Addressing Alaskans: Denali – The Alaska Gas Pipeline

Soon after BP and ConocoPhillips announced plans to combine resources to start Denali - The Alaska Gas Pipeline in April 2008, Bud Fackrell was...

Addressing Alaskans: Impacts of Oil & Gas Development on Traditional Ways

The former mayor of Nuiqsut, Rosemary Ahtuangaruak gave the keynote address at this year's BIONEERS in Alaska, 6th annual conference. After attending the University...

Addressing Alaskans: Climate Change and the Impact on Human Health – An Alaska Perspective

Founder and Director of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center of Alaska, Dr. Jeff Demain considers Alaska's temperatures which are rising four times the...

Addressing Alaskans: Business of Media

This week on Addressing Alaskans a panel of Alaskan reporters and journalists gather to discuss the "Business of Media." Hosted by the Anchorage Chamber...

Addressing Alaskans: Stopping Global Warming, Signs of Hope

Often the fact that Alaska's temperatures are increasing at an alarming rate and the ice is melting can seem daunting, but Dr. Robert K....

Addressing Alaskans: Southcentral's Energy Plan

Susitna hydroelectric power project In early December, the Alaska Energy Authority released the Regional Integrated Resource Plan (RIRP) outlining energy options in the Railbelt Region...

Addressing Alaskans: Democracy in Crisis

A former Cordova "fisherm' am", Riki Ott experienced the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill first hand in 1989. To deal the the long-term impacts of...

Addressing Alaskans: Senator Lisa Murkowski

Following her recent trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan in January, Senator Lisa Murkowski returned home to Alaska sharing her "Global Insights" at a luncheon...

Addressing Alaskans: Fiftieth Anniversary of Alaska’s Federal Court

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, the Cook Inlet Historical Society hosted a panel...

Addressing Alaskans: Latitude Attitude

Maurer's home in Naramata, BC has received numerous awards for architecture and sustainable design. Born in Germany, Florian Maurer has practiced architecture in White Horse,...

Addressing Alaskans: Ted Stevens

Alaska's former Senator Ted Stevens' position on the gas line has changed since he was last in front of Congress. Making a rare Anchorage...

Addressing Alaskans: Health Effects of Climate Change

Back in November you heard Dr. Jeffrey Demain speaking on Climate Change and the Impact on Human Health – An Alaska Perspective. On March...

Addressing Alaskans: America's Russia Problem

Weeks before the United States signed the recent Arms Control Treaty with Russia, the Alaska World Affairs Council in collaboration with Anchorage Opera hosted...

Addressing Alaskans: Governor Sean Parnell

Before the legislative session in Juneau comes to a close, on April 1 at a lunch hosted by Commonwealth ...

Addressing Alaskans: Planning to Keep Big, Wild Life in Anchorage

Anchorage neighborhood moose scavenging for some McDonalds scraps. Photo by Kristin Spack Wildlife biologist, Rick Sinnott has been studying and interacting with Anchorage moose, bears,...

Addressing Alaskans: Killer Asteroids

Ever wonder what is fact versus fiction when watching the infamous Star Wars trilogy? February through April Alaskans poured into Anchorage Museum to learn...

Addressing Alaskans: Terrorist Financing

After a 26 year career in the federal government intelligence and law enforcement communities, John Cassara is considered an expert in anti-money laundering and...

Addressing Alaskans: Both sides of Ballot Measure 1

Creators of the initiative are calling it the “Anti-Corruption Act.” Meanwhile opponents of Proposition 1 have dubbed it the “Alaska Gag Law.” No matter...

Addressing Alaskans: Listening to Alaska

Encounters host, Richard Nelson shows the audience the equipment he uses when recording natural sounds in the wild. Photo by Lisa J. Seifert Before heading...

Addressing Alaskans: Observations from the Walrus Islands in Bristol Bay

Walrus populations of Round Island. Photos courtesy of Terry Johnson. Terry Johnson, a professor with the University of Alaska Seagrant Marine Advisory Program has been...