Stage Talk: The Man in the Attic

Australian playwright, Timothy Daly returns to Alaska with the world premiere of The Man in Attic, the true story of a Jew who was...

Alaska News Nightly: November 11, 2013

Western Alaska Communities Weather Storm; Alaska’s Filipino Community Plans Relief Efforts For Typhoon Haiyan Victims; GCI, KTUU Broadcast Agreement Expires; State Offers Free Flu Vaccinations; ‘Big Blue’ Fire Truck Departs Unalaska For St. George; Alaska Athletes Prepare For Olympic Journey; Fairbanks Speed Skater Vies For Olympic Spot; Honoring Alaska’s Unique Veterans; Commentary: Remembering America’s Veterans Download Audio

America’s Wildest Refuge: ANWR

Tucked into a remote corner of Alaska, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a place where wilderness is experienced on an epic scale. From forested lowlands in the south to the towering mountains of the Brooks Range and north to the coastal plains, this is where we can go back in time to see how the earth was before modern civilization.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

US House approves anti-Pebble amendment; Young votes no, defends permit process; Questions surrounding Supreme Court decision mean no federal officers patrolling Lower Kuskokwim; Defendant in Anchorage teen's homicide case now faces federal child porn charges; Soldier found dead in barracks at Fort Wainwright; Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly gets first satanic invocation; Lower Yukon schools contend with legacy of contamination; Dead gray whale near Wrangell located and secured; Scientists examine songs of North Pacific right whales looking for meaning; Rain a respite for Southeast water conservation measures

Talk of Alaska: Citizen Observation of Natural Phenomena

Phenology is the timing of the annual cycles of plants and animals and a national network has been set up to collect observations of...

Falling Oil Prices: What Norway Is Doing and Recommendations for Alaskans and Other Arctic Countries

KSKA: Tuesday, May 24, at 2:00 p.m. Norwegian Ambassador to the United States, Kåre R. Aas, visited Alaska and spoke on what the Norway oil and gas community is doing, insight into how they combat falling oil prices and recommendations for Alaskans and other Arctic countries. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

State of Art: Making connections with Anchorage’s Festival of Cultural Stories. An interview with Shirley Mae Springer-Staten

Springer-Staten remembers her aunt, an amazing storyteller, recounting the lynching of a young African American boy and the impact that and other stories had on her. While physical barriers to racial harmony are somewhat less blatant these days, it's the mental barriers between cultures Springer-Staten hopes to break with the Festival of Cultural Stories.

Ray Mala’s 105th Birthday

Senator Lisa Murkowski took the occasion of the 105th anniversary of Ray Mala’s birth to share the memories and the meaning of the nation’s first Native film star. An Alaska Native and the first non-white actor to receive top billing in Hollywood entertainment, Mala was born on December 27th, 1906 in Candle, Alaska. Over the course of his career, Mala worked with cinema legends like Alfred Hitchcock and Cecil B. DeMille. Click for more

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016

Rep. Seaton joins bipartisan House caucus; Doyon continues search for Nenana Basin oil and gas; Latest effort to revise Kenai invocation policy stalls; Wood energy grants again offered in Alaska; Alaska Native corporation heads dam removal project; Small explosion delays Healy 2 startup; Northern moose migration corresponds with early snow-melt and increased vegetation; Service dog nonprofit helps veterans; Ask a Climatologist: Dreaming of a white Thanksgiving? Dream on, Anchorage. Listen Now

I am an Ultrarunner

Through inclimate weather, injuries, and even hallucinations, David Johnston just keeps running. As of 2015, Johnston is the Iditarod Trail Invitational record holder for the 350-mile run from Willow to McGrath. He completed the trek in just four days, one hour, and 36 minutes.

Senate E: Huggins – Herman

Incumbent Charlie Huggins, a Republican with a strong military background and a Vietnam veteran, is being challenged for the Senate E seat representing Wasilla, Big Lake, and Point Mackenzie, by a woman who is a professional therapeutic masseuse with long roots in early childhood education. Democratic opponent Susan Parsons Herman, says she'll work across party lines, while two term Senator Huggins says he'll stick to a party agenda. KSKA's Ellen Lockyer has more.

Alaska News Nightly: November 25, 2008

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio...

Traveling Music: May 27, 2012

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration Baby,...

Staged Reading: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail

THE NIGHT THOREAU SPENT IN JAIL, a play about the most famous act of civil disobedience in American history, will receive a staged reading at Cyrano’s on January 25. The story follows the refusal by a 29-year-old Henry David Thoreau, the American philosopher, essayist, poet, mystic, and naturalist, to pay his taxes, because he opposed the American war against Mexico in the mid-1840s. Read more.

RUNNING: Lisa Murkowski Debates Joe Miller – Part 2/2

Part 2/2 of a the first debate between incumbent Lisa Murkowski and challenger Joe Miller took place on August 19, 2010 during the RUNNING...
two assembly members at the Anchorage assembly meeting

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Governor Dunleavy issues several health orders under a new disaster declaration. And, a Sitka science teacher wins one of the highest honors in her field by featuring traditional knowledge. Plus, the Anchorage Assembly extends the city's emergency declaration.

Air, Soil and Water Contaminants to be Identified in Bering Strait Region

Laureli Kinneen, KNOM – Nome Folks in the Bering Strait region will have a chance to find out what contaminants might be in the water,...

AK: Cooking

Homer’s youth resource and enrichment co-op, known locally as “The R.E.C. Room,” is giving teens a taste of what it’s like to work in a commercial kitchen. The after school youth-outreach program has been holding FORK Club Cooking Classes for the last few months providing kids tips on using healthy, local ingredients. Download Audio

Weighing in on a year of Anchorage public transit changes

In October 2017, the Municipality's transit department made big change in local transit. Now they have a report card on how it went during the first year. They want to hear from you. Join this conversation about the future of public transit in Anchorage. Thanks for listening!

Algo Nuevo Hour: August 6, 2010

Here’s the music playlist from the Friday August 6, 2010 edition of Algo Nuevo Hour. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave...