Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Line One: Accessibility and dimensions of elderly support

Alaska’s elderly population is growing at a rapid rate while facing a range of challenges that can be distressing, and physically impairing.

Line One: Child Passenger Safety

In June, Alaska enacted a new law that requires children under the age of eight years, weight of 65 pounds or 4'9" tall to be placed in a car or booster seat while traveling on roads in Alaska. Alaska joins 46 other states and the District of Columbia in having a booster seat law. To talk about the new booster seat legislation and child passenger safety, host Dr. Woodard welcomes Gordon Glaser and Peggy Hayashi from the Alaska Division of Public Health.

Artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare

Testing drug safety without patients, machines that are better than radiologists at detecting breast cancer, robots caring for the elderly…is this hype or the future? Dr Thad Woodard returns to guest host a program on artificial intelligence, robotics and your health on this edition of Line One: Your Health Connection. Thanks for listening!

ADD, ADHD and Academic Performance

Maximizing academic performance depends on the educational system and the student. On the next Line One, host Dr. Woodard will discuss a leading cause of school underachievement, attention deficit disorder, with Dr. Lyn Clark of Anchorage. Topics discussed will include causes of ADD/ADHD, symptoms, diagnosis, other problems often accompanying ADD/ADHD, and treatment options proven to be effective. KSKA: Monday, April 14, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Line One: Blood Bank of Alaska

Dr. Norman Means Host Dr. Woodard interviews Dr. Norman Means, medical director at the Blood Bank of Alaska. Means discusses the mission of his organization...

Line One: Mental Health Mosaics — Deepening conversations around suicide and mental health

Suicide has scarred families and communities across the state, but it is possible to heal. It’s also possible to talk about mental health in a way that prevents people from considering suicide in the first place.

Child abuse in Alaska, risk factors and consequences

Monday, August 14, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. On this edition of the Line One we discuss the data on child abuse and neglect in Alaska, including risk factors, consequences, and prevention. Included will be a discussion of the Adverse Childhood Experiences data on long term health consequences. LISTEN HERE

The impact of social media on our emotional, cultural and social health

Not all of what is available on the internet is bad, but learning to manage it and filter out the noise is a difficult task for adults and nearly impossible for teens. Prentiss Pemberton discusses the traps and pitfalls of social media and how we can consume it in a way that does not harm our health.  Thanks for listening!

Line One: Multiple Sclerosis

On this week's Line One, Dr. Thad Woodard will be talking about multiple sclerosis with Dr. Barbara Giesser. Their discussion will delve into an...

What newer neuroradiologic techniques tell us about traumatic brain injury and other disorders of the nervous system

Monday, March 13, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. With traumatic brain injury it can be difficult to assess how much the brain has been injured and to predict the outcome. New neuroradiologic techniques are helping to better understand traumatic brain injury and other disorders of the brain like Parkinson’s Disease, dementias, and multiple sclerosis. LISTEN NOW
A man in a camoflauge jacket and jeans walks through blue doors with notices about health warnings

LISTEN: Election Anxiety, Conflict, Social Division, And Reasons To Hope

Americans are experiencing more stress than ever from a combination of factors: the coronavirus, social unrest, and a contentious election season. What are strategies for diminishing and controlling anxiety we can use to help us manage uncertain times?

Line One: Colorectal cancer

In honor of National Minority Cancer Awareness Week (April 13-19th) Line One will explore colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer. An estimated 148,800...

Line One: Environmental Toxins and Your Health

On this week's Line One: Your Health Connection, Dr. Woodard hosts Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and Environment...

Line One: Breast Cancer & The Quiet War

This week on Line One: Your Health Connection, guests and callers will discuss breast cancer and The Quiet War, a film produced by the...

Placebos and placebo mechanisms

Monday, July 10, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. On this edition of the Line One we discuss placebos and the work of Dr. Fabrizio Benedetti and others, who are researching the mechanisms behind placebo effects. Our guest is Dr. Virginia Campbell, creator of the Brain Science Podcast. LISTEN HERE
Fraternity house

An inside look at college boys becoming men

In her newest book Fraternity, investigative journalist Alexandra Robbins takes a deep dive into the world of college fraternities and the challenges experienced by young men as they move from boyhood into manhood.

LISTEN: Can you really usher in the new year with a “new me?” Let’s dive into the science of change.

Is it true that “a leopard can’t change his spots?” Are we, as human beings capable of changing bad habits and altering unhealthy patterns of behavior? Are we just fooling ourselves when we set out to change things about ourselves that we do not like?
brain health

Line One: The psychology of cults

The idea of cults seems to both fascinate and scare us. Why do intelligent people often give up everything to blindly follow these leaders and their ideologies?

The Stone Soup Group

Monday June 20 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm Have you ever heard the Stone Soup fable about a hungry stranger who teaches a village the power of sharing and collaboration? Taking their inspiration, and name, from this story, the Stone Soup Group works to provided assistance and support to families of children with special needs.

Gratitude, Positive Thinking, and the Art of Change

We all know those people. People who insist that life is a bowl full of cherries and that it rains dandelion kisses. People who practice gratitude despite great suffering and who choose charity and humility over self gain or glorification. Those among us who make us feel better when we are around them, who inspire us to be kinder, gentler, and more humane. On the next Line One, we will be exploring the connection between gratitude and positive thinking, and our physical and emotional health with Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Beathe. CANCELLED