Commission Recommends Certifying Election

The Anchorage Election Commission just released their report on the April 3rd Municipal election. They are asking the Assembly to adopt their report and certify the election. But they did find some problems and made several recommendations. KSKA's Daysha Eaton explains.

Municipal Leaders React to Election Commission Report

Municipal Leaders are reacting to a report by the Election Commission on the April 3rd Election. The Commission presented the report at a public meeting late Wednesday. It was critical of the clerk's role in the election, but said it should be certified. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has more.

Immigration in Anchorage Dialogue

Most of us understand that Anchorage has broad mix of people from around the world, but do we understand the challenges they face and how they enrich our community and schools? Learn more.

Twenty feet of snow on Valdez Glacier

After a winter of outstanding snow conditions, three scientists drove snowmachines up Valdez Glacier this spring, curious to see how far they could get. At about 5,500 feet above the salt water of Port Valdez, their machines rested on about 20 feet of snow that had fallen there during the winter. Read more.

Roman Dial

Though he spends much of his work week in a math classroom teaching at Alaska Pacific University, Roman Dial is anything but the stereotypical math nerd. His accomplishments outside of class, outside of civilization, and, frankly, outside the vast majority of people's comfort levels, in some of the wildest country left on the planet are astonishing. Read More... KAKM: Sun. 4/29 at 6:30 pm & Weds. 5/2 at 10:00 pm KSKA: Thurs. 5/3 at 1:00 pm

Membership Matters

Some of us inherited our love for public radio from our parents. Others caught the bug later in life. Whether you've been listening since before you could understand the words or your radio just recently got stuck on the FM 91.1 dial, we need your support during this Spring Membership Drive. Call us or pledge online before Friday at 6:00 pm to help us reach our goal. Thanks for listening and supporting KSKA - Anchorage!

APRN Speakers Series: Corey Flintoff

Corey Flintoff NPR Foreign Correspondent Thursday, May 24, 2012 - Anchorage Museum Auditorium 6:00 - 8:00 pm Meet & Greet + Lecture Tickets $50 7:00 pm Lecture...

Movement & Character: Elizabeth Andres

As part of my internship with APRN, I've been exploring new methods of storytelling. This audio slideshow is a profile on UAA student Elizabeth Andres, whose area of study is Natural Sciences. Andres also teaches dance classes at Anchorage Music and Dance Center. Click for more.

AK: Secrets Of The Forest

Birch is one of the most common trees in Alaska. And they can easily blend into Alaska’s forest landscape. But underneath the smooth, tough layer of a birch tree’s bark, something is flowing. It’s a natural treasure with many curative properties. KUAC’s Emily met up with one very enthusiastic scientist to harvest the distinctive liquid.

The Special Session; and a New Film Incentive Credit Bill

The stories up for discussion this week are: Gov. Parnell throws in the towel on oil taxes; status of the gas line legislation; new film incentive credit bill; municipal election squabbles continue; and the redistricting saga continues. KSKA: Friday, 4/27 at 2:00pm & Saturday, 4/28 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 4/27 at 7:30pm & Saturday, 4/28 at 5:00pm

Yippee for You, KSKA Listeners

Thank you KSKA community for another outstanding membership drive. Every spring and fall you pull together to make our pledge drives successful and so much fun. We love hearing from you and meeting you at the station. Thanks for taking the time to support your public radio station in every possible way. We couldn't do what we do without you.

Energy Quest USA

Hear inspiring stories from citizens who have made smart energy choices. In Kansas, communities compete for major cash prizes in an energy conservation contest. In Baltimore, Maryland, the Neighborhood Energy Challenge is enabling low-income homeowners to save as much as $1,300 a year through simple measures like weather-stripping and reduced water use. In Alaska, ocean power, low-emissions heating fuel from wood waste and innovative low-temperature geothermal turbines are becoming an important part of the power portfolio. KAKM: Monday, 4/30 at 8:00pm

Anchorage Woodlot to Open with New Location

The Anchorage Soil and Water Conservation District is hoping to open the Anchorage Woodlot Thursday, May 3, 2012, depending on site conditions. Due to tremendous snow accumulation at the previous location, the woodlot is being moved to the South Anchorage Sports Park this year. The basic cost for remains at $10 per load, all material such as mulch or firewood taken from the woodlot is FREE. Learn more.

Endowment Fund Created in Comeau’s Name

The Alaska Community Foundation has established an endowment fund in honor of Anchorage School District Superintendent, Carol Comeau. Comeau is retiring after nearly 40 years with the ASD. As KSKA's Daysha Eaton reports, the fund will help provide grants for projects that will directly impact students.

APD Calls on Public to Help Find Missing Airman, Clinton Reeves

Authorities are asking for help to find a missing airman. They're calling on the public to aid their investigation. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has more.

Introducing Tundra Dialogues

Tundra Dialogues is a new interactive blogging site, hosted by Evon Peter. The project will host conversations on personal, cultural, and spiritual growth. The vision is to inspire and inform positive change in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and the world. All people from any spiritual, cultural, and personal background are welcome to join the dialogues. Learn more.

Forty-Four Years of Keeping Anchorage Clean

As the temperatures begin to rise and the record snowfall continues to melt, miles of trash is unveiling along streets and roadways of the Municipality of Anchorage. For the 44th year, the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce will engage local businesses, school youth and community members during Anchorage Chamber Citywide Cleanup Week, held May 12 to 19. Learn more.

May Schedule Highlights

KAKM, Channel 7 television, is pleased to continue bringing quality programming to your home. In this month’s prime time lineup you will find new programming as well as some of your old favorites.

CREATE Schedule For May

Tune into KAKM channel, CREATE for some of your favorite how-to shows! CREATE can be found in Anchorage on 7.2 or GCI Cable 94 and is also available in the Mat-Su on MTA Channel 307.

Frontline: Money, Power and Wall Street – Part 2

Since 2008, Wall Street and Washington have fought against the tide of the fiercest financial crisis since the Great Depression. What have they wrought? In a special four-hour investigation, FRONTLINE tells the inside story of the struggles to rescue and repair a shattered economy, exploring key decisions, missed opportunities, and the unprecedented and uneasy partnership between government leaders and titans of finance that affects the fortunes of millions of people around the world. KAKM: Tuesday, 5/1 at 8:00pm