Chapter 2: Black Life in the Gold Rush Era, read by Margo Bellamy
Readings from the book “Black History in the Last Frontier”, written by Ian C. Hartman and performed by himself and other local Anchorage residents. These recordings were made possible by the NAACP.
Chapter 3: World Wars and a Changing Alaska
Readings from the book “Black History in the Last Frontier”, written by Ian C. Hartman and performed by himself and other local Anchorage residents....
Chapter 4: Statehood and the Cold War
This page features the entire reading of Chapter 4: Statehood and the Cold War, performed by Cal Williams.
Chapter 5: Civil Rights Under the Northern Lights
Readings from the book “Black History in the Last Frontier”, written by Ian C. Hartman and performed by himself and other local Anchorage residents....
Conclusion: Black History in Alaska at Century’s End
Readings from the book “Black History in the Last Frontier”, written by Ian C. Hartman and performed by himself and other local Anchorage residents....