Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, June 21, 2018

What they mean when they say 'immigration problem'; In Alaska, family separations evoke past trauma; Fansler sentenced to year of probation, alcohol treatment and community service; State receives $56 million in federal relief for 2016 pink salmon season disaster; Farm bill with large changes to food stamps narrowly passes the US House; Crews tackle small wildfire in Ketchikan; Southcentral king salmon sport fishing closures continue; Climate change may have sparked human migration into Interior Alaska, UAF study finds; Spike in shipping costs has Southeast businesses up in arms; Kake to reuse historic cannery for tourism; At the top of the world, an international field school for research students Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

One dead, another injured, after Eagle River brown bear attacks; Alaska delegation mulls Trump order keeping children detained with parents; Sitka salmon fleet to Governor Walker: “Don’t sign a bad treaty”; Two coal-seam fires merge to form rapidly-growing wildfire near Healy; State: Permafrost melt from Arctic broadband projects violated permits; Amid criticism of homeless camps, Anchorage officials weigh aggressive policy change; EPA rollbacks of cleanup regulations for mining companies draw ire of environmental groups; University of Alaska moves forward with Chilkat Valley timber sale Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Alaska senators veer apart on family separations; Accused of 2016 murders, Palmer man faces possible death sentence; Walker asks Trump administration to protect those with pre-existing conditions; ASMI says Chinese tariff increase will not apply to secondary processing; New Alaska regs requires oil and gas wells anchor below permafrost; AEL&P to share the wealth from corporate tax cut; Palin's son moves to court program after assaulting father; Bolger picked to be new Alaska Supreme Court chief justice; Kalskag negotiating new subsistence fishing regulations with Kuskokwim fishery managers; Campbell Creek Science Center offers reward for information on stolen mammoth tusk; Tour guides, bear hunters seek solutions after tourists witness a hunt in the Tongass Listen now

Traveling Music 6-24-18

Traveling Music Date: 6-24-18 Shonti Elder   Upcoming Concert:  Arlo Guthrie, Saturday, June 30, 7:30 PM Atwood Concert Hall, PAC   Format:  Tune Title Performer / Composer Album Title Recording Company Length   Coming into Los...

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, June 18, 2018

Murkowski zeroes in on Trump admin to stop splitting families at border; Murkowski, Young respond to Chinese tariff on American seafood imports; Supreme Court agrees to hear Alaska Hovercraft case again; Larsen Bay mayor worries aging water infrastructure could collapse; EPA, Corps agree to new wetland mitigation guidelines; Pogo officials consider extending life of gold mine if exploration shows promising deposits; NN Cannery History Project collects stories of former cannery workers; Alaska’s northernmost town still in transition 1 1/2 years after official name change; Can a liquor store help a community solve alcohol-related problems? Listen now
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo June 17, 2018

Here’s the Sunday, June 17th, 2018 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo June 10, 2018

Here’s the Sunday, June 10th, 2018 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Night Music; June 16, 2018

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known...

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, June 15, 2018

China responds to U.S. tariffs with tariff on Alaska seafood; State backlog means long wait for health coverage for some Alaskans; Final public hearing on ANWR drilling held in DC; Even a rainforest can experience a drought, weather service says; AK: Keeping memories alive on Father's Day; 49 Voices: Bruce Gordon of Excursion Inlet Listen now

Public Safety in rural Alaska

Rural Alaska has long had a lack of adequate law enforcement. State budget cuts have exacerbated the problem and recent reporting reveals trouble with how or if some local law enforcement officers are screened before they're hired. What's being done to make rural Alaska safer? LISTEN HERE

River stories

The summer season is here and Alaska’s waterways beckon.  We’re taking the topic from four perspectives. An interview with a pioneer who made a lifelong career of floating remote rivers with inflatables. A story by a Minnesotan who got in some trouble on an Alaska river. A buyers guide to pack rafts. And a bear story that comes from an epic float trip. Thanks for listening!

49 Voices: Bruce Gordon of Excursion Inlet

This week we're hearing from Bruce Gordon in Excursion Inlet. Gordon works as the watchman for the Ocean Beauty cannery. Listen now

Personality disorders and high conflict people

On the next program, Bill Eddy, founder of the High Conflict Institute, will join us to discuss how to recognize and deal effectively with high conflict people. Thanks for listening!

AK: Keeping memories alive on Father’s Day

The Dinner Party connects people grieving the loss of a loved one. On Father's Day they're sharing stories on social media from the thousands of Dinner Partiers all over the world whose dads have died. Listen now

Protecting victims’ rights

A state agency and a local nonprofit collaborate to protect victims' rights as they navigate the court system. Find out how it works and what the challenges are. Thanks for listening!

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sport and personal-use fishing closes on the Copper and Chitina rivers; Murkowski concerned about Sessions border policy; Gov. Walker lets Juneau road money stand, but maintains no-build policy; Special election set for vacant West Anchorage assembly seat; Optimism scarce as commercial fisheries start up in Southeast; UA Board of Regents discuss approval process for Chilkat Valley timber sale plans; Four young filmmakers from the Y-K Delta tackle climate change; New Anchorage museum exhibit hopes to shed light on pingoes Listen now

Traveling Music 7-1-18

Traveling Music Date: 7-1-18 Shonti Elder   Format:  Tune Title Performer / Composer Album Title Recording Company Length     Beare Island / Raccoon in the Compost (instrumentals) Wake Up Robin / F. Dwyer, Amy Englesberg Wake...

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Two planes collide north of Anchorage; one dead upon Susitna River crash; Walker vetoes Knik Arm bridge money, Vitamin D study; Rating agency improves Alaska’s credit outlook; Rural healthcare facilities struggle paying Internet bills as FCC rate review holds up subsidies; Seward receives funding relief for December storm damage; Anchorage moves forward on LIO purchase; Juneau seeks community help with $1 million endowment for Alaska College of Education; As the Arctic warms, a changing landscape on the Chukchi Sea; Romig Middle Schoolers present history project at the Smithsonian Listen now

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Retired Ketchikan teacher, pastor charged with sexual abuse of a minor; NOAA law enforcement researches sexual harassment, assault among fisheries observers; Alaska's legal pot industry decries taxes, seeks changes; Fairbanks City Council OKs ordinance advancing bid to secure Polaris; LGBTQ mayoral proclamation causes controversy in Homer; Including seal oil in this food competition is about more than taste; Avrum Gross: Gov. Hammond’s ‘long-haired hippie’ ally, attorney general and in-house antagonist Listen now

Open Phone Lines

Whatever you are dealing with, you are not alone. For every person struggling with an issue, there are thousands of others who share their struggle. One of the main challenges in treating mental health or relationship problems is the shame and isolation that are associated with these complex issues, that feeling of being alone, vulnerable, and in emotional pain. Part of the mission for Line One is to reduce the stigma of mental health by having conversations about mental health. Thanks for listening!