The Iditarod National Historic Trail

KSKA Tuesday, March. 6 2018, at 2:00 p.m. This show is all about the Iditarod National Historic Trail. This isn’t your average Iditarod dog mushing show though, this is also a celebration. 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the national trail system, which includes the Iditarod trail. The Iditarod Trail is the only winter trail in the National Trails System and the only Congressionally-designated National Historic Trail in Alaska. LISTEN HERE

Violence Against Women Act and Recent Developments Over Tradition

This week on Addressing Alaskans, UAA Atwood Chair of Journalism Mark Trahant speaks as part of a series titled "Women and Agents of Violence." KSKA: Tuesday, April 15, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Arabs & Muslims: What Alaskans Should Know

This week on Addressing Alaskans, award-winning Egyptian-American playwright Yussef El Guindi will discuss perceptions of Arabs and Muslims in the media as seen through the lens of an Arab-American. KSKA: Tuesday, 3/4 at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

The Middle East and the Trump administration

KSKA Tuesday, Dec. 5 2017, at 2:00 p.m. This week we’re hearing in-depth opinions on the Trump administration and its relationship with the middle east. Greg Roman, CEO of the Middle East Forum, discusses the U.S.’s current relationship with middle eastern countries and how decisions made now can have lasting effects for international relations going forward. LISTEN HERE

Addressing Alaskans: Polar Bears and Climate Change, The Future of an Arctic Icon

Eric Regehr gently nooses polar bear cub. Photo courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. As a polar bear biologist with U.S. Fish and Wildlife...

Addressing Alaskans: Living With Urban Wildlife – Can We Coexist?

Photo courtesy of Larry Lewis, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Most Alaskans agree they like seeing moose and even bears in their neighborhoods,...

Affordable Health Care Act in Plain English

Weeks before he presented oral arguments at the Supreme Court hearing on health care reform, author and filmmaker T.R. Reid visited to Alaska to help breakdown the 3000+ page Affordable Health Care Act. Reid explained the new rules for insurance providers, doctors and even fast food restaurants in his talk entitled "Affordable Health Care Act (Obama's Health Reform) in Plain English" recorded at UAA on March 22. KSKA: Thursday 4/4 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Celebrate Black History Month with the Alaska Black Caucus and more

This week on Addressing Alaskans we're celebrating Black History Month. This episode features an hour of speakers, profiles and stories, including a virtual event hosted by the Alaska Black Caucus.
People sit around a coffee table.

Alaska Children’s Trust Anchorage mayoral candidate forum | Addressing Alaskans

Learn about the candidates and hear how they would address city issues related to children and families.

Mr. BBQ – Steven Raichlen Shares Secrets of Salmon on the Grill

This week on Addressing Alaskans, we're bringing you a special production with BBQ demigod Steve Raichlen. He spent a few days with us in Anchorage this summer sharing his passion for cooking over an open flame. Raichlen sits down for a spicy chat with Alaska Public Media's Pat Yack while he was here. KSKA: Tuesday, August 26, at 2:00 and 9:00 p.m. Listen Now:

Addressing Alaskans: Fiftieth Anniversary of Alaska’s Federal Court

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, the Cook Inlet Historical Society hosted a panel...

Addressing Alaskans: City of Seward Update

City Manager, Phil Oates provides an update on the city of Seward,  one of Alaska's oldest and most scenic communities situated at the head...

Global LNG – A Shell View

A LNG pioneer, Shell will considerably increase production of Liquified Natural Gas in years to come. This week on Addressing Alaskans, Marta Jara from Shell Mexico discusses global markets for LNG, Shell's big picture priorities and the construction of a massive liquefied natural gas project in Australia that entails building the world's first floating LNG plant. KSKA: Thursday 1/12 at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Gubernatorial Candidates Debate Their Visions for Alaska

This week on Addressing Alaskans, Alaska gubernatorial candidates Byron Mallott, Bill Walker and current Governor Sean Parnell field questions in a forum discussing each candidate's vision for the future of Alaska. KSKA: Tuesday, May 6, at 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Listen now:

Addressing Alaskans: Latitude Attitude

Maurer's home in Naramata, BC has received numerous awards for architecture and sustainable design. Born in Germany, Florian Maurer has practiced architecture in White Horse,...

Addressing Alaskans: Terrorist Financing

After a 26 year career in the federal government intelligence and law enforcement communities, John Cassara is considered an expert in anti-money laundering and...
Melting the Ice Curtain, book cover

Incredible tales from Alaskans who helped end the Cold War

KSKA: Tuesday, February, 20 2018, at 2:00 p.m. We're bringing you a show about a time when Alaskans and Russians were reunited and found they shared a common heritage. We’re going to hear incredible tales from key players in melting the Alaska-Russia Ice Curtain in the mid-1980s discuss how Alaska helped end the Cold War, launching a 30-year era of productive commercial and personal relations across the Bering Strait.LISTEN HERE

Addressing Alaskans: Hear the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation’s 2022 three-year outlook

This week on Addressing Alaskans we'll hear how the Anchorage economy has been progressing and what issues lie ahead. Speakers include AEDC President and CEO Bill Popp, Mayor Dave Bronson and University of Alaska President Pat Pitney.

Intercultural Alaska: Celebrating diversity & connecting through stories

KSKA Tuesday, March 21 2017, at 2:00 p.m. This week we’re featuring a World Matters storytelling event titled “Intercultural Alaska: Celebrating Diversity & Connecting Through Stories.” Five storytellers share with us their stories of immigration, culture, heritage and integration. All of which help make Alaska such a diverse place to live. LISTEN NOW

Addressing Alaskans: Climate Change and the Impact on Human Health – An Alaska Perspective

Founder and Director of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center of Alaska, Dr. Jeff Demain considers Alaska's temperatures which are rising four times the...