Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

A book cover that says: Make Crazy Work For You.

Line One: Making your ‘crazy’ work for you

In "Making Your Crazy Work for You," the authors explain that by confronting and understanding the root causes of our unhelpful behavior, we can learn how to embrace healthy and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others.

Listener questions, comments and stories about mental health

Are you or a loved one struggling with a mental health problem? Whatever you are dealing with, you are not alone. On the next Line One co-host and licensed clinical social worker Prentiss Pemberton devotes the hour to listener questions and comments.
healthy, diet, weight loss

Eating for health and enjoyment

Line One Your Health Connection co-host Dr. Jay Butler and registered dietitian Kayleigh Hill discuss the ways to eat for health and enjoyment. Thanks for listening!

Line One: Health Claims – Skeptics Want Evidence

Ever wonder if what you read about the latest cure for the common cold was true? Or if what you saw in an advertisement...

Screening for lung cancer

Cigarette smoking is the most well-known risk factor associated with lung cancer, but this cancer occurs in those who have never smoked. What are the other risk factors? Who is at risk? Who should you be screened for this particularly dangerous type of cancer and how should those at risk be screened?  Listen now: KSKA: Monday, Nov. 16, at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Line One: Health Care For All

NPR's Health care for All examines how Germany, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland provide universal coverage for their citizens. As a leader...

Line One: Call-in Mental Health Advice

On this episode of Line One host and clinical therapist Prentiss Pemberton devotes an hour to answering called and emailed questions about mental health, behavioral health, and emotional well-being.

“Aware”- The science of presence

On the next Line One: Your Health Connection, co-host, Prentiss Pemberton is joined by UCLA Psychiatry Professor and Author, Dr. Daniel Siegel, for a discussion of how Meditative and “Mindful Attention” practices can improve mood, functioning, and overall health. Thanks for listening!

Line One: Influenza and the Risks and Benefits of Influenza Vaccine

Each year about 35,000 deaths in the U.S. are attributed to influenza, about the same number of fatalities caused by automobile accidents. Influenza deaths...

Line One: Living with the End in Mind

On the next Line One Prentiss Pemberton speaks with Ordained interfaith Chaplain, Barbara Becker who will discuss her new book, HEARTWOOD, which chronicles her search to find the answer to 1 Question: Can we live our lives more fully knowing someday we will die?

“Divided We Fall?”- The state of America’s social and cultural wellness

Much like high conflict, divorce tears families apart and forces children to choose sides. The political discourse of the last three years has created a widening social rift that is increasingly tense and volatile. Please Join Line One Co-Host, Prentiss Pemberton, and Professor Dr. David LivingStone Smith, for a thoughtful discussion about the social/emotional health of our nation and for a look at what we can learn from our history and the history of others. Thanks for listening!

Line One: Chemical Exposure and Reproductive Health

Everyday we are exposed to harmful and untested chemicals in the products that we use. This week on Line One, Dr. Sarah Janssen from...

Housing for health

Over 1.5 million Americans experience homelessness in any given year.  They face numerous health risks and are disproportionately represented among the highest users of costly hospital-based acute care.  Providing supportive housing is one way to treat homelessness that can potentially improve health, reduced costs, and decrease hospital utilization. Tune in and join co-host Dr. Jay Butler and his guests, Dr. Monica Gross and Dr. Dick Mandsager for a lively discussion of Housing for Health. Thanks for listening!
line one logo

Line One: Addiction and recovery for men

The CDC estimates that 13% of men in the US meet the criteria for having a substance use disorder and that men account for more than three quarters of deaths from excessive drinking. Excessive alcohol and drug use in men also leads to increases in domestic violence, sexual assault, and an increased risk of suicide. On this Line One, Host Prentiss Pemberton and his guest discuss the ways addiction affects men and what can be done to overcome it.

Line One: Health Literacy

Dr. Barry Weiss from the University of Arizona College of Medicine joins host Dr. Woodard for a discussion about health literacy. Health literacy includes...

The new Providence Alaska Comprehensive Pediatric Emergency Care Facility

Monday, March 5, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Those who have never visited a hospital emergency room, especially at night, have fortunately missed what can be a very eye opening experience. Actually that is one of several reasons why pediatric patients need their own emergency care space. Join Dr. Thad Woodard for a discussion about the new Providence pediatric emergency facility on this program. LISTEN HERE
close up doctor

LISTEN: Identifying the root cause of disease with functional medicine

The field of functional medicine works to find and treat the root cause of diagnoses and not just the diagnoses themselves. Is it the key to a long and healthy life?

Line One: Feet and Ankles

Some of your most pressing and interesting questions come from you asking about our feet and ankles.  This week on Line One: Your Health...

Feeling good

Monday, Feb. 26, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Mood disorders like anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems, affecting about 40% of the population at some point in their lives. How can we use the power of our thoughts to challenge unhealthy beliefs and overcome depression without medications? Please join co-host Prentiss Pemberton as he welcomes Dr. Davis Burns, for a discussion about his groundbreaking book ​Feeling Good: A clinically proven, drug-free treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. LISTEN HERE
Fraternity house

An inside look at college boys becoming men

In her newest book Fraternity, investigative journalist Alexandra Robbins takes a deep dive into the world of college fraternities and the challenges experienced by young men as they move from boyhood into manhood.