Traveling Music 1-13-19

Traveling Music Date: 1-13-19 Shonti Elder   Format:  Tune Title Performer / Composer Album Title Recording Company Length   Da Henne Claire White with Robbie Leask / Claire White Lasses Trust In Providence: Shetland Songs and...

Night Music: January 12, 2019

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known or...
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo January 13th, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, January 13th, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera.

What you should know about US-China trade tensions and why that matters for Alaska

The United States and China are major trade partners, but current economic tensions between the two countries could have far-reaching affects. Erin Ennis, Senior Vice President of the US-China Business Council spoke at the Alaska World Affairs Council about what these trade issues might mean for Alaska. Thanks for listening!

Traveling Music 1-20-19

Traveling Music Date: 1-20-19 Shonti Elder   Upcoming Music: Anchorage Folk Festival, This afternoon and evening, and next week Thursday through Sunday Wendy Williamson Auditorium, UAA Free concerts, workshops   Format:  Tune...

In the Same Boat: stories of forging alliances, sailing rough seas, and finding common ground

This month Arctic Entries brings you “In the Same Boat: stories of forging alliances, sailing rough seas, and finding common ground."

AK: A show more real than ‘reality tv’ comes to Sitka

A pair of producers is hoping to put together a show that reflects a more authentic Alaskan experience than what is prevalent in reality television nowadays.

49 Voices: Linda Sampson of Noorvik

This week we're hearing from Linda Sampson in Noorvik. Sampson is an instructional aide at the village school.

Traveling Music 2-3-19

Traveling Music Date: 2-3-19 Shonti Elder   Format:  Tune Title Performer / Composer Album Title Recording Company Length   How Can I Keep From Singing? Laurie Lewis /Trad. Blossoms 2:43   All For the Sake Of Day Cahalen Morrison and...

AK: Hunters sleep in Bethel parking lot to get muskox permits

Muskoxen are prized for their fatty, flavorful meat and soft, warm fur. Every year, thousands of people apply online for less than 200 winter permits to hunt them in Alaska. Or, for the truly devoted, you can travel to Bethel to sign up in person.

49 Voices: Peter Atchak of Bethel

This week we're hearing from Peter Atchak in Bethel. Atchak was the president of the Bethel volunteer Search and Rescue team for years, before retiring 6 years ago.
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Algo Nuevo January 27th, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, January 27th, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera.
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Algo Nuevo February 3rd, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, February 3rd, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera.

Night Music; February 9, 2019

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known or...
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo February 10th, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, February 10th, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music...

After the Arctic Ice Melts with Fran Ulmer

Join Alaska World Affairs Council and Former Lt. Gov & Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission Fran Ulmer for a conversation about the arctic, climate change, and the intersections of environmental science and policy. Thanks for listening!

AK: Resurrecting the 52-year-old pipe organ at Fort Greely’s chapel

The old pipe organ in the chapel at Fort Greely will soon again be belting out gospel tunes, if Army officials approve the post chaplain’s request to allow a pipe-organ expert from Nenana restore the rare 52-year-old instrument. 

49 Voices: Claude Bondy of Cantwell

This week we're hearing from Claude Bondy in Cantwell. Bondy owns and operate the Alpine Creek Lodge with his family.

Midnight Sun Jazz February 16th, 2018

Here’s the Saturday December 22nd, 2018 edition of Midnight Sun Jazz, with host Ed Ulman.
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Algo Nuevo February 17th, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, February 17th, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera.