Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Teen voices: stories about mental health, stigma and hope

Despite the fact that almost 50% of the US population experience mental illness at some point in their lifetimes, mental health awareness and advocacy programs are often poorly funded.

Using NSAIDS safely and wisely

Over the counter pain and inflammation medicines such as ibuprofen are one of the leading causes of hospitalization for drug side effects. What do you need to know to use NSAIDs safely and wisely?
sleeping child

Sleep disorders in adults and children

Sleep disorders are a comment health concern and can affect many aspects of our overall health. Problems range from insomnia and snoring to severe sleep apnea.
thyroid gland

Thyroid hormone and disease

In humans, the thyroid gland has a significant effect on our metabolic rate. Thyroid dysfunction can produce many and sometime subtle symptoms.

Infant, child and adolescent wellness

Childhood is a time of significant developmental change. Along with this enormous growth, come some expected and unexpected challenges to a child’s health and wellness.
Fraternity house

An inside look at college boys becoming men

In her newest book Fraternity, investigative journalist Alexandra Robbins takes a deep dive into the world of college fraternities and the challenges experienced by young men as they move from boyhood into manhood.

Mental health literacy and first aid

Just as First Aid and CPR help teach people how to aid in a medical emergency, Mental Health First Aid teaches the skills needed to recognize and assist someone who is experiencing a mental health related crisis.

Living well and sparking a climate revolution

The word environment has become interchangeable with the word nature. That dualism contributes to the idea that humans are outside of nature, unbound by natural laws, or special among all species.

The impact of social media on our emotional, cultural and social health

Not all of what is available on the internet is bad, but learning to manage it and filter out the noise is a difficult task for adults and nearly impossible for teens. Prentiss Pemberton discusses the traps and pitfalls of social media and how we can consume it in a way that does not harm our health.  Thanks for listening!

Why we elect narcissists and sociopaths and how we can stop

Far from being a problem that exists in the past, there is a worldwide rise of authoritarian leaders who proclaim to be “heros” and promise a return to greater times and glory. Prentiss Pemberton is joined by a leading expert to discuss electing narcissists and sociopaths.  Thanks for listening!

Tuberculosis in Alaska

Alaska has led the nation in reported tuberculosis cases for decades, and at double the national rate. On the next Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton and guests discuss the health risks of tuberculosis and the importance of testing and treatment.  Thanks for listening!

After the fall: Craig’s reaction

On July 21st 2002, Expert Rock Climber Craig DeMartino, fell 100 feet and landed on his feet, sending a shock wave through his body, crushing vertebra, shattering his legs, damaging internal organs, and leaving him broken and fighting for life. But, there is more to the story. Thanks for listening!

Surgical interventions for obesity

The root causes of obesity are a complex combination of genetics, mental health problems, dietary habits, and a lack of physical activity. For people who struggle with weight loss a surgical approach may be the best option to help reduce and keep off the weight and improve quality of life. Thanks for listening!

Alaska teens’ perspective on mental health stigma and advocacy

The stigma of mental health is one of the biggest barriers to people seeking effective treatments for depression and other mood disorders. Mental health advocacy programs are often poorly funded compared to visible medical conditions like cancer and heart disease. Thanks for listening!

E-cigarettes and vaping

Electronic cigarettes have been touted by some as a valuable tool for smoking cessation while others have warned that vaping could cause serious health concerns, including nicotine addiction. What do we really know about vaping and Juuling? Thanks for listening!

Veterans’ health

13% of adults in Alaska have served in the military or other uniformed services, making Alaska the state with the highest proportion of residents who are veterans. What are the health needs of Alaska’s veterans?  What services are provided by the Veterans’ Administration? Thanks for listening!

Perinatal mental health

Nearly 1 in 7 women experience significant anxiety or depression during or after pregnancy, which can lead to distress for the entire family. “Perinatal Mental Health” is one of the most critical, complex, and misunderstood components of maternal care and is often not addressed until after childbirth. Thanks for listening!

The importance of having black doctors

When we talk about access in public health, we often times focus on patients and treatment. But what about diversity in the medical fields themselves? Why is it important to see someone who looks like you working in medicine? Thanks for listening!

Children’s dental health

Did you know that our teeth start to develop in the first weeks after conception? Dental health is key to your overall health and wellness. Thanks for listening!

The power of play

A growing body of evidence shows the health benefits of play.  In addition to the well-known cardiovascular benefits of physical activity, play during childhood may have positive effects on brain development. Thanks for listening!