Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Museum of the North Rolls Out A New Exhibit: DINOSAURS!

The University of Alaska Museum of the North opens a new exhibit Saturday. “Expedition Alaska: Dinosaurs” gives visitors the opportunity to experience paleontologists quest and what they’re finding in an underexplored region. Download Audio:

Senate Passes Stimulus Spending Bill

The economic stimulus bill is one step closer to the governor’s desk. The Senate passed the four hundred fifty million dollar spending bill today...
a bulldozer pushes rocks on a roadway

Flash flooding closes stretch of Richardson Highway

It’s likely the 17-mile stretch of highway will remain closed through the weekend, says the state transportation department.

Murkowski missed – didn’t duck – abortion vote, staffer says

Sen. Lisa Murkowski was absent today for a procedural vote on banning abortion after the 20th week. As her spokeswoman explains it, Murkowski did not intentionally duck the abortion vote, but missed it due to "prior travel commitments."
Baby birds sit in a pile under a heat lamp

Alaska’s first case of highly contagious bird flu strain confirmed in Mat-Su chickens

State Veterinarian Dr. Robert Gerlach says the Mat-Su case confirms that migrating birds have brought avian influenza to Alaska.

Sullivan knocks Trump tariff as bad for Alaska

Sen. Dan Sullivan says a steel import tax and a trade war could hurt Alaska's fish exports and energy projects. Listen now

‘This is a nightmare now’: Iditarod musher recounts helicopter rescue from flooded trail

What Matthew Failor did not know when he left White Mountain with two other mushers was the relentless wind was pushing ocean water onto the trail ahead.
A woman in an apron smiles at a young man in an apron.

Alaskan dog treat bakery gives a head start for youth with learning disabilities | INDIE ALASKA

Daisy Nicolas first discovered her knack for baking dog treats while caring for her beloved aging dog, Dallas. Now pet treats are her full-time job as owner of Drool Central: A Mum and Pup Barkery in Anchorage, Alaska. When Daisy realized the demands of the business were too much for her, she developed a working partnership with the Anchorage School District to employ young adults with learning and developmental disabilities.
Anchorage School District Superintendent Deena Bishop at Huffman Elementary School on Monday, Nov. 2, 2020.

Anchorage School District, University of Alaska recommend masking for school year

The superintendent will present the recommendation to the school board and the board will vote on whether to implement the policy.

Alaska Supreme Court asked to rule on Troopergate investigation

The Alaska Supreme Court has been asked to step into the "Troopergate" investigation.  Late Yesterday state court judge Peter Mihalsky denied a motion to...

U.S. Marshalls to Combat Crime in Western Alaska

Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel The U.S. Marshall’s office has stepped forward to help Western Alaska combat crime that keeps local officers too...

What happens when an oil producer moves into the neighborhood?

Public information about oil and gas exploration on private land comes with a lot of what ifs. Oil and gas wells themselves are permitted internally at the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, and the location of wells is only made public after they are approved.
an aerial image of a storm

Western Alaska residents urged to brace for what could be one of the worst storms in recent history

“In 10 years, people will be referring to the September 2022 storm as a benchmark storm," said a climate specialist.
A person in a yellow suit marked LCCC prisoner as seen from behind

The number of Alaskans released on discretionary parole fell sharply in 2020

Critics say that it's a problem, since it is denying people a chance to lead productive lives outside of prison, and is contributing to prison overcrowding.

Ask a Climatologist: Utqiagvik ends above normal temperature streak

Residents of Utqiagvik have experienced above normal temperatures for the last 17 months. But a cooler-than-normal June will end that streak.

Massive Typhoon Bears Down on Aleutian Islands

An Alaska-sized storm could bring high winds and destructive waves to the Aleutian and Pribilof islands this weekend. Download Audio

Cook Inlet gas leak sparks debate over Hilcorp’s Arctic drilling plans

Last week, Hilcorp was finally able to fix a fuel line in Cook Inlet that regulators say started leaking gas in December. But the oil and gas company and its allies are still struggling to contain another issue: environmental groups, which argue that Hilcorp’s problems in Cook Inlet disqualify the company from drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Listen now

Dillingham and schools around Alaska roll out new PEAKS test

The Dillingham City School District started its annual statewide assessment in English language arts, math and science today. The testing window for schools around the state opened Monday and runs through April 28. This year schools are using PEAKS (Performance Evaluation for Alaska’s Schools). Listen now
a traveler

Facial recognition remains unregulated in Alaska, even as it grows in use

Alaska Airlines has announced plans to use the technology at Anchorage and in other hub cities as soon as summer 2024.
burning fire

Are you an Alaskan impacted by the Maui wildfires? We want to hear from you.

Alaska Public Media is looking to speak with Alaskans with ties to Hawaii for our coverage on the widespread impacts of the devastating fires.