Alaska lobbyists explain how their work shapes laws and policies | Alaska Insight

Lobbyists are viewed as representatives of special interest groups that want to drive policy change that favors big business. But many who lobby the local, state and federal government are citizens who seek better healthcare and improved schools.

What piped water means for residents in rural Alaska | Alaska Insight

Water and sewer infrastructure, something most Americans take for granted as a basic utility service, is lacking in many communities in rural Alaska. Why, more than 60 years after statehood, are there still villages without piped systems?

Opportunities for Agriculture in Rural Alaska | Alaska Insight

Climate change is changing what Alaskans can expect during the growing season, presenting both new challenges and opportunities for fresh food in rural Alaska. Will residents, even in the arctic, be able to grow enough food for their winter use and sell extra produce to others?

When drought came to the rainforest, Metlakatla adapted | Alaska Insight

Alaska’s vast geography features dramatic precipitation variation from the relatively dry arctic to the rainforests of the southeast, but a changing climate is causing problems in some unexpected ways.

How State Senate leadership is preparing for the next legislative session | Alaska Insight

Governor Mike Dunleavy released his budget proposal for the next fiscal year in December, but the legislature will have their work cut out for them when they return to Juneau on January 21 to begin the next session. How will lawmakers on both sides of the aisle come together to balance the state budget?

Training the next generation of women in the trades | Alaska Insight

Skilled trades -- jobs like welding, plumbing, heavy equipment operation and construction -- are attractive jobs for people looking for non-traditional career fields with competitive pay. While the trades continue to be male-dominated fields, more and more women are entering the workforce as training becomes more readily available.

Why forensic nursing is critical for fighting interpersonal violence | Alaska Insight

Proper evidence collection and documentation after domestic violence or sexual assault is an important step to help women who have been traumatized. A unique forensic training academy at UAA is teaching nurses how to conduct these exams and is helping grow the network of forensic nurses across the state.

Fighting teacher turnover in Alaska’s schools | Alaska Insight

Teacher recruitment and retention has long been a challenge for Alaska. A recent study shows that teachers trained outside of the state are the most likely to leave positions here.

Preparing for and preventing the spread of the novel Coronavirus | Alaska Insight

The novel coronavirus is a global public health emergency according to the World Health Organization and many countries, including the U.S., have restricted travel from China or closed their borders. But questions still remain about how lethal the virus is. How likely are you to contract the virus?

How educators and officials are dealing with the rise in teen vaping | Alaska Insight

While the youth tobacco rate has declined, one in four teenagers is now ingesting nicotine through a new, stylish product. E-cigarettes, or vapes, are a growing problem in secondary schools across the United States. But what's inside the liquid being vaporized? And how will it affect this generation's health?

Gov. Dunleavy has new PFD ideas and questions the feasibility of an income tax | Alaska Insight

Gov. Mike Dunleavy released his budget plan in December. It included paying out a full Permanent Fund dividend, but also left a $1.5 billion deficit on the table for legislators to grapple with.

An update on the coronavirus in Alaska | Alaska Insight

The coronavirus pandemic has triggered national and state emergency declarations. Hospitals and local governments across the state are working to prevent the spread of the virus.

Keeping kids learning during the coronavirus pandemic | Alaska Insight

With a national and state emergency declared to slow the spread of coronavirus, school districts across Alaska are dealing with extended spring breaks and uncertainty surrounding the remainder of the school year. What are the options for distance education in a state with low or no internet connection in some areas?

Alaska’s U.S. Senators discuss how the CARES Act can benefit you | Alaska Insight

The global economy is being hammered by the effects of widespread illness and business closures due to COVID-19. In response, congress has put together the largest financial relief package in history. Will it be enough to blunt the economic decline in the U.S?

The economic implications of the COVID-19 shut downs | Alaska Insight

ISER examined the negative effects of the COVID-19 on Alaska’s economy, and the numbers are stark: there are tens of thousands unemployed, and nearly 2 billion in lost state GDP. How much will federal spending help Alaskan businesses and individuals?

Working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in rural Alaska | Alaska Insight

Limited or no road access means many rural Alaska communities face challenges in delivering health care. With the additional strain COVID-19 is putting on local health care providers, how is rural Alaska preparing to stop the spread of coronavirus in their small, isolated communities?

Take a break from pandemic stress with Alaska artists | Alaska Insight

Social isolation and sheltering in place have disrupted our daily lives, leaving many people anxious and stressed. Musicians and writers join us to help you decompress.

Re-opening Alaska’s economy | Alaska Insight

Governor Mike Dunleavy began allowing businesses to reopen this week after more than a month of emergency closures. What are the restrictions?

Stabilizing Alaska’s economy after COVID-19 | Alaska Insight

Alaska lawmakers have said they need to approve the governor’s plan for sending out federal CARES act funds to Alaska businesses and communities, but are uncertain if they have to reconvene in Juneau to do so. With some of Alaska's largest industries suffering, what will lawmakers do to help stabilize Alaska's economy?

The challenges of distance education | Alaska Insight

In mid March, students went on spring break, but widespread concern over the coronavirus meant they could not return to their classrooms for the remainder of the spring semester.