Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Line One: Children and Parents in the Age of Medication

Many people believe America’s children are being over-medicated for disorders such as autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression. On the next Line One, host Dr....

Line One: Treating Depression – Psychotherapy vs. Medication

Treatment for depression is unique to each individual. As two of the most common treatments, what differs in the use of psychotherapy versus medication?...

Line One: Science of smell

Sensory psychologist, Avery Gilbert joins Dr. Woodard today on Line One. Gilbert is known for his groundbreaking work on the psychology of odor perception...

Line One: Treating ADD/ADHD

This week Dr. Thad Woodard explores attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with his guest, Dr. Al Collins, a local...

Line One: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

One of the most perplexing mysteries in medicine is sudden infant death. Join Dr. Thad Woodard and his guest Dr. Brad Gessner,...

Line One: Testosterone and other hormones for men and women

Hormones are messages that travel through the bloodstream to relay instructions to the body that control many functions. They are often prescribed in situations where our bodies are not providing enough for us to function at our best. Hormones also naturally decline as we age which may poorly affect our overall quality of life and health. Men also experience a decline in testosterone and other hormones, and replacement is just as important for them as it is for women.

The Mat-Su Behavioral Health Environmental Scan

Monday, April 11, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The major determinates of human health include health policies, social factors, health care, genetics and individual behavior. In this program we will discuss health, behavioral health, and access to care through focusing on the Mat-Su Behavioral Health Environmental Scan. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Line One: Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection we will learn about how to detect and treat Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Thad Woodard and...

Line One: Food Allergies

This week's  guest on Line One, Dr. Melinda Rathkopf, (right) takes a look food allergy. Some of the topics she and Dr. Thad Woodard...

LISTEN: The first step to genocide is dehumanization. How do stop it before it starts?

The Rawandan Genocide, the Holocaust, and the ongoing plight of the Rohingya people, are just a few examples of the human capacity to persecute others for being different than ourselves.

Obesity and Surgical Options

Monday, July 11, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The origins and treatment of obesity are both complex. For some individuals the benefits of surgery begin to outweigh the risks. On the next Line One program we discuss the causes and treatment of obesity. LISTEN NOW

Line One: Youth and Social Media

The US Surgeon General recently released an advisory on how social media helps and hurts youth mental health. There are positive impacts but social media can also increase depression and anxiety. On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton talks with Jennifer Gessert, a therapist specializing in technology addiction. They discuss how social media impacts kids and teens.

Placebos and placebo mechanisms

Monday, July 10, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. On this edition of the Line One we discuss placebos and the work of Dr. Fabrizio Benedetti and others, who are researching the mechanisms behind placebo effects. Our guest is Dr. Virginia Campbell, creator of the Brain Science Podcast. LISTEN HERE

Prostate cancer update

Monday, January 30, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Like Goldilocks finding the porridge that was “just right” for her, diagnosis and management of prostate cancer today is about finding the approach that is just right for each patient. This program will discuss who should be screened, what to do with screening results, and what treatment, if any, is “right” given what is known today. LISTEN NOW

The Environment and Health

Monday, August 08, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Modern humans evolved 200,000 years ago yet our immediate environment hardly changed until the onset of the industrial revolution about 250 years ago. Daily our genes, our skin, our respiratory tract, our intestines, our brains are exposed to relatively new substances compared to exposures for 200,000 years. What are the effects on our health? LISTEN NOW

Line One: Environmental Cancer Risks

Dr. Devra Davis, a University of Pittsburg epidemiology professor and author joins Dr. Woodard in the studio today.  A Line One guest earlier this...
a building

Screening for, preventing, and treating colorectal cancer | Line One: Your Health Connection

Host Dr. Justin Clark and his guests discuss resources for colon cancer screening, and hear one person’s journey through a diagnosis.

Line One: Respiratory health

Lung disease is rapidly becoming a women's disease. Lung cancer kills more women than breast, ovarian and cervical cancers combined. On Line One, join...

Line One: Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders range from feelings of uneasiness to disabling dread of everyday situations. To help us understand what triggers anxiety Dr. Daniela Schiller (pictured ...
Scrabble pieces on wood table. Letters read "MENTAL HEALTH"

Line One: Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine was approved for Treatment Resistant Depression in 2019 and has quickly become a growing treatment option for this challenging form of depression. Despite the current buzz around this newly approved approach, many questions remain. How safe is Ketamine? What are the side effects? And is it effective? On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton and his guest discuss the uses, risks, and benefits of Ketamine in treating mental health conditions.