Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Line One: Breast Cancer & The Quiet War

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection, guests and callers will discuss breast cancer and The Quiet War, a film produced by the...

LISTEN: Pelvic physical therapy can be an important part of postpartum recovery

The anatomy and function of the pelvis is complicated and recovery after childbirth can be both challenging and confusing. Join host Dr. Justin Clark for Line One and a discussion on how pelvic physical therapy can help in postpartum recovery and return to exercise and normal life.

LISTEN: Still have questions about coronavirus? Two doctors are here to help.

Covid-19 is just one type of Coronavirus, and perhaps has more than one mutant strain. Let’s gain an understanding on how our medical community is prepared to treat and prevent this virus.

Line One: Infertility Medicine

Photo: University of Miami, Infertility Center (UMIC) Reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at Seattle Reproductive Medicine (SRM), Dr. Paul Lin joins host Dr. Thad Woodard...

Line One: Talking to youth about substance use

Today’s youth are constantly bombarded with the allure of harmful substances on social media. The highlight reel nature of social media misses the stark impacts that drugs and alcohol can have on us. On the next Line One, host Dr. Jillian Woodruff dives into the struggles that young people experience, with a conversation aimed at seeking compassion, and building trust.

National HIV Testing Day and preventing the spread of HIV

Monday, June 20, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Due to the remarkable success of the treatment of HIV/AIDS efforts are now being increased to prevent infection. Knowing if you may be infected allows the use of effective treatment to prevent spread. June 27 is designated National HIV Testing Day to encourage people to learn their HIV status. This program will focus on how HIV transmission to others can be dramatically decreased.

The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health

Much of the extended life span of humans today can be attributed to the control of pathogenic microbes. As a result the promotion of health and attention on chronic disease is becoming the focus of health care. However, along the way we are discovering a new appreciation of the health benefits provided by much more abundant non-pathogenic microbes that evolved with us and make up about 2 % of our weight. December 21, 2015 Download Audio

LISTEN: An hour of gratitude and compassion amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Prentiss Pemberton is opening up the phone lines for you to share stories of grace and compassion over the last 2 months.
Female physician speaks with elderly woman

LISTEN: In a holiday season like no other, gratitude in the medical field

With COVID-19 continuing to ravage the country, we'll be speaking with medical professionals about what they are grateful for as we head into the holiday season.

Line One: Domestic Violence

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection, Dr. Woodard is joined by Dr. Linda Chamberlain of the Homer Health Center who will discuss...

Line One: Pediatric urology

Anchorage pediatric urologist, Dr. David Bomalaski cares for children with diseases or malformations of the genitals or urinary tract. Or, as he ...
Couple sitting on the same count looking in opposite directions

LISTEN: Gray divorce — causes, consequences and prevention

Co-authors and therapists Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenberg discuss their book, "Home Will Never Be The Same Again," and shares tips and tools to help families navigate later in life separation.

Line One: Adult ADD / ADHD

Dr. Vatsal Thakkar and Dr. Woodard discuss adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -- what it is, how it...

LISTEN: Teens talk mental health to combat stigma

The stigma associated with mental health remains one of the biggest barriers to young people seeking effective treatment. Teens involved with Mental Health Advocacy Through Storytelling hope to change this story by sharing their own.

Early recognition and interventions for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Monday, September 25, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Prenatal exposure to alcohol is a leading preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities. These problems are often lifelong and have high costs for society. Line One will focus on the diagnosis and interventions on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder during this program. LISTEN HERE

Line One: How childhood nutrition affects chronic illness

Childhood chronic illness affects 40% of school-aged children and adolescents. Nutrition, movement, environmental toxins and genetics play a role in this progression.

Palliative care

Some of the greatest challenges in health care arise during treatment for prolonged life-threatening illnesses and during care at the end of life. Palliative care assists patients and families in selecting the best treatment options that align with the goals of care. Please join Dr. Jay Butler and a panel of Alaska palliative care providers on Line One: Your Health Connection for a discussion of palliative care—what it is and what it is not? Thanks for listening!

Promoting heart health with a cardiologist | Line One: Your Health Connection

On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton explores what it takes to promote a healthy heart well into your golden years.
A lawn with an elevated pedestrian walkway over it.

Self-advocacy and accommodations for college students with disabilities | Line One

On this Line One, host Prentiss Pemberton is joined by a college disabilities expert to discuss how students can advocate for themselves in college.

LISTEN: Nearly 10 percent of Alaskan are living with diabetes. Two specialists discuss the diagnosis and treatment.

The CDC has reported that more than 100 million Americans are now living with diabetes or prediabetes, and these numbers continue to rise. While some people are born with type 1 diabetes, 95% of those affected have adult onset, or type 2 diabetes.