Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Heart Health-A look at common heart disorders

Monday, March 20, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The Human heart beats about 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime, pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body. Given this never-ending workload, it's a wonder it performs so well, for so long, for so many people. But the heart can also fail, brought down by a poor diet and lack of exercise, smoking, infection, unlucky genes, and more. LISTEN NOW

Line One: Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain and results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer's disease is the...

Open Phone Lines

Whatever you are dealing with, you are not alone. For every person struggling with an issue, there are thousands of others who share their struggle. One of the main challenges in treating mental health or relationship problems is the shame and isolation that are associated with these complex issues, that feeling of being alone, vulnerable, and in emotional pain. Part of the mission for Line One is to reduce the stigma of mental health by having conversations about mental health. Thanks for listening!

A new blog for Line One listeners

Host of Line One: Your Health Connection, Dr. Thad Woodard writes... Science Based Medicine is a new blog site dedicated to the use of science...
Female physician speaks with elderly woman

Endometriosis and self-advocacy in medicine| Line One: Your Health Connection

On this Line One, host Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest explore the intersection of endometriosis and self-advocacy in medicine.

Teen suicide and the controversy over Netflix’s “​Thirteen Reasons Why”

Monday, May 15, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. On this Line One, Anchorage School District Prevention Specialist, counselor and member of the Alaska Suicide Prevention Council, Julie Vinceck joins co-host Prentiss Pemberton to discuss teen suicide and the controversy surrounding the new Netflix series Thirteen Reasons Why. href="">LISTEN HERE

LISTEN: When it comes to anxiety and depression, why is it so hard to reach men?

Like anxiety and depression, mood disorders are among the most common mental health problems, affecting roughly 40% of the population at some point in their lives. Thanks to national efforts to address this major public health issue, some of the stigma associated with having a mental health problem has diminished, resulting in more people seeking treatment. While this is encouraging, there remains one major demographic holdout to those changing attitudes: Men.

Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy

We’ll be talking with pediatrician, author and lecturer Doctor Ira Chasnoff, one of the nation’s leading researchers in the field of child development and the effects of maternal alcohol and drug use. Find out what we’re learning to improve the health of mothers and their children on Line One: Your Health Connection Thanks for listening!

Line One: The Making of Monsters

David Livingstone Smith believes dehumanizing others is rooted in human psychology and leaves us vulnerable to leaders who trade in the politics of demonization and violence.

E-cigarettes and vaping

Electronic cigarettes have been touted by some as a valuable tool for smoking cessation while others have warned that vaping could cause serious health concerns, including nicotine addiction. What do we really know about vaping and Juuling? Thanks for listening!
children playing on a playground

LISTEN: COVID-19’s impact on kids’ mental health

Remote learning, the loss of sports and activities and social isolation have caused an increase in anxiety and depression for children of all ages over the past year.

Line One: Sleep disorders

According to the Center for Disease Control, insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions - such as diabetes, cardiovascular...

Palliative care

Some of the greatest challenges in health care arise during treatment for prolonged life-threatening illnesses and during care at the end of life. Palliative care assists patients and families in selecting the best treatment options that align with the goals of care. Please join Dr. Jay Butler and a panel of Alaska palliative care providers on Line One: Your Health Connection for a discussion of palliative care—what it is and what it is not? Thanks for listening!

“The Way Home”­ Healing from Historical Trauma

The impacts of Trauma on an individual are well documented and include; Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, poor attachment and bonding, and numerous other physical and emotional problems. When large groups of people collectively experience traumatic events such as genocide, oppression, or prolonged war, the impacts can devastate a community or an entire culture for generations. Monday, February 29, 2016. 2:00 p.m DOWNLOAD AUDIO
brain health

Line One: The psychology of cults

The idea of cults seems to both fascinate and scare us. Why do intelligent people often give up everything to blindly follow these leaders and their ideologies?
a Walgreens pharmacy

Penicillin and other drug allergies | Line One

Join host Dr. Justin Clark as he discusses how and why to get tested for penicillin and other drug allergies on this Line One.

Line One: Aging in place and caregiver support

Occupational therapists can provide much needed services to allow our elders to age with dignity in their homes and provide caregiver support.

Anchorage 100 Years Ago, The Health Perspective

In 1915 the site that was to become Anchorage was a tent city of 2000 people near Ship Creek. On the next edition of Line One Dr. Woodard will discuss the living conditions and health issues of the inhabitants with historian Dr. Steve Haycox and physician Dr Jay Butler. KSKA: Monday 2/3 at 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm Listen Now

LISTEN: ‘Keeping Love Alive’ co-authors discuss coping with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most terrifying diagnoses a person can receive. It also takes a tremendous toll on the partners and children of those suffering from the unrelenting march of this incurable disease.

Line One: Health Care Reform Update

Today, being employed is not a guarantee of health insurance coverage. Nearly 46 million Americans under age 65 do not have health insurance while...