Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Cell phone free middle schools in Anchorage? Why not?

Prentiss Pemberton hosts a conversation about the pros and cons of allowing cellphones in middle schools with one of the producers of the film ​Screenagers. They will also take a look at an initiative that promotes cell phone free learning environments, and will discuss the results experienced by schools that have already taken this step for their students. Thanks for listening!

Line One: Navigating medical emergencies and hospital stays

Emergency Departments are known for management and stabilization of critical patients, but the transition to inpatient hospital care and later discharge are another critical part of the process. Hospitalist and emergency department physicians collaborate to provide 24-hour care to patients in emergency situations. On this Line One, Host Dr. Jillian Woodruff unlocks the secrets of emergency care.

Problems with Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants

Hip implants numbers are growing -- but one type, metal on metal implants, is causing problems. On Monday’s show, Dr. Thad Woodard and guests will address what you need to know about this procedure, especially if you've had this surgery. KSKA: Monday, 3/6 at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Line One: The Invisible Gorilla

Co-authors of The Invisible Gorilla, Dr. Daniel Simons and Dr. Christopher Chabris join host Dr. Thad Woodard this week...

Line One: Sleep disorders

Sleep is a vital to our health and well being, yet millions are not getting enough sleep, or are suffering from other sleeping disorders. About...

LISTEN: Using transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression.

LISTEN: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

On this program, we'll devote the entire show to listener questions and comments about anything related to mental, behavioral or emotional wellness.

Line One: Brain Science

Dr. Ginger Campbell has been an emergency physician since 1992, but she has a long-standing interest in mind-body medicine, the brain and consciousness. ...
A pin of the pink ribbon used for breast cancer awareness month.

Line One: Treating and detecting breast cancer

Breast cancer is a complex and wide-ranging class of cancer, with many different types, treatments, and detection methods, but as with any cancer, it’s best to catch it as early as possible. October is breast-cancer awareness month, but monitoring for the signs and preventing risk is a year-round job. On this Line One host Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest discuss screening for, and treating, breast cancer.

LISTEN: Should you go to an OB-GYN or a certified nurse midwife? A discussion about the role of midwifery in maternity care.

Many women prefer non-physician care during their pregnancy. Is non-physician care appropriate for all pregnant women? What is the role of the Certified Nurse Midwife?
The front entrance of St. Elias Specialty Hospital in Anchorage displays holiday decorations on a snowy afternoon.

Long-term acute care and rehabilitation | Line One: Your Health Connection

Host Dr. Justin Clark and his guests explore the resources in Alaska for long term care and rehabilitation.

Line One: The other side of love, when relationships turn sour

What happens when the romance is gone? Local psychologist, Dr. Richard Lazur joins host Dr. Woodard to talk about the other side of love....

Physicians for a National Health Program

Monday, August 28, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Congress has failed to repeal or replace the Accountable Care Act. In fact polls indicate the Act has become more appealing to Americans. However, is there a better answer to cost, access and quality for health care? Dr. Carol Paris, President of the Board of Directors of Physicians for a National Health Program, will discuss a single payer alternative on this edition of Line One: Your Health Connection. LISTEN HERE

Living well and sparking a climate revolution

The word environment has become interchangeable with the word nature. That dualism contributes to the idea that humans are outside of nature, unbound by natural laws, or special among all species.
close up doctor

LISTEN: As medicine has evolved, so has the role of the physician assistant.

The role and training of a physician assistant, or PA, has evolved over time. They provide a service as a midlevel provider or physician extender which has become particularly crucial for rural medicine in Alaska.

Line One: The rise in fentanyl overdoses in Alaska

Overdose deaths from fentanyl are on the rise in Alaska, and its important to remember that the statistics account for more than just one person.

Line One: Clinical Cancer Research in Alaska

The purpose of clinical research is to find better treatment and prevention for many illnesses including cancers. Many Alaskans are unaware of the opportunity...

LISTEN: With the death of George Floyd, America comes face to face with persisting racism

The killing of George Floyd by a white police officer is just the latest version of a story heard way too often in America. Eric Gardner, Breanna Taylor and Aumaud Arbery are just a few of the Black lives that have been cut short due to the entrenched, systemic racism persistent in American culture.
A woman holds up a positive pregnancy test.

Line One: Infertility treatments new to Alaska

Approximately 1 in 5 heterosexual couples struggle to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of trying to conceive in the U.S. Only 12% of women use fertility services to receive help conceiving a child. In Alaska we have not had access to specialized assisted reproductive procedures that are now available. What are the causes of infertility? When should you see an infertility specialist? What help is available to achieve pregnancy? Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest share these answers with you to help achieve a healthy pregnancy.

LISTEN: It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. How much do you know about breast health?

Did you know that breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the U.S. and affects males too. On the next Line One we open a treasure chest of information regarding breast health in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.