uncover marijuana edible dealing in Bethel High School; Road crews reopen Richardson Highway after avalanche; DOT officials struggle to keep up with recent snow storm; Ask a Climatologist: Jet stream pattern keeps Alaska warm, Lower 48 cold; AK: In the industrial heart of Anchorage is a warehouse full of wild birds; 49 Voices: Peter Twitchell of Bethel Listen now

Joys and challenges of aging in Alaska

Aging in Alaska is both challenging and wonderful. The state's rapidly growing population of people who are 65 and older are strengthening their communities by contributing time and wisdom, and building the economy. On the next Talk of Alaska we'll hear from elders about what it's like to grow older here and what needs to happen to make that more feasible and fun. Listen Here

AK: In the industrial heart of Anchorage is a warehouse full of wild birds

Bird TLC is a non-profit that's somewhere in between a veterinary clinic, animal shelter, and zoo. Now, it's on the cusp of moving to a dramatically different new home. Listen now

Learn about local climbing, cameras & what’s up with bears lately?

KSKA: Thursday, December 14, at 2:00 p.m. 2017 will be remembered in part as the "Year of the Bear" in Southcentral Alaska. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’ll talk about why we had scary and tragic incidents, and why far more bears were killed in Anchorage than usual. For something a bit more fun, we also have a segment on rock and ice climbing, a sports that is exploding in popularity, with great opportunities to learn inside and out. LISTEN HERE

49 Voices: Peter Twitchell of Bethel

This week we're hearing from Peter Twitchell in Bethel. Twitchell was the former host of KYUK's Geezer Rock radio show which aired its final episode on October 27. Listen now